Tom thanks very much for your input on cabling very interesting indeed.
Do you have any idea if the 3.7s binding posts were made of 100% copper or brass when they were still in production ?
A friend of mine who came over this weekend for a listen told me if they were made of brass it would be worth upgrading them for Mundorf 100% copper.
@pops Many thanks for your cable feedback very impressive!
@ydjames Thanks for sharing mate, since you have the same COAX as me don't you have any glare in the trebel region since you have silver in your Tellurium Q cables ?
The Statement are copper only therefore they should be very smooth and musical.
Usually the 2.7s and 3.7s COAX are pretty allergic to silver cabling.
My present 3.7s are SN 1285-1286, i think they were produced in 2011.
This is my second pair of 3.7s as i owned a pair with much lower SN numbers from 2014 to 2019.
@ydjames A lot of Thiel owners use Tube linestage to have a more musical presentation and less glare.
I will probably go separates in the near future with a tube linestage and Class A SS amp.
As of now i have to find better cabling to suit my 3.7s.
Anyone tried the Coda 16 or 41 with Thiel speakers ?
In this case my dream combo would be CH Precision L1-X1 + VAC Signature 200IQ monos.
Don't worry it's not going to happen unless i win the lotterie 😅
Hi guys, this sunday i'll be demoing a Jadis DA88S integrated with 8 KT88 tubes 60w class A on my CS3.7s.
First time i try a tube amp on my Thiels, this is going to be fun.
Guys any Thiel owners on the panel using an Audia Flight FLS10 integrated amp ?
I've been told it's a great match.
Ok guys a dealer is ready to lend me his demo Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 integrated for a week.
I'm looking forward to see how my 3.7s react to this beautiful pure classe A integrated.
My room is medium size so it might be able to drive them.
Will keep you guys posted.
Hi guys, lately i've been auditioning 2 great integrated with my 3.7s the Audio Analogue Absolute and the Vitus SIA-025 Mk2.
After several days of compare my pick is the Vitus, it is smoother and more liquid sounding than the Audio Analogue both in class A mode.
My Cardas Clear Beyond cabling paired with the Vitus driving my 3.7s is spectacular and very engaging.
I'm seriously considering this demo Vitus 025 unit and put my Diablo 300 on sale.
@jafant Yes i did have the Audia Flight FLS10 on loan for a week but it just cannot compete against the Vitus 025 and the Audio Analogue Asbolute.
The 2 latter ones are in a complete different league!
@jafant No i’m into streaming only now with my Aqua LinQ and Formula DAC.
Very happy with this combo.
Just wanted to find a much more musical integrated than my Diablo 300 and i think i found it with the Vitus.
Well guys after having demoed a Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 integrated in my system for a week i have decided to keep it.
It replaces my Gryphon Diablo 300 which will be up for sale.
Very happy with the SIA-025 - CS 3.7 combo, very musical and engaging and surprisingly the Vitus drives my Thiels better than the Gryphon.
The Vitus being a class A integrated it puts out much more current.
Vitus is very smooth, liquid sounding and full body.
Did some of you change the original binding posts for aftermarket ones like Mundorf gold plated pure copper ?
And would that make any difference ?
Ok guys my Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 was outperformed by a Jadis DA88S with KT120 tubes in a direct shootout in my system a week ago.
Thiels seem to like Jadis sound better and it is cheaper than Vitus great findings.
@duramax747 Absolutely not you can listen as loud as you want with the Jadis.
I don’t listen at low volume but i admit i don’t listen to hard rock or any techno music.
The Jadis integrated betters the Vitus in just about every departement and has so much more meat on the bone than any SS amps i have ever heard and i have heard some very very expensive ones in my system in the past 2 years.
The Jadis sounds like real live music as opposed to SS amps.
Price of Jadis amps is very reasonable here in France.
My Bro is driving my old pair of 1.5s with a Classe CAP-151 integrated, he's really happy with the combo.
In my experience what made the biggest difference driving my CS 3.7s is going from class A/B to class A amp.
I had a Gryphon Diablo 300 before and replaced it by a Vitus SIA-025 Mk2, the difference is really huge in terms of grip and musicality.
