Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


excellent point about boxes & packing.  I must confess that I did not bring home (Texas to Alabama) the boxes for my 2.4SE speakers.
I simply, did not have the room and did want wish to make that wonderful trek w/ the speakers in the bed of my truck.

Turns out the weather was perfect, no rain, that whole trip. Who knew?
This is the 1 st time I have ever turned down the boxes.
I did bring home the packing, manual and even the plastic bags/wrapping are #'d for this limited edition speaker.  Top quality folks!

Happy Listening!
I think we all feel this way- catalysis

You all that champion these older, legacy, speakers feel the same way I do about Jim Thiel's last models the "CS" series.  Happy Listening!

are you having any problem/issues w/ your CS 2.7 speakers?
Or, are you stocking up on spare drivers? Smart.

Happy Listening!

back to my old friend here- I know you and the Pass Labs will interlude again very soon.  Go ahead and grab the amp before the value and prices continue to increase! PL is the best solid state in 2016.

Back to Ginger Baker- I saw the documentary and felt it was wonderful.
Besides "cabling" I read -an avid reader on Biographies/Autobiographies
on musicians and/or bands. The Beatles lead the way. Followed by The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Grateful many others....

While most of these people are/were straight-up entertainers,
others, like Keith Moon, John Bonham, Bon Scott and Mr. Baker, of course,
have "demons" that make them tick. For better or worse (the ones who died way too early) those demons takes them to unhealthy places and dispositions.

The good news: we will always have their musical  contributions!
Happy Listening!


are you running any all-Spectral gear system? What cabling (most important)?

I must admit that the Spectral 4000 cd player/processor is on my must demo list.  Happy Listening!
Thanks! again -nkonor.

I want to hang out with you, my friend!  Luckily, Manley and Pass Labs are sonic matches for Thiel loudspeakers.  Additionally, I have read about owners using M.I.T. cabling to boot. A win-win-win- all around.

Happy Listening!
Good Day oblgny-

great to read! I can hardly await to read about your thoughts/impressions
on matching the B.A.T. w/ a Pass Labs power amp!
I do not think that I have read where an owner used both brands together.
Interesting times indeed.

The main attraction will be the B.A.T. and your Transparent cabling.
You may be the 1st to use such a combo. Hopefully ,synergy, will show up and blow you away!



Welcome! Good to see you today. The CS 3.7 is a wonderful loudspeaker. Both Luxman and Yamaha are Sonic matches. I believe that each amp doubles down from 8 to 4 Ohms.  This is a strong indicator for performance.  Keep me posted on your decision. I look forward in reading more about your a musical tastes and system plans.


Happy Listening!

A 3.5 Bass equalizer is up for grabs over on eBay. $100


Happy Listening!


Thank You for taking time to adress SmartSub SS1 and SS2.
Hope you and your local repair shop are able to figure out Jim's design and crack his cryptic code.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you- richardp01

also, good to read your update- glad you found the driver that you were seeking.  Keep me posted on further developments.

Happy Listening!
Good thread- Dave.
Thanks! for sharing. I was not impressed w/ Aerial either after reading so many positive reviews. I wanted to like them do not get me wrong.
Good to read- oblgny

I know that you are truly happy now being re-united w/ the Pass Labs.
Keep me posted as you massage this amp back into your rig.

No question that isolation can play a role in one's system based upon high volume during listening sessions or listening space reflections- Dave.  Keep up the research and report your findings for the rest of us.

Happy Listening!

Hopefully you fine Gents are engaged w/ the current election.

As we watch the tallys come in, many of you guys have asked about my timeline on finishing my reference system.  My goal is to complete in 2017.

Go Trump!


most important of all, is that , we have Rob at Thiel in Kentucky to take care of us older crowd and our legacy speakers. Cheers to Rob!
Let's continue to keep him gainfully employed!
Happy Listening!
Good to see you again- Donzi

I can see how a Bryston power amp is a sonic match for Thiel speakers.
After all, these babies crave high current and Bryston can certainly deliver it! 

