Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Right On! not many KI-Pearl players were manufactured. You are fortunate to own one. Out of the (4) systems, are you into Streaming ? Vinyl ?
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Yes, it has been a fun, long, Audio journey. Reference cabling will tie my system together nicely. Have a good Fall.

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Good to see you this fine Fall evening. I hope that you are well and the search for Garage/Studio space is fruitful.
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Thank You for the Bill Thalmann update. Good to read that part of your SCD-1 has been resuscitated. 

Keep me posted on your upgrade(s) to Classe' gear as well.
Safe travels.

Happy Listening!



Correction : Original WAMM 1 loudspeaker .

via YouTube.


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Nice score! on the Brinkmann. Keep me posted as you massage the DAC into your room/system.

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Thank You for the CODA update. There are a few threads over on Audio Asylum referring the Gustard X26 Pro for those interested.

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Check under each loudspeaker for a Plate with the Model / Serial Number (S/N)


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Good to see you here, as always. Thank You for sharing your impressions and thoughts on Wilson Audio. I can attest to your findings on the Sasha. I have also spent time with Sophia prior to purchasing my Thiel loudspeakers. 

At this level (Thiel, Vandersteen, Wilson), proper audition time is paramount. Each loudspeaker is excellent in its own way. We all hear and interpret differently. Overall, it is a matter of taste, musically speaking.

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Good to see you again. Do you have an opportunity to audition the Sophia3 before purchase ? If so, spend as much time as possible with that loudspeaker. James633 laid out insightful notes that are direct and informative regarding Wilson Audio.  Much like a Thiel, these are beautiful speakers that deserve the best gear to make them sing (no pun).

Above all, no Wilson Audio model is complete without Transparent Audio cabling. Another proposition to keep in mind. An important one.
Keep us posted as you demo the Sasha3. I would like to read your impressions and thoughts. Have fun on your Audio journey.

Happy Listening!

Thank You for sharing your impressions and thoughts on CS 2.4 loudspeakers. Your ears do not deceive. The CS 2.4 is not Bass-shy (weak).  Nor are the CS 2.7 and CS 3.7, which can accommodate higher rated Power amps.  An inherent room and/or room treatments can add to the Aural experience.

Happy Listening!
2nd Note;

as above, it does indeed take a super-loudspeaker such as a Vandersteen Model 7 Series or Wilson Alexia (or higher)  to give any Thiel Audio a proper foot race.

There is something to be said for Jim's historic designs. And our beloved loudspeakers. Enjoy the Music.

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I concur about Stanley Clarke discs being excellent tools for system evaluation. His CD/SACD titles are well-produced, well- recorded.
Have fun!

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Thank You for sharing your Thiel vs. Wilson story. Our tastes are similar in Music reproduction. We strive for that last Nth of information. I am striving for hearing the skin of a Bass drum or finish of a Brass instrument as well. No doubt that top-tier gear will retrieve the inner detail must of us crave. Reference cabling is the last link of any Audio chain that binds the Aural capabilities.
Good to read that all of your efforts are paying off,  sonically.

Happy Listening!

Welcome! Good to see you found Us. Reading through this thread, you will find, many 3.6 owners on the Panel.  Your system is very nice as well. Always good to read about another CD/SACD player fan. I look forward in reading more about your Musical tastes.

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Excellent commentary. I hope that you are well and enjoying the Fall season.

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Thank You for the kind regards. When I kicked off this thread back in 2016, I wanted to establish a place for Thiel Loudspeaker-minded People to gather. As it turns out, there are  quite a few of Us. Our hobby is about enjoying the Gear and the Music.

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Thank You for the follow up with Bill Thalmann. I am glad that you guys had a fruitful conversation and trip. His reputation is well documented and regarded in these very Audio forums. I can only imagine the setting of his Hot Rod Garage.

Keep us posted on the modification/over-haul of your Classe' amps.
That brand still has a loyal following to date.

Excited about the future of Thiel Renaissance as well.  This outing sounds like a catalyst of good things on the horizon. In fact, I am certain that other Manufacturers would take an interest as information is released within Trade circles. Well Done!

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I read a review on the new B.A.T. VK-3500 Integrated amp and instantly thought about you.  Chime in and let us know how you are doing.

