Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant



Nice catch! I hope those CS 2.7 speakers find the next good home.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the CS2.7 and Outriggers confirmation. During my auditions, my ears could not discern a difference with/without Outriggers on the CS 2.7 and CS 3.7 Models.  Still, it is pretty cool to own.


Happy Listening!



Right On! both accounts. Enjoy the Holiday season.


Happy Listening!



Nice catch! I hope those CS6 speakers find the next good home.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for posting about Soundcity. I knew that I was missing One company.

Sound Anchor, Soundcity and Thiel Audio make (3).


Happy Listening!



Always good to see you here. Yes! Sound Anchor fits 3.6 and CS 2.4 models nicely.

I am uncertain about other Thiel speakers? I hope that you are well and still building those wonderful wood Racks/Stands.


Happy Listening!



Very insightful of you to offer this service. No doubt that there will be customers for an Isolation base and Outriggers. It is important to preserve the Thiel legacy.


Happy Listening!



Nice catch! I hope that the Speakers find the next good home.

The 1st pair of CS 2.4 that I auditioned had Walnut finish.


Happy Listening!



Thank you for the follow up. Should make for a nice trip either way. I certainly would not ship these Speakers. The Bay is pretty this time of year.


Happy Listening!



Very nice System! Thank You for citing your Cabling system as well. Interesting move from M.I.T. to Morrow.  Good to read that it was a worthy upgrade.


Happy Listening!



Nice catch! I hope those CS 3.6 speakers find the next good Home.


Happy Listening!


Consult Mr. Rob Gillum at CSS for possible upgraded woofers that replace original Thiel SmartSub SS2.


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you here from Thailand. Nice System.

Take the time to read through this thread. You will find a few 7.2 fans/owners on the Panel. I look forward in learning more about your Musical tastes.

Greetings from the U.S.A.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you as always. Thank You for commenting on those CS 2.4 speakers.

I hope that you are well and enjoying Family this weekend.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for chiming in on the 7.2 loudspeakers. No doubt that you are a Thiel expert, owning so many Models. Enjoy this Holiday weekend.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up. I started out as a Music Lover as well. Then graduated to Audiophile or the best playback system for the music. Good to see another Audia Flight fan/owner. I have always wanted to demo their gear. Goldmund too!


Happy Listening!



for those interested in Straight Wire cables/cords, there is a nice write up over on

Positive  In the article/review, there is a "click Here" that will link the reader to Straight Wire website. At the website there is a section to enter your Stereo/ H/T gear for a system evaluation. Very cool feature.  I know that we have a few fans/owners of this brand on The Panel.


Happy Listening!



Nice catch! A great Christmas gift indeed.


Happy Listening!



Your ears do not deceive. The DAW speaker starts to compete with modern Thiel Audio loudspeakers. To my ears, Wilson Audio model Alexx V($135K)  will crush any Thiel speaker at a substantial price-point. This is a Testament from Jim's vision.


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you again. Nice upgrade path CS 2.3 to CS 3.7 loudspeakers. What other gear is in your System?


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you here today. Stay tuned until one of the Panel members chimes in to address your query. We have a few fans/owners of the CS 1.5 speaker. I look forward in reading more about your Musical tastes and system.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for chiming in to address gryphon1972 's 1.5 speaker query.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for addressing the CS 1.5 speakers for gryphon1972.

PM sent.


Happy Listening!


as we embark on 2023, update your Virtual Systems page. This is beneficial and helpful for the members on The Panel.


Happy Listening!



That is a seriously good wiring infrastructure.

I know that you endorse Pass Labs power amps.

What other gear will round out the Front End?


Happy Listening!



Which brand of Cabling will round out the System?


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up. I am looking forward in reading more about the gear surrounding those 7.2 speakers. At your level, Cabling is paramount.


Agreed, One will spend a significant amount of Money to better a Thiel Audio loudspeaker.


Happy Listening!

Today marks this thread's 8th Anniversary here on AudiogoN. Since inception, we are acquiring and attracting new Contributors and Members of the Panel. Most of you guys enjoy Jim's earlier or vintage models as well. A model for every Audiophile!
It was another banner year in 2023 as membership continues to grow. 
As for this New Year, I would like to attract more Industry insiders.
I know that you guys are reading this thread. Feel free to drop by and say Hello. Same goes for Dealers/Retailers. 
Thank You! to The Panel for continuing to "make it happen" in 2024. 


Happy Listening! 



Thank you for addressing Jon's query. I hope that you are well as we start 2023.


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you here from abroad. The CS 3.7 is a very fine loudspeaker that could work quite well in your particular room.

I look forward in reading more about Musical tastes and System.


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you here today. I look forward in reading more about Musical tastes and System.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you here. Stay tuned until one of the 3.6 experts chimes in to address your query.


Happy Listening!



Today marks this thread's 7th Anniversary here on AudiogoN. Since inception, we are acquiring and attracting new contributors and members of the Panel. Most of you guys enjoy Jim's earlier or vintage models.
It was another banner year in 2022. Hopefully, we did not lose anyone to the virus? Stay Safe, especially, those of you in the larger cities.
As for this New Year, I would like to attract more Industry insiders.
I know that you guys are reading this thread. Feel free to drop by and say Hello. Same goes for Dealers/Retailers. With only Cabling left, this year, I will complete my system. My Audio journey took a little longer than anticipated. Would I change course or direction? No.
Thank You! to The Panel for continuing to "make it happen". Membership continues to grow each year as more Audiophiles are finding Thiel Audio speakers.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you here today. I do not know a way to Index these pages/posts?

That would be a nice feature in these Forums.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you here. Yes! any given page will contain valuable information. Feel free to post a query and one of the Experts will chime in with an answer. Strong Teamwork here.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you as always. I commented on your Virtual Systems pages.

Update me on any Gear changes.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you again. Stay tuned until one of the Panel experts chimes in to address your query.  CS6 or 7.2, you cannot go wrong.


Happy Listening!



Excellent update! Good to see you back here.

Agreed, a little Housekeeping is the order of the day.



Happy Listening!