Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


the shop near Katy started w/ "Sound" I know it was a hallmark in Houston for many years.

There is a very fine operation in Austin- Ne Plus Ultra. Additionally, there is more of a vintage shop that shares one of the Record Stores in Austin.

The (3) operations in Dallas- Audio Concepts, John Fort Audio and Krystal A/V have been there for many, many years as well.
TY- oblgny for the update!

I look forward to your next acquisition in gear.  If you back to Pass Labs,
will you own both PL pre-amp & power amp? Or, will you mate it up w/ your B.A.T. pre-amp?
Much Thanks! Dave-

like any other person here in this thread, I value all insights and expressed opinions.  You have owned some very fine cables my friend.

I,too, was impressed w/ Straight Wire- I auditioned it along w/ Rogue Audio gear, Rega spinner and Sonus Faber loudspeakers. Very fine sound and synergy. This occurred 4 years ago, the SW cabling was lower tier (the salon owner does not believe in higher priced cables/cords) red jackets, in color. I wish I knew the models?

Transparent TOTL cabling is the mighty OPUS. Now, I have had the pure listening pleasure of these IC & SP , power cords in a ARC, Bryston, Wison Audio Speakers system- it did not disappoint.  Additionally, I heard the Transparent Reference XL in an all Ayre /Wilson Audio system- it did not disappoint either.  Many of the M.I.T. experts here on the 'Gon will tell us that these cables/cords are very close to Transparent in nature.

I read alot and there is quite the movement coming out of EU- Skogrand,
Sablon' Tellurium and Jorma- just to mention a few of my must-demo list.

Too many cables/cords- too little time...
Good to read -oblgny.

I am ready for your to get back into Pass Labs. Once I make up my mind on the whole, solid-state vs tubed gear debate, I can easily provide a home for Pass Labs.

I must say, the last (2) years have been very strong for Pass Labs and Thiel
speaker combo. I am excited for the synergy.  Keep me posted.
Thanks! for sharing- Dave.

it is my only objective to have all o f you guys exchanging/interpreting
all things Audiophile.  If we all liked and owned the exact same gear, then,
complacent attitudes prevails.  I never settle for complacent in anything!

As for my reference system, it all builds around my Thiel speakers.
Once completed, in full, I will post pics in Virtual Systems for everyone to evaluate.

I love guys who "mod" gear. I can remember back in the 2000's, there were many, many guys that modded cd/sacd players. Sadly, only a very few are left in this field.  Modding cable/cords is sweet indeed. Do not forget the shout-out(s) of said modders. These guys have a gift, craftsmen, as well.

There is much discussion this year about aftermarket fuses really taking off and coming into their own (regarding our wonderful hobby).  SR gets many accolades. Keep me posted on this aspect of your system.

Nice to see you Dave-

Yes! these are very fine CDs and SACDs.  I love collecting these "test" or "demo" discs. Stockfisch, FIM, DMP, Linn, Naim...etc., all have something special to offer the listener.

I want those (3) Accuphase SACD titles from Japan, so far, I have not found an USA seller.

Are you listening to the selections on your Ayre or Sony ES?

TY- Dave,

as we both know, careful gear selection and proper cabling, can yield a spooky/realistic system.  IME, this is what our wonderful hobby is all about.

My 1st taste of the prowess of Thiel loudspeakers was in a very simple, cheap in price, 2-channel set-up. NAD 565BEE cd player, an older Creek integrated (4 or 5 series) and Audioquest cabling throughout.
Luckily I had on -hand very familiar music to demo this set.
I was hooked after 1 or 2 songs. Such richness in the music unlike I had never experienced. Even though the Creek was light weight on both power and current, I can only imagine if that company built an amp close to Pass Labs (higher power + higher current).  I can easily live w/ this particular system. It was that synergistic.

I hate the fact that newer NAD and so many other Audio companies choose to source china in the manufacturing.  I do not subscribe nor buy gear (knowingly) made in china.
Right On! Dave-

I would never support Iran, Russia nor China due to the current issues that threaten America. Most are just to damn dumb,worse, do  not care?

Now, back on the Audio tip;
stringreen- Oblgny is using a Primare amp right now to good effect.
Back to Class -D

I have not heard the newest Primare amp like the one oblgny uses?
I have heard an older Primare and it did sound pretty good in an all Primare system w/ Vienna Acoustics loudspeakers. That was way back in 2006 for reference. 
hang in there oblgny. You have to admit that this a fun hobby.
You are a CJ fan like me- I want to demo their new integrated-CA150/ 150SE.  My reference is the 350SS Premiere power amp.
TY- richardp01.

hope Thiel is able to assist you. IMO, no price of service/repair may be placed onto a fine set of speakers. The key is to ask yourself "do I want to continue w/ this model or try a different loudspeaker?"

