Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Good to see you here. We have several Bryston fans and owners on the Panel.  Happy Listening!
Thank You for the update on your XO project. Good to read that your speakers continue to bloom since inception.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you again.  Watch the usual on-line haunts for a pair of CS 7.2 loudspeakers. They usually come up for sale a few times each year.
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Welcome! Good to see you here. You will find many fans and owners of the 3.6 loudspeaker from the Panel. I look forward in reading more about your system, musical tastes.
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Nice score! Shop around on-line for an extra Sled/Spindle mechanism for the Sony ES SCD-1. These are critical parts that will keep the spinner, spinning, for a long time.  Also. Sony's customer service hub is now located in Michigan (888.222.7669).

Happy Listening!
I would add Dan Wright of ModWright to the list as well.  Keep us posted here.  Happy Listening!
An excellent blast from the past! There were quite a few guys modding the SCD-1. It would be interesting to learn the one(s) still around?
Happy Listening!


Thank You! for more Thiel Audio history. I never grow tired reading about this kind of information, significance.  Happy Listening!


Good to see you here. Yes- REL subwoofer(s) are a sonic match for the CS 2.4 loudspeaker. There are a few members of the Panel here that uses this combo. Also, there are a few owners over on Audio Asylum as well. At your leisure, read through this thread for pertinent information regarding REL / Thiel matching.  Keep us posted on your progress.

Happy Listening!


Welcome!  Good to have you aboard. I enjoyed reading about your Audio journey. Equally, good to read about your local dealer/retailer as well. Audio Consultants has an excellent reputation. I look forward to more contributions in reference to musical tastes.

Happy Listening!

Hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend in full. How are developments going in your Hot Rod garage?  Happy Listening!
Excellent! Thank You for the XO project update. I know that you are having fun and re-capturing some of the Glory of previous days with Jim.You guys were quite a loudspeaker manufacturing force!

Happy Listening!
2nd Note- I am strongly considering an Integrated amp myself. These products have evolved and progressed a long way over the decades!
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Sure, post here as often as you like. We do have some members on the Panel, who enjoy Music servers/streamers.
Perusing over those contenders, I would not want to be in your shoes.

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Welcome! Good to see you here. The 3.5 loudspeaker is a Panel favorite.Equally, there are a few owners and fans of the CS 2.2 as well. You are correct in your assessment about an integrated amp bringing all of that Aural goodness. It only gets better as one increases  power delivery.
I look forward in reading more about your Audio journey and musical tastes.
Happy Listening!
I suspect a bigger, deeper and wider soundstage driven by a higher current power amp.  Now that I have two accomplished Integrated amps for comparison, Creek and Ayre. Both are musical in a pleasant presentation without criticism. Simply reach for disc after disc.
The Ayre, being more powerful spec-wise, delivered more micro details and subtleties. Charles Hansen's Diamond Circuit is incredible.
The Creek, being an older amp made in England, held its own for substantially less money. Carefully matching cables and power cords, this amp is a real contender without any embarrassment.  Both brands offer matching CD players. Creek never built a SACD player, however, a Music Hall Maverick is a sonic match, IMO.

This lesson describes evolution of the Integrated Amp.Happy Listening!
Your descriptors of the presentation and sound from your system are perfect. It appears that your Audio journey had been fun and rewarding over the decades. This is what our hobby is all about.  The gear is the driver.The music is the passenger. One does not exist without the other.

Happy Listening!
I was thinking about your situation for possibly moving to an upgrade in Integrated amp.  I do not know if Linn makes a current model. A few years ago I was impressed with the Rega Saturn-R Integrated amp. I believe that it would match well w/ your Linn cd player while retaining the classic British sound.  Worth an audition.

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Welcome! Good to see you here. I remember the Aragon brand from the 1990's.  I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes.
Happy Listening!


Welcome! Good to have another CS 3.7 owner here as well. You have owned very nice Audio gear over the years. There is a plethora of information on this thread for your perusal. Have fun!

Happy Listening!


Good to see you here. You will find several fans and owners of the 3.5 loudspeaker on the Panel.  I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes and Audio journey.

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. I concur and relate referring to inner details and nuances on well known material. This is paramount for me during any audition of gear. I still get excited when the "magic" happens.

To my ears, Audio Research, Ayre and Conrad Johnson,  are in the top-tier electronics category.

Hope you are well and enjoying Summer.

Happy Listening!


Good to read that you are home safe and sound. Glad you had a fruitful trip to Denver. Will you apply lessons learned  from the workshop within the XO packages?  We all are looking forward to the first XO roll-out.

Happy Listening!


Welcome!  Glad that you found us here. Thank You for citing your Audio journey and associated gear. Yes, the pre-amp is the heart of any system followed by cabling. Interesting combination of Shunyata and Audioquest.

I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes reflected by the 3.6 loudspeaker.

Happy Listening!


Outstanding! I cannot think of better instruments (guitar and piano) to use as a template while fine-tuning your XO project. The applications are infinite. Thank You for being an invaluable Panel member.

Happy Listening!


Always good to see you here. Hope you are well and enjoying a Summer Shanty for me (good music too). Do not feel bad about the Audio Research Integrated- I was not impressed either. For half-price, a Rogue Audio beats it down.  Keep us posted on the Belles as I have not had an opportunity to demo this brand.

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. Hope you are well and enjoying the Summer at your locale.  Happy Listening!


Good to see you back. Give us an update on your current system.

Happy Listening!


Good to have you here again. The best aspect of our hobby is that it weathers life's storms. We have quite a few CS 2.7 fans and owners on the Panel. Stay tuned for a reply to your query.  I look forward in reading more about your system, musical tastes.

Happy Listening!


I enjoyed reading your posts over on the SH forums site. Very informative thought sharing and writings. Hopefully, we can capture those Thiel owners on this thread. On the subject of coupling/decoupling our loudspeakers, Sound Anchors, are another option in addition to the excellent suggestions mentioned.

Happy Listening!


My pleasure to offer a possible solution to your initial query. The Panel is here for you anytime. Further, fans and owners of the CS 2.7 are experts on this loudspeaker's form/function.  This thread is an excellent read plus contains a plethora of information to take your system to the next performance level.

Happy Listening!

Hang in there until one of our 3.5 experts chimes in to address your Tweeter query.  Good to see you again.

Happy Listening!
Thank You for the CS 2.2 update. Those owners are going to be quite pleased once the mechanical package is ready for roll-out.
Happy Listening!
3.5 experts - Thank You for addressing the Tweeter issue / solution as posted by harrylavo.  This model could very well be the most popular loudspeaker discussed here. There is something to be said for classic gear.

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You have touched upon the most popular Thiel models, CS 2.2, CS 3.7 and 3.5/3.6, discussed in heavy rotation here. The general interest in upgrading those XO networks lies within these pages, posts.

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always good to see you here. Hope you are well and enjoying these short Summer months.
Happy Listening!
I have not had any dealing w/ High End Audio Auctions in Brooklyn.Read over the eBay feedback- people are pretty honest over there.
I can relate to your musical impressions on the Belles 250i amp.Earlier this year, I felt the same way about the Ayre AX-5 Twenty Integrated amp. I kept arriving to the same sweet conclusion = Musical!

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Good to see you again. I am a big fan of Disraeli Gears as well!
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Thank You for offering a potential solution for those who are seeking paryts for their 3.5 loudspeakers. Buying/Selling/Trading,  is highly encouraged here on this thread. It is Thiel Audio Community-based after all.
Happy Listening!
Thank You for continuing to add value to these conversations here.One could never reinforce information too much.

Happy Listening!