Thinking about buying Zu Definitions, need advice

I am interested in the Zu Definitions and have a few questions about them. To give you some context my current setup is Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1 speakers, Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mono Blocks, and my source is the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC which streams FLAC files from my music server.

Unfortunately there isn't a dealer near me so I haven't been able to listen to the Zu's.

My first question is regarding my room size. It isnt an extremely big room.
Length: 16.5ft
Distance from speaker to center sitting point: 11.5ft
Distance between speakers: 6.5ft
Wall on left hand side ~2ft from speaker
Right hand side is open for ~10 more feet
Speakers are ~1.5 feet from the back wall.

Hopefully this gives you an idea of the room. Do you think this would be big enough for the Definitions?

Secondly, what amps should I look into that would pair well with the Definitions? Any thoughts on the Tom Evans Linear A?
I suggest that you try the speakers in your room, they behave unlike most audiophile (bass-reflex) speakers.
The Definition sub-woofers are loaded by an acoustic suspension enclosure and the sub-woofer amplifier level is fully adjustable.
Also, bass above 60Hz is handled by a highly damped infinite-baffle enclosure.
Acoustic suspension and infinite baffle enclosures tend to deliver tight, well-controlled bass with very little overhang.
The speakers were designed to be adjustable in the bass. If you spend the time to properly position the speakers and adjust sub-woofer levels, I doubt there will be any issues regarding bass quantity.
Its great ot get other opinions but as others have said call Zu, share the info you have posted and see what they have to say, they won't try to push you into anything. Better yet check the tour area on their web site and see if there is a house party coming to your area. I just attended one. It can be very helpful, listening in a real home environment and talking to Ron and Sean, very informative. Ron even drove to my home the next morning and helped me dial in my year old Presence. Customer service at its best!
Thanks for all the helpful advice. I will definitely call Zu and see what they have to say.

Does anyone have input as to what amps pair well with the Definitions / if the Tom Evans Linear A is a good match?
Cary 2A3 sounded very good with the Defs and Essence. Amazing the volume you can get with so few watts.