Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


those are nice lower numbers on your CS 2.2 loudspeakers. A very nice set-up for H/T and stereo needs.  Happy Listening!

A very nice system indeed. The EMM Labs DAC is a special piece of electronics. I have not had an opportunity to demo Teo Audio cabling.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. Yes, I do remember the Dayton Wright!

Happy Listening!
Thank You for the update. Keep auditioning speakers and reporting your findings.

Happy Listening!



Check out the Original Watt Puppy 1 via AXPONA over on YouTube.

It appears that Dave Wilson(RIP)  incorporated a Radiation driver array into that legendary design from 1981. Let me know your impressions and thoughts.


Happy Listening!

Yes, butcher block will work.  Fine tune the height of speakers to your musical preference.
Happy Listening!
Nice! score on the 20.7 loudspeakers. Between these new speakers and your CS 2.4 speakers, you will have the best of both worlds.  Happy Listening!

Thank You for the Winnipeg sighting. Hopefully our friends in the North or a close proximity to the area can grab this pair!  Happy Listening!


Good to see you again- hang in there until one of our 3.5 experts chime in to assist your query.  Can you tell us more about the gear in your system?


As always, good to see you here. Whenever a query regarding the 3.5 model is posted, you are the first Panelist that enters my mind. As above, read over the post by dinopau and offer an opinion on his situation.
I, for one, look forward to your audiot return my Audiophile friend.

Hope you are well and thawing out from Winter on this Spring day.

Happy Listening!

Thank You for the update after consulting Rob at CSS. Looking forward in reading more about your findings. Keep up the excellent R&D.

Happy Listening!

You own a very nice Accuphase system. I have always wanted to demo their gear. It certainly does not appear to be an electronics/speaker mismatch per se. Thank You for citing Mr. Gillum's attempt to repair the EQ and mentioning oblgny's assistance as well.  I do not have any information on wether or not these devices are repairable? Between the collection of minds here, hope there is a viable solution at issue.


Thank You for the Plasma information. Perhaps this could lead to a future development by our DIY team?  Happy Listening!

Good to see you today. Nice score on the mint pair of CS 2.2 loudspeakers. Thank You for proposed updates to this model as well as the C3 and 3.5 models. No doubt that there is a market for these updates/upgrades among proud owners. Keep up the outstanding work!

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. It is going to be fun watching the various XO upgrades roll out via Tom and Rob. Stay tuned.

Happy Listening!


Indeed, a whole new Venture unfolding to be sure. Stay Tuned.

Happy Listening!

No, not a bad mode to be in at all as we await Tom et al., to work their collective magic. Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. Great things are on the horizon for you 3.5 owners. Stay tuned.  Happy Listening!

As always, Thank You for the opinion regarding Tom's query about XO networks.  You guys definitely have your finger(s) on the pulse of this matter.  Happy Listening!

Thank You for posting the CS6 XO pic for Tom's perusal. Hope you are well today and enjoying the music from your CS 2.4 loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!
Thank You for the update. Good to read we have another DIY member of the Panel.
Happy Listening!
Welcome! Good to see you here. Sit tight until one of our 3.5/3.6 experts chime in to address your query. Or, if you would like to gain a head start, feel free to reach out and touch Mr. Rob Gillum with Coherent Source Service (859.544.9790) for a consultation.  I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes and system.
Happy Listening!
Thank You for the follow on suggestion to utrak's query.  Happy Listening!
Beautiful pics of your listening space. Tasteful use of panels and tubetraps as well. Hope you are well this Spring day. Did you ever connect with Engulf Audio?  Happy Listening!
My pleasure. I would think that a 30-year old pair of loudspeakers is going to require some kind of repair/servicing? If possible, closely inspect the cross-over network and drivers. Keep us posted with any findings.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you this Spring day. Hope that you are well and enjoying the music. Thank You for the link to your gear- beautiful musical juice!
Happy Listening!
Thank You for sharing another historical marker and story on Thiel Audio's early days. Is Scott Estes still around the Audio business/press?
Happy Listening!
I concur- the CS 2.4 treble response is well extended. I can only imagine, per beetlemania, significant gains in all frequency ranges by upgrading capacitors and other critical XO parts.  Happy Listening!
Welcome! You are a lucky Man to have a wife whom brought Thiel Audio speakers into your life and marriage.  As your schedule permits, please read through this thread,  as I believe that there is a fellow CS 1.2 owner here.  I recently had the opportunity to hear the Bluesound Node 2i during an audition of Bryston gear and Ryan Speakers.  Upon switching from a Proceed CD player I did notice a brighter presentation and sound via ROON/Tidal selections.  I can offer (2) solutions until the other Panelists chime in- think about a warmer integrated amp or a tubed integrated amp-providing you would like to continue current path. 
Cabling is another consideration. Which brand(s) of cables/power cords are in current system?Happy Listening!
Here is to the Renaissance Project and re-connecting with old Audio friends.  Very good stock (People) there in Lexington, KY.
Happy Listening!

Good to see you here again. Thank You for assisting jthifi- the McCormack DNA-1 is a fine power amp and series from Steve.  Hope you are well this Spring day and enjoying the music.  Happy Listening!
my pleasure to assist you. The newer series Yamaha integrated amps are warm and powerful (A-S models) if you wish to continue with this brand.Tube-wise, a few owners here enjoy B.A.T. integrated amps to good effect.Pick a component to update or upgrade and move forward. Visit your local dealers/retailers and listen, listen, listen to the various gear.  I look forward in reading more about you and your musical tastes.

Happy Listening!
Welcome! Good to see you here. Stay tuned until one of the Panel's 3.5 experts chimes in to address your query.I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes and system.
Happy Listening!

pacoinmass -

Welcome! Very sweet to grab those low numbered CS 2.7 loudspeakers.

Thank You for citing your personal Audio history. I have often wondered about a Bryston Integrated on Thiel speakers? Keep working with your local dealer/retailer on room treatments. I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes.  Good to see you here.

Happy Listening!


I can vouch for a Threshold T-400 amp. I heard this amp with a Pass Labs XP-10 preamp several years ago- excellent solid state combo for little money.  These are classic designs that still hold up in 2019.
Happy Listening!

my page is stretched as well. Not sure why this occurred?

Happy Listening!

My pleasure - the Panel is here for your Audio journey needs.
Keep us posted on progress.  Happy Listening!

Thank You for reporting your experience with Rob Gillum at CSS. 
He knows Thiel Audio loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!

are you moving on with a different brand of loudspeaker?
Happy Listening!

Good to see you, as always. I really must hear your upgraded 2.4s sometime for a sonic comparison. In the Spring, I will send my AX-5 to AYRE for the full Twenty Series upgrade.
I believe the previous AX-5/20 was a 2017 model. It is going to be interesting to compare mine against the previous Amp auditioned.

Happy Listening!