Happy Listening!
T hank You! Gentlemen, for keep this thread alive and well!
I have learned so much from each and everyone of you. May the good times, discussions continue.
Excellent discussion and exchanges of info guys! Way to go.
Always an informative read from the experts. it appears that Thiel does still offer parts/service for the older models via Rob in Kentucky as above.

Keep us posted -Richardp01.
Another informative discussion- Dave, Unsound and Richardp01.

You guys are in for a treat, as the CS 2.4, 2.4SE and 2.7- are all outstanding loudspeakers.  Certainly a step up and more refined over the 20-30 year older speakers via Thiel.  I would say that if you guys are into a more "vinatge" approach with your systems, then, seek out an audition on these newer, modern models prior to any purchase.

Happy Listening!

Keep us posted as you deal w/ Rob at Thiel legacy products in Kentucky.
I respect your point-of-view Dave.
when did Thiel stop using the Vifa metal tweeter in hid designs?
The Vifa is a very fine driver indeed. It is used in many higher-end designs, along with, Scanspeak.  Happy Listening!
The day I made my ultimate buying descision on the 2.4SE was the same day I had the unique opportunity to audition the CS 2.4, 2.4SE and CS 3.7, same dealer/retailer, same room and same gear. All we (myself & the owner) did was simply swap out the speakers at will for an A,B,C shoot-out.

The CS 2.4SE is actually on-par w/ the CS 3.7 even w/ those newer designed drivers.  The "special" edition of the 2.4 loudspeaker is a little sweeter from top to bottom in my listening test.  My room will not accommodate the CS 3.7 , as this beast, is too large and demands an even larger space to sound its best.  The CS 2.7 is simply a smaller version of the 3.7-no worries there.  Fellow 'Goner dgarrettson actually represents the manufacturer of the cross-over components (see his posts/replies here in my thread) is familar w/ these specific components and adds that better options are avail now.
My pleasure- Dave.
hopefully all of the other contributors will join in our conversation here to offer additional points of view.  I welcome all to participate.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you- oblgny

Agreed- any repair is only worth keeping the product for the long haul.
It is never a bad idea to have an extra speaker or pair on-hand regarding the older models.  Enjoy the Music.
Additionally, the Velodyne DD series is an excellent subwoofer. IMO, it is in the same class as REL and Sunfire.  The DD does not integrate as well as the REL (the best) but it can be accomplished.  Happy Listening!
Not a bad price at all -richardp01.
I say, let's continue to support Rob and keep him gainfully employed.

I like SF speakers as well. Both 'The Toy' and 'Liuto' are very fine speakers indeed. Both are floor standers and match well w/ tubed/ss gear.

Continue to keep us posted. Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- catalysis

most of the experts here are into the older/vintage loudspeakers. Nothing wrong with this as we all like different flavors of JT's designs.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you- michaeljbrown

funny thing about Audio Concepts in Houston- no one appears to know why it closed?  It could not have been a competition thing...?

I have visited the Audio Concepts in Dallas- it is a very fine shop. Upon visiting ask for Parker and he will take care of you.

Regarding Denver/Boulder/Colorado Springs- there are zero shortages of B&M dealers/retailers. Whatever is going on it is in the water!

Whom is your connection in Cleveland?  I want to say that Don Better Audio is in that vicinity.

your friend that uses the C-J gear, regarding the amp,it appears that he uses the 350 Premier?  This is still my reference power amp!
Does he still own it? Which pre-amp ?

Happy Listening!
The CJ 350 Premier was the company's last, great solid state power amp
at $10K retail.  My audition was mated w/ CJ ACT2 Series2 preamp,
Eggelston speakers and Audience cabling all around.  One never forgets that kind of demo.
RE: Conrad Johnson, I would love to demo an ART3 pre-amp for comparison against the ARC Ref5 SE.

Happy Listening!

keep talking about Krell power amps as it mates w/ Thiel loudspeakers.
Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- nkonor-

good to read that you enjoy Avalon speakers. Happy Listening!

back in the day, I enjoyed the Apogee Slant6/ Slant8 speaker. Thiel reminds me of that design. I have always enjoyed a sweet Ribbon tweeter.
Happy Listening!
Excellent info- richardp01 & catalysis.

it is important (to me) in getting the air and space around instruments, right!
My Thiels really impressed w/ it inherent timbre- something I never experienced in any other speaker to date.  Both Verity Audio and Magico is on my list to demo, at a substantial price increase.

Happy Listening!

As a natural (The) Cream fan, I must check out your strong suggestion of Ginger Baker's "Why".  I know his "Air Force" albums are regarded in the Jazz world. 

Is this your reference disc?