Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Absolutely! The CS 2.4 is a true marvel, at least for my ears.The CS 2.4SE is a measure better across all frequency ranges. Last month's visit and session with pwhinson served as a strong reminder.  Hope you are close to Beetle or Tom to hear their improvements upon final configuration.  Happy Listening!
silvanikThank You for sharing your experience and support with Rob Gillum.It never is a poor decision to have a spare set of back-up drivers. Salute.

Happy Listening!
jackskyexcellent points of view on the whole Thiel/Vandy conversation.I thought that a Vandy 3A Signature was closest, not better than, the CS 2.4 model.  Never heard the 5/5A. I did demo the Quattro and Treo but could not get into thier presentation/sound?  Happy Listening!
Welcome! $1300 for a pair of CS 2.4 is an excellent value. Go For It!Revel is not even close to a Thiel Audio loudspeaker as above. Keep us posted should you decide to purchase. I look forward in reading more about you and your system.  Happy Listening!
Precisely! I found many things were missing during sessions with Revel.Balanced but could not engage my ears.  Happy Listening!
ronkentThank You for posting as Sound Anchors are very much accommodating to those that cannot find Thiel Outriggers.  Happy Listening!
Excellent news! Good to read the speakers arrived in pristine condition. Thank You for citing the serial numbers as well.  Keep us posted as you massage these loudspeakers into your room/system.
Happy Listening!
pwhinsonbrings up an excellent report. As I am finding out, Atlanta, has a strong history with Thiel Audio. I receive many emails and PM away from here that states these facts.  These gentlemen still own several different models.

Happy Listening!
tomic601Thank You for the initial report. What gear including cabling in in the CS 2.3 system? I look forward in reading more reports as the speakers bloom.
Happy Listening!
Can you remember where Havens & Hardesty was located?
Brilliant! idea to move the XO to a bottom panel bypassing the driver network. You guys are doing amazing things. Keep up the outstanding work.

Happy Listening!
ronkentThank You for suggesting brass footers as a substitute to outriggers or sound anchors. Happy Listening!
Thank You for the historical perspective on Havens and Hardesty.Always good to read about existing Audio shops still operational in 2019.Seattle has a few as well as Portland.

Happy Listening!
Thank You for the continued hard work and testimony regarding the XO trials.  Happy Listening!
Thank You for a history perspective on the CS5 loudspeaker.Hope that you are well this Summer day and having fun researching / tweaking for the XO sound.

Happy Listening!
tomthiel -
as always, thoughtful perspectives. On my first listen to a Thiel, I certainly "got it" or was  "it got me"? As luck played its part, I had heard the Vandy 2 series a few times previously. To my ears, any differences between these (2) brands were not subtle. I found my loudspeaker brand on that Spring day. Not only was the weather beautiful there in Baltimore MD so was the aural experience.  Testimony,  is the highest compliment.
Happy Listening!
I,too, crossed into the light from a B&W 805 model. Richer textures and timbre caught my earbrain instantly. I saw no need to further research other loudspeaker manufacturers. Oh, Happy Day!
good guess- $8-10 K depending on finish in 2019 money. I look forward in reading more about your new loudspeaker search. Happy Listening!

Thank You for the follow up regarding the 3.5 loudspeaker. Hopefully, you will find  a curve for the original Scanspeak driver.  Good to see you again.  Happy Listening!

Thank You for sharing this information on the CS 2.3 per Rob. Excellent discussions today guys. Keep up the outstanding work.

Happy Listening!

it may be worth considering to watch the web daily to score any/all remaining pairs of CS 3.5 loudspeakers. The other 3.5 owners  of the Panel could form a pool of stock for this model. Besides Audiogon, Audio Asylum, eBay and U.S. Audiomart, do not overlook Craigslist, Estate sales, Goodwill, Salvation Army/Salvage shops, Thrift stores, Yard sales. Just a thought to help you guys procure drivers/parts.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you-  as our resident CS3.5 expert I have been waiting for you to chime in to assist bluetone. I know that you have owned this particular model several times, within several different systems over the years.   Hope you are well and staying warm there in NY.  Happy Listening!
as always, Thank You for more Thiel Audio history. I look forward to every new installment on Jim and his designs forward to the next Model.Hope you are well and having fun in your hot rod garage/studio.
Happy Listening!
Good to read that you are still having fun on the whole XO project. You have made incredible strides and the Panel is grateful for your dedication and passion moving forward!  Regarding your Classe' amp(s), is it a matter of unavailable parts to repair? Or, are you still searching for an Authorized service technician?  Which ever the case, hopefully not both issues-parts v. qualified tech- the matter will resolve to your satisfaction?Across the different Audio forums, Benchmark AHB amps are gaining traction much like the PS Audio BHK series. Thank You for describing in part your studio's form and function. I hope to see it all later this year.
Do you have any local gatherings? Allow any local musicians to play within your studio?  Happy Listening!
Welcome! Thank You for sharing your Thiel Audio journey and systems history.  I can 3rd an  Ayre AX-5 Twenty as being an incredibly musical Reference integrated amp. I may be an owner a well  to mate with my CS 2.4SE by year's end.  Feel free to talk more about your progression from 1.2 to 2.2 then 3.6 models. I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes.
Happy Listening!
2nd Note- a very special shout out to Panel members holco and desmond888 who have their own individual threads on the CS 2.4/2.4SE models. All of these DIY guys are Awesome! It is a pleasure having their input here.

