Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Thanks! for the update- oblgny

as you correspond w/ Pass Labs and Thiel, keep me posted on the developments in your system. We are all pulling for you.

Happy Listening!
Good Friday Dave-

agreed, the last 8 years has been a painful reminder of gov incompetence.

Hope you are well, UPS will get your goods to you - I know it!

Happy Listening!
Nice banter- Guys!

good to see everyone sharing info and experiences regarding their fave Thiel loudspeaker models.

oblgny- Thanks! for the updates. Yes, your business does have a fast run as we round out 2016. Wine and Spirits are very popular this time of Season. I would certainly keep those eq- maybe another fan can use them.
is having fun with his newest addition to own system. I can hardly await reading about the Modwright spinner!  Happy Listening!
as helpful advice from you, our audiophile friend. Hope you are gearing up for Thanksgiving.  What a wonderful time of year to enjoy your system!

very insightful advice regarding wether or not to use an eq. Also,
solid state vs tubes and the veiling of your own "sound", in your own listening space. We all have to try to figure out the factors that work.

All listening spaces are different, all of our hearing / taste is different as well.
Keep striving for the absolute sound- this is my personal quest.
My only and foundational gear at this juncture is the Thiel CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. The electronics will be built around my speakers.
A simple 2-channel , yet, Reference system is all that I need.

Not sure about needing a subwoofer at this time?
Happy Listening!
I would like an opportunity to demo the Pass Labs , Conrad Johnson and B.A.T. integrated amps for openers.  AudioNet, Accuphase and Audio Note
also makes the list.  Especially interested in SR, Jorma, EnKlein, Elrod and Kubala Sousna cabling.

Hope this helps you- oblgny.
Right On! oblgny

ex-Pass Labs guys do run and operate Coda. Is there a dealer/retailer near you? I am planning a trip to NYC in 2017 and would be grateful for Audio shops around the 5 boroughs and associated NJ.

Happy Listening!
Noted tubed pre-amps that I really enjoyed;
ARC Ref5 SE, CJ ET-3 SE and Aesthetix Calypso Signature.

Happy Listening!


I am all ears (no pun), which brand(s) & model(s) are you suggesting?

Happy Listening!

Happy Black Friday-

hope everyone's Thanksgiving was filled w/ Family and Music.
I know the things in which I am grateful.
Well, Pass Labs, Krell, Mark Levinson and Conrad Johnson (solid state) make my list.
What else-unsound? Integrated is an option?

My room is a living space;
16w x 12d x 12-14h.  A tubed pre-amp could be an option?
Medium to high volume for certain music/recordings. Balanced/unbalanced
does not matter so long as I dig the gear. I listen to Jazz, Rock, Pop and Classical, all to appropriate scale.
No budget.
2 channel system comprising of CD/SACD player, pre-amp and power amp.  I may go the integrated amp route if i find one to my liking.
Cabling will be top of the line in a synergistic way w/ the gear.

Smiling for now- nkonor.  Of course i will support a B&M dealer.
I still have a few to visit starting in the new year.
I love a good Irish Jig, oblgny.

As always, good to see you again.  Patience is a virtue, IMO.

Happy Listening!
Praise for our gear, speakers and all dealers/retailers, is welcomed- gentle men.  I have zero local representation in my locale, so, I travel to visit dealers/retailers.  I am a businessman myself, nothing short of respect for our B&M audio operations nation-wide. And yes, unfortunately, the proverbial list is getting shorter.  During the 2000's I worked very closely w/ Jay Valentino of Audio Resource in the New Orleans area.  He was outstanding- offered in-home demo of gear, generous trade-up program and turned me on to Transparent cabling!  Sadly, he is no longer in operation. This has left a void in many ways.
In the final analysis, my passion lies within the quest and journey for the gear. I love the thrill of auditioning gear in person. There is zero value, for me, conducting a business transaction w/ dealers/retailers, via phone nor internet w/o an audition.
Thank You-
oblgny, unsound, jond and nkonor, for your dealer/retailer shout-outs!

I have never paid a trip to Chicago. It, too, is on my must-visit list. Spring/Summer only :)

Good to learn that our major U.S. cities are continuing to represent the B&M Audio operations.  I know about Decibel Audio (FWIW). I have read about Qunitessence and Essential Audio, never a poor word.

I have found a Krell dealer in SE Florida, much closer than the NE or Mid-West.  Hope to make that trip as well in 2017.
A (prospective) gentleman contacted me over the weekend from a different forum-Audio Asylum. He reported that in his system Rogue Audio M-180 mono blocks are mated w/ CS 2.7 loudspeakers.  He uses a Rogue Audio pre-amp as well, Sony 5400ES and VPI TT. A hodge-podge of Cabling rounds out his rig. Mostly into Vinyl is his preference. I did extend a cordial invitation to join us here! Hope we gain a new contributor.

The Gryphon gear, as jond and unsound, suggests is really exciting for sure.  It is hard to justify buying into a brand that does not have USA representation. The same fares well for Cabling, as much as , I am a proponent for it. Really some fantastic brands in the EU/Germany currently.

As we prepare for a new year, I remark, new possibilities regarding these companies obtaining U.S. distribution.
Thank You- unsound for your steadfast position on the sub 3-Ohm
subject.  I do not know the listening habits nor levels of the owner in that particular system?

I did inquire about any problem/issue(s) that he experienced w/ the overall
synergy of the gear.  The gentleman in question is more Vinyl that digital,
if this makes a difference?
Never any need to apologize- unsound.
There is nothing wrong w/ being practical (dogmatic) about our wonderful hobby. It is quite easy to get lost within the manufacturers' hype, as these companies, attempt to sell their wares to the general public.

I started this thread for ALL of us. The good and bad, positive and negative,
difference of opinions.  No doubt that I am looking for a power amp that can double-down into the 2-Ohm region.  Pass Labs and Krell will fit that bill.

Am I missing any other power amp manufacturers?
Ayre? Classe' ?

Excellent counter- Dave,

I agree that a hodge/podge of gear, cabling and tweaks can work in any system.  Careful product selection, time and patience will pay off, no doubt.

This would be the proverbial" flip-side" of the more practical coin.
Fun too!
I see -unsound.
The Krell Vanguard receives very high marks, it is a strong consideration.
Specifically, which Krell models should be on my list?

Happy Listening!