Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Good to see you again. I know your CS 2.2 loudspeakers will find the next good home. It is a very popular, older, model.
Happy Listening!
Keep us posted as you experiment with possible after-market Tweeters for the 3.5 model. Was the price offered per Mr. Rob Gillum recent?

Happy Listening!
Thank You for the kind words. Enjoy the reading of this thread.
Happy Listening!
Thank You for the follow on for a D28/2 tweeter.  Keep us posted on Rob's drop-in replacement option(s).
Happy Listening!


Good to see you back. Hope you are well and enjoying Summer.

What gear is in your system?

Happy Listening!


Nice score! Hope the stands adds another aspect of performance in your system.

Happy Listening!

Welcome!  Good to see you here. I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes and system.  Thank You for the shout out on Rob at CSS.
Happy Listening!


Nice catch! Hope those 2.7's find a good home. Good to see you here again. Hope you are well and enjoying Summer.

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. Thank You for the cable update. System matching with cables and power cords is a beautiful Aural reward.

Keep us posted if you decide to build your own cables.

Some audiophiles swear by Dueland Wire.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. We all should wish for hearing at the age of 97 and beyond. A blessing, indeed.

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. Hope your Summer is going well.

How are your speakers sounding?

Happy Listening!

Nice catch! Hope these beauties find the next good home.
Happy Listening!


Keep up the excellent research and work. Have fun!

Happy Listening!



Another option on the East coast. Bill Thalmann in Virginia may be of help as well.

Happy Listening!

for those of us who are "Cable" guys- check out a well written article by Dick Olsher over on site.  I really enjoy reading these historical-based timelines as it pertains to our wonderful Hobby.
You guys can also read this article via site as well.
Happy Reading!
as you have the time to read the above article, I wonder if you would not mind chiming in on meeting these Cable pioneers. I imagine the circle was quite close in those early days of Thiel Audio.   Was Jim fond of any of these guys? Were you or Gary consulting for internal wiring of Jim's designs? Jim's lab equipment?

I need another history lesson, perspective.

Happy Listening!
I am very interested in reading more history recounted as your time allows.Once Jim settled on the ITT 6-9 ultra wire, was it used exclusively from 1970's until his passing?
Other members of the Panel feel free to chime in on this important matter.

Happy Listening!
2nd Note;
In today's business and manufacturing climate (secretly sourcing to china) for many of these Audio companies, I venture to say, it may not be a bad thing to own older cables and power cords.

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Good to see you again. Thank You for confirming that the link worked and was read.   I take great pride in being the biggest proponent for Cabling among the Panel.  The largest misconception is that one needs to spend big dollars on aftermarket cables / power cords. Not True!
System synergy is far more important in comparison. Trust you ears above any review or white paper.
Happy Listening!

Now,  that is what I am talking about! You guys did mix and mingle with those early Cabling pioneers indeed. Another excellent Thiel Audio history lesson.  Along with the companies/designers mentioned, Cardas and Transparent,  are sonic matches for our beloved loudspeakers.
Happy Listening!

Thank You for citing your loudspeaker model and corresponding speaker Cables. Are you enjoying a full loom of StraightWire across your entire system?
Happy Listening!
Welcome! back. Good to see you here. I concur, Georgia to Washington State is quite a trek. It is all about the Audio journey.  What other gear including cabling is in your system? I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes.
Happy Listening!
Thank You for the follow up reply. I am looking forward in reading more about the results of 4-9s as developments unfold. Have fun in the hot rod garage/studio.

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Good to see you again. Thank You for confirming that StraightWire is a sonic match w/ Thiel loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!
My pleasure. Enjoy reading this thread and the Music!You own a very nice system.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you. Hope you are well and enjoying Summer. It is almost over for 2019.  You own a very nice system as well.
Happy Listening!
I found Audience and AudioQuest cabling sonic matches for Conrad Johnson gear.  Hope this helps.
Happy Listening!


Thank You for the update. Proper seating can indeed improve the Aural experience much like moving speaker location (dial-in / toe-in).

Good to read that you reach a sweet spot for your room.

Happy Listening!


a few Summers ago I test drove a CJ MF5600 amp with LS 16 pre-amp.

At that time I was holding out for a Premier 350SA. Cabling was low tier Audioquest and not too bad all things considered. I auditioned Audience cables and power cords from 10 years ago that occupied a Reference CJ set up (Premier 350SA / ACT2 Series 2). A very fine combination to my ears. I will report that on the upper tier CJ gear, stock power cords, are surprisingly excellent for those not into aftermarket products.

I have always been curious about the CJ Evolution  2000 amp.

It looks like a DIY experiment project.

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. We have a few McCormack power amp fans and owners on the Panel. Hope you are well and enjoying Summer.

Happy Listening!



do you recall the rest of the seller's system? Specifically, any pre-amp? Cables?

Is the source feeding directly into the ML power amp?

Regarding those classic amps, a tune up will do wonders for performance. Much information can be found and read across other Audio forums. Trust your ears.


Happy Listening!


I am looking forward in reading about internal wiring comparisons.

Have fun and enjoy the music.

Happy Listening!


Thank You for the suggestion to bighempin's phono stage query.

Any other Panel members wish to recommend their suggestion(s)?

Happy Listening!

Yes- I did test w/ my Thiel speakers. Not a bad little system at all.
The CJ reference killed it as well as the Ayre Twenty Series.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you back. Hope that your are well and enjoying Summer. It is winding down fast.

Happy Listening!

Good to see your posts again.  Stay tuned for our Vinyl experts to chime in on your query. I know that you have had a fun Summer.

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. Hope you can score those CS 2.4 loudspeakers!

Happy Listening!