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Thank You for the follow up and citing CS 3.6 S/N.  You have assembled a very nice system. There are a few McIntosh fans and owners here on the Panel.

Nice musical tastes as well.

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Good to see you here, as always. Stand by until one the Outriggers/Spikes (coupling) Experts chimes in to address your query. My pleasure to provide this insightful thread on all things Thiel Audio.

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How is the Vovox performing in your system since 9/7 ?
Will you replace the Cardas  / Shunyata combination with a full loom of Vovox Sonorus ?

Good to see you here as always.
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Thank You for the follow up on Cardas vs. Vovox. You are running a very interesting combination in Cabling.  Yes, the search continues...

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Yes, I own an AYRE AX-5 integrated amp. All DAC duties are provided ny by disc spinners.  Mix/Match of Cabling can be accomplished with careful selection.

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I wrote an opinion on Outriggers that starts on page 59. Peruse the information at your leisure. Let me know if you have more specific question(s) after the reading.  I did cite a few Thiel models for reference.

I hope that you are well and enjoying Fall in New England.

Happy Listening!
Thank You for the additional Thiel Audio history lessons as well.
The Panel certainly enjoys your writings.

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There are no shortage(s) of Isolation products for loudspeaker improvement.  Reading across other Audio forums, original Thiel Outriggers and Sound Anchor receives the most praise.

IsoAcoustics and Townsend platforms are another modern option.
The possibilities are end-less. All of my auditions were conducted in carpet over slab rooms. I have not heard any Thiel loudspeaker on hard-wood flooring to date.

Happy Listening! 

And other AYRE fans/owners, did you Guys change out the stock fuses ?
If so, which brand(s) is/are a sonic match?

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Thank You for the follow up. When I contact AYRE about upgrading to the Twenty Series, I will inquire about replacing the stock Fuse(s). In the event Ryan or one of the other guys recommends a certain brand of fuse, will post the conversation  here.

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Excellent! I would like to view those Panzerholz/tankwood speaker bases.
PM sent.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you here again. Thank You for posting information that may be of value to others here regarding Outriggers.

During my auditions (CS 2.4, CS 2.4SE, CS 2.7 and CS 3.7), it was interesting to observe how model CS 2.4 SE responded a measure sonically versus the other 3 loudspeakers. It was a very subtle positive reflection to my ears. Sharper in focus, imaging and soundstage. A considerable amount of time was spent with CS 2.4 prior to auditioning models CS 2.4SE, CS 2.7 and CS 3.7 loudspeakers.

Outrigger use, or not, exhibited no impact on  models CS 2.4, CS 2.7 nor CS 3.7.
Each loudspeaker sounded very fine with/without Outriggers. 

Are you products still in Research and Development?

Happy Listening!


there are Powerpoint 1.2 speakers for sale over on U.S. Audiomart (USADM). I hope those find the next good home.

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Good to see you as always. Thank You for sharing your latest System upgrade.
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Welcome! Good to see you here today. The CS 2.4 is a real Honey of a loudspeaker. Nice score! Granite plus Outriggers is a very interesting combination. Good to read that both surfaces offer a positive Aural experience.
What other gear is in your current system? I look forward in reading more about your Musical tastes.
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Good to see you here today. Isoacoutics Footers are on my audition list as well. I would like to learn more about the proficiency under CD/SACD players?

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Good to see you again. Thank You for weighing in on isolation vs. vibration reduction conversation.
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Welcome! Good to see you here. There are a few fans and owners of the CS 2.4 loudspeaker on the Panel. I read over your other post about a new CD Player. Equally good to read about a fellow CD/SACD fan as well.
Bryston vs. Marantz? Both players are excellent CD players. The Marantz SA-10 is a true Reference DAC/CD/SACD spinner. It does it all. Marantz stocks the critical parts for future repair and service. Historically, Bryston has not. Owners of the original BCD-1 player were left in the cold once that player lost function. The BCD-3 is very good, I would consult Bryston on availability of stocked Critical parts. 
I look forward in reading more about your Musical tastes.

Happy Listening!
Thank You for the update. Your due diligence will payoff once another shop/studio is procured. I hope that you are well this fine Fall day.
Happy Listening!