Thorens Motor

I have a Thorens TD 160, bent shaft when purchased... tried unsuccessfully to straighten it.   Anyone have one for sale or point me in the right direction.   Trying to attach an image here but new to the forum.


Thank you oldhvymec... can you message me with a price for motor and preferred method of payment.

Well we used AG so I need to pay them. This will be the first time, me selling something on AG. Normally I buy. Let's just ask.

HAY AG staff it's not to difficult to set up an account for a sale is it?


We'll get you fixed up OP 

I'd say 125.00 if I pay AG plus shipping and insurance if you need it. I like a check. AG will probably want a credit card.. I'm sure they don't care they are getting paid.

I quit selling sabertooth tigers, I ran out of stock. Hard to find too.

I went with white whales, that and Thoren TD160 motors they are easier to find.. LOL

What are the cost for selling on AG fellas? No Adds just a transaction? Anyone know?

Thanks AG


Hello oldhvymec, have you heard from anyone on this?  Happy to pay by whatever the most practical means is.