Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


talk about your interconnect (IC) and speaker cable (SP) journey over the years, past present and future.  Happy Listening!
Thanks! again- oblgny-

I learn from you guys as well. This is what a hobby and being a hobbiest, is all about in practice.  Happy Listening!
TY- michaeljbrown

I am a Transparent cabling fan as well.  There are so many brands that I will probably never demo...depressing...

Audioquest  does sound very good on Thiel speakers.
I have not heard any of the older speakers- CS5 or CS 7.2.
Very nice. Which models of Transparent are you currently using?
Happy Listening!

I went the same path way back when- oblgny.

I had the MM2 cabling not too long ago. It should still hold up well and is a bargain at used/demo prices even at  Reference levels.

The real "sweet" spot in any cable/cord line will be the middle models for both IC and SP cabling.  Happy Listening!.

Can we get more of your story- danvignau ?

If you own an older Thiel product (legacy) then Rob Gillum in Kentucky is your guy to contact.
As we enter August and move towards the end of Summer, hope you guys are having a music-filled Thiel weekend.

excellent discussion guys-

Yes! grab those 2.4's and you will be rewarded.  Happy Listening!


whom owns the Thiel name now? Is the operation still based in Nashville TN ?

We know that for the legacy models, there is still a function in Kentucky.
Another thought;
do we want any other entity carrying on Jim/Kathy designs ?
I do not, as it would never be the same.
Thanks! for sharing- saffron_boots

yes, going from the CS2 to a CS 2.4 is quite a jump in quality from the top octave to bottom octave.  Happy Listening!
I did not know about the changing of guards from John Wittman to
Thomas Malatesta though.

I want to say that Stereophile reviewed and measured the CS 3.7 loudspeaker. I will try to decipher the exact issue #
Thank You- dgarretson for the info. Yes, that is quite a few hands that have changed in a short period of time. Happy Listening!
Interesting query- saffron_boots

I do not have an answer. Have you tried a google search?
decisions, decisions oblgny.  I for one, am very interested in your upcoming demo of the CS 2.4 speakers. Specifically, I am curious to read about your session and impression(s) compared to the 3.5s that you already own.

Take your fave tracks or LP/CD/SACD for  your demo. Pieces of music that you are intimately familiar, know upside and downside, to ease your experience. 

Keep me posted and Happy Listening!
I wanted to take a moment and thank all of you guys on a thread, dedicated to Thiel Loudspeakers, well done!  Old or new, these are phenomenal speakers at any cost. I have learned much here and the enthusiasm keeps growing- Happy Listening!


can you suggest a Coda dealer/retailer? I had read that these guys started up from Pass Labs/Threshold background.
Thanks! for sharing- oblgny

can you describe the system, including cabling, in which your demo was conducted?  Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! guys-

oblgny, how long have you owned the 3.5 speakers? Did you buy them new? What years were this model produced?

No doubt that any Pass Labs amp would satisfy these speakers from a power and current perspective. I am torn between separates and their integrated models...?

good to see you again. PLease keep me posted on your situation w/ Thiel. I would like to read about your story and how it relates to Thiel.

I was referring to the newer models like the .5 or .8 amps.
I like both the x-10 or x-20 pre-amps as well.
I know. Both the Pass Labs and First Watt is really on my mind.
I would have to demo the FW amp though.

Is there a Coda dealer/retailer that you can suggest?
Thanks! for sharing- nkonor.

this is out of my reach @ $9K.  Do you own this CD spinner?

I have been re-visiting some of the older Thiel threads and offering updates. They are not limited to this thread. Some are in the Amp/Preamp section, Digital section...

the newer models (CS 1.6/1.7/ 2.4/2.4se/2.7) are all recommended the outriggers. I do not know about the more vintage ones?
oblgny, saffron_boots, unsound

I concur that the initial power rating on any speaker is rounded off/begins w/ 8ohms.  Keep in mind that it is not all about high power, but, high current (especially the newer models).
Good to see you- jonandfamily.

Hopefully, you will bring much to our thread here and love of Thiel speakers.