Tom Evans is heavily favored by many Audiophiles, so it must be an excellent product, I would like a demo myself.

Last, but certainly not in the least is Cabling;
my 1st love in our wonderful hobby- try listening to any rig w/o them!
No, there is zero doubt in my mind that Cabling makes a positive difference!
Odd, funny, thing is that w/ careful selection, anyone can budget their system. My best advice is to get out to the dealers/retailers and listen, listen listen to the various brands.  In this particular thread, there exists a wealth of info by your subscribers.  Thankfully, we all have various spin(s) on the cables/cords in our systems that make life worth living.
Equally important, we do not own identical gear- no fun in that-
Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! for the kind gesture- oblgny

You are absolutely correct by stating that I am the biggest proponent for Cabling!  20 years ago I discovered that aftermarket cabling does make a difference and I was not an Audiophile in those days.

I only provide you guys w/ the brands that I have spent some time (usually 3 months) in various systems at various dealers/retailers over the last 5 years during my business travels.  During these travels, I would visit said shops weekly and listen to the gear for as many hours as necessary.
Luckily, I never had a bad experience. And I can site the dealers/retailers that provided a reference to me.  My permanent locale does not afford me w/ dealers/retailers.  Cities like Atlanta, New Orleans and Nashville are the closest proximity.
Excellent exchange of ideas, intel and thoughts about our beloved speakers- unsound and Dave.  I look forward in your continued contributions. Happy Listening!
Dave and oblgny-

hope you guys are enjoying your newest additions.
Keep me posted as you massage the gear into your systems.

Happy Listening!

I feel the same way -Donzi

Until I get the rest of my reference system together, namely the gear and cabling, all I do is sit , look at my Thiel speakers and smile, smile, smile!

Extra smiling due to the fact that I might own the last pair of CS 2.4SE

manufactured!  Happy Listening!

Good to see you- catalysis

Right On! sitting inside the triangle can provide a glimpse into the Thiel sound. On axis or toed-in, your individual room will play an important factor as to the how(s) / why(s) we choose one over the other.

Keep us posted on your continued placement research.

Happy Listening!

All excellent suggestions. I will take you guys under advisement.
I sure hope this thread continues not only in 2017, but many, many years to come.

Happy Listening!


did you own any prior Pass Labs power amp(s) ?

How did you arrive onto the X-150.5 ?

There is one here for $2500. I am pondering about the .5 vs .8

series power amps.  Happy Listening!

As always, very helpful- oblgny.
I will probably seek out an opportunity to demo the Pass Labs amp, prior, to any purchase. Specifically, I want to demo the .5 and .8 amps to discern a difference (if any exists).

Keep me posted as you massage your PL into the rig.
Happy Listening!

as we prepare for another Veteran's Day- I say Thank You! for your service and keeping our Liberty. Now, more than ever.

USAF Veteran

the main factor I want to experience regarding PL amps, I want to demo the integrated model(s) for a comparison against the separate pre-amp/power amp combo.
A solid state power amps is better on electric guitar/electric Bass guitar-driven music.  Otherwise, a tubed power amp from CJ would work out well.

Happy Listening!
I concur oblgny-

WWI and WWII Veterans are the real heroes. Thank those guys for their service in protecting our Liberty.

are you hearing any difference(s) between the unbalanced/balanced
connections w/ the B.A.T. and PL amp?

Happy Listening!
Nice over-view unsound.

we all hear differently. Sure, most tubed power amps do not double down, for this remedy, a SS power amp and tubed pre-amp will work out nicely.

Until I hear a better model, the ARC Ref5 SE is the best tubed pre-amp in the marketplace currently. Pass Labs is the best SS power amp at this juncture. Happy Listening!
Good to see you- vegasears

which amps have you used over the years?

Happy Listening!
Very nice power amp rundown- vegasears

I have read several times about VTL being a sonic match for Thiel speakers. This company is on my must demo list- can you suggest a VTL or VAC dealer/retailer?

Happy Listening!
Many Thanks! unsound for your contributions to this thread.
Keep the suggestions a'coming.  Happy Listening!