This guys has a serious rig for his 7.2s :
VAC preamps are amazing with all Thiel speakers.
These are the ones we will be using :
Here's a couple pics of my weekend mounting Mundorf binding post on my CS 3.7s.
I can tell you this upgrade is really worth it if anyone wants to try.
@vair68robert Thanks yes it's a beautiful dark Amberwood finish.
My previous 3.7s were not as dark, i much prefer this darker Amberwood.
@jafant Retail for 2 sets is $190, got mine for $80 from my friend who installed them.
He might also help me redo the crossovers with top notch Mundorf caps at some point.
@ronkent Can you please let us know if you had the right threading included in your Gaia kit for the 3.7 outriggers.
I would also like to try the Gaia ll footers eventually.
@drack1 with that amp i would definitely get a pair of 3.7s if you can find one.
@silvanik My floor is a wooden floor and my system sits on a thick acoustic carpet.
I have tried the Gaia carpet discs and it didn'd do it for me, sound was very thin.
Like @dickieboy this is also my experience i have found that 60w Jadis class A PP tube did sound much better than 300w class A/B Gryphon SS on my CS 3.7s
I'm actually considering selling my Vitus amp for pure tube Jadis goodness.
Do some of you guys use Isoacoutics Gaia ll footers under your Thiels ?
@dr3 A friend of mine told me i might lose some bass if i use Gaia footers.
Since they are not cheap i'm not willing to take the risk.
Any thoughts ?
@dr3 What amp are you using to drive your 3.7s ?
It is indeed pretty difficult to get good bass with 3.7s if your amp doesn't deliver enough current.
A good pair of high current monoblocks is usually what works best.
@ronkent Didn't you lose any bass with the Gaia footers under your 3.7s ?
Richer sound is a very good thing for 3.7s as they can sometimes sound lean.
Paired with the BHK 300 they must sound fantastic.
I will definitely upgrade to monoblocks at some point to get the best out of them.
I'm probably going to the crossover upgrade on my 3.7s next year, it is really worth it if you plan on keeping them for many more years.
@ronkent I've owned the Diablo 300 during a year with my 3.7s and didn't like the presentation at all.
Its was pretty harsh sounding and the bass was lean.
I now use a Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 which is class A, this integrated is in a different league and drives my 3.7s much better with finesse and i do have a deeper bass now and it is full body.
@ronkent I agree it will be very difficult to find an integrated that can equal your pre-power.
The only one i can think of that i demoed in my system is the Audionet Humboldt but it is uber expensive.
Did any of you 2.7 and 3.7 owners try the midrange/trebel region correction filter that is available on Ebay ?
Thanks guys for your input on the correction filters.
Did any of you Thiel lovers had the chance to own a pair of ML 20.5 or 20.6 ?
I know a guy in Northern France who drives his CS 6s with ML 20.5 must be spectacular.
@halifax You should demo Cardas Clear Reflexion if you can get some on loan, best ones i can think of for Thiel speakers.
You can probably find them used.
Like @jafant said gear matching is the key and i can tell you guys that the Diablo 300 is really not a good match for Thiels, the tweeters will let you know.
Even with Cardas cabling it didn't tame the treble so i got fed up and sold my Diablo 300.
If you want Danish better look at Vitus awsome match with Thiels.
Just my 2 cents.
I think i'm going to order the Isoacoustics Gaia ll footers for my 3.7s, will let you guys know how that work.
I already put many of them under my electronics and the result is spectacular.
If you guys are looking for 2.7s there is a pair available in France just like new
I'm also waiting for my Gaia 2 footers with the carpet disks, hope this will work out for my 3.7s.
@bas79 Congrats on your 7.2s they must sound spectacular with Strumento no.4 amp!
I might get a pair of 7.2s in the future when i will be able to build my dedicated listening room.
@gryphon1972 I’ve owned the 1.5s for many years and gave them to my brother when i purchased 3.7s back in 2014.
Your room is definitely too small you should use them in your living room.
My bro is driving them with a Classe CAP-151 integrated, really great combo and plenty of smooth power.
I use the original spikes with the outriggers, i will report back once i receive my Gaia 2s.