Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



Judging by the size of 3.6 speaker, it appears to fit better in a 14x14, 15x15 room for best results. Model CS6 or CS 7.2 would perform better in a 25x18 room. A larger footprint requires a larger space to stretch out.


Happy Listening!

Thank you although I cannot properly set them up in the bedroom I just wanted them to at least sound much better. I will wait for a pair of cs7 to pop up nearby. I know someone with a pair of cs7 but they’re in at louis and renting trucks is expensive rn.

Thoft I upgraded from 3.6 to cs 7 a few years ago I’m in the Chicagoland area they fit in my minivan.fwiw  I previously had a Bryston 4nrb for the 3.6s which was fine (but underpowered for the cs 7) so I upgraded to  a krell fpb 600 which was a major upgrade. I also just added a ayre cx7emp cd player (which I love)  In my opinion the cs 7 is better in every way than the 3.6 ( which I was the original owner for 25 yrs) but demands higher quality components but also rewards you when doing so. My room is 14x35 with 8 foot ceiling sloped up to 14 feet. Just my 2 cents.  David 


Thiel's are not know to be shy in the bass department. If you are limited to the larger room you will need up the Thiel line to the bigger brothers. 

With them you will need to invest in amps worthy of the load they will carry to drive those speakers and give you the bottom end you are looking for.