Happy Listening!
Yes- help is on the way via Beetle, Tom and Rob at Coherent Source Service. The CS 2.4 is a very fine loudspeaker in stock form. These guys are going to help other owners take sonic improvement to the next level of unlocked potential.  Grab a pair without hesitation. Stay Tuned.
Happy Listening!
Last but certainly not least, andy2, offers a unique insight and perspective from a loudspeaker builder's background. As you can deduce there is an incredible amount of information, resource and talent here. The perfect Panel.  Happy Listening!

Thank you for citing the serial numbers on those CS 3.6 loudspeakers.
Nice low numbers!  Happy Listening!

This one is for you my Audiophile friend. Thank You for hanging in there with me.  Earlier, on this beautiful sunny day here in Atlanta, I enjoyed a very nice hour drive north of the perimeter (the weather here has been very wet and soggy for months).
Around the Lanier Lake area I found myself visiting Mr. Michael Burns-owner of- Wolfsong Audio. He is a very pleasant Gentleman of Audio and runs his operation from personal residence. He is a prior CS 2.4 owner. His sound room is beautiful and well damped. I was in luck because he is a Ryan Speaker dealer/retailer as well as Bryston and a few others. We listened to a 4B3 power amp, BP-26 pre-amp/separate power source, BDA3 DAC, BDP Pi, Blue Sound 2 device fed into Roon/Tidal, Proceed CD Transport, DH Labs cabling and Ryan R630/Bryston Model T Signature w/ outboard cross-over network. As always, the session began with Jamie Cullum "Twentysomething" CD. The session also began with Bryston Model T Signature loudspeaker. This is a large floorstander which throws a large presentation, lateral soundstage. To date, I have not heard nor seen a loudspeaker that features an outboard crossover- very cool design.
Jamie's piano and organ sounded very fine without any congestion throughout midrange registers. Bass output was solid.   Next, Bryston was swapped for the Ryan Speaker. 
Smaller in driver array and size,  this speaker presented in a more audiophile tradition. Better imaging and soundstage depth was experienced. As Michael and I were talking between numbers, we believe that this model has a 1st order crossover within its design. Tweeter and midrange sure sounded like a time-phase coherent or transmission-line design.  Bass was articulate and clean but output not as low as the Model T Signature (3 larger Bass drivers per speaker).  More selections were aurally pleasing from The Police, Natalie Merchant, Pearl Jam, Michael Hedges, Pink Floyd, James Maynard Keenan, Helmet and The Rolling Stones. 
Referring back into my sonic memory, thinking about the 4B-SST/SST2 series, I would say that the next generation Cubed series has a measure more  warmth along the lines of Pass Labs. For those who felt the older Bryston amps were bright dry or harsh, will be pleasantly surprised in the 4B3. Anemic, clinical nor thin sounding was not appreciated. Talking about the BP-26 preamp which has been around for 10 years now, it still features a lower noise floor than a BP-17 Cubed. A benefit for Vinyl lovers. 
While considering this combo, my search for a reference CD/SACD spinner carries on.  It would have been nice for Bryston to build/design SACD playback capability into their reference BCD-3 player.  In closing, a perfect Spring-like afternoon, good company/ fellowship and very good music.  As soon as I find my spinner, I will follow up with Michael for a second Bryston demo.
Happy Listening!


Another +vote for the CS 2.4 loudspeaker. I look forward in reading more about your buying decision.  Happy Listening!


as always, my pleasure being of service to the Panel. Actually, I am glad that it took this long to find a 4B3 demo. The audition planned back in December would have steered me away from Mr. Burns, whom, likely has a better space (home based) vs. a retail space (building based).

Pwhinson shares a love for Classical music almost exclusively. He had the Bryston 4B3 in his home, in his system. Hopefully he will see my review and chime in with his experience, point of view,  as well. I trust his ears and judgement on this matter. Gary Dayton of Bryston recommends the pairing of a BP-17cubed with the 4B3 power amp. Considering that you already own the BCD-3 Reference CD player just adds icing on the cake. I concur, I was hearing a pronounced mid-bass presentation but could not decide if it was the pre or power amp? Cd source or server/streamer? Thank You for the clarification. Last but certainly not least, Cabling, must be considered. I look forward in reading more about your evolving system.

Happy Listening!


Thank You for the follow up per my review. Hope you are well and enjoying good music today. Happy Listening!


Are you close to the Baltimore/D.C./VA tri-area?  Or, further North?

Happy Listening!


I will second, trust and use your own ears,  when considering electronics for your beloved Thiel loudspeakers. The CS 2.4 is a darling indeed.

Happy Listening!


Did you ever figure out that electronic digital glare/sound experienced while auditioning the 9H loudspeakers? I believe that I was hearing the same effect earlier this week with the BlueSound Node2 / Bryston Pi playing ROON/Tidal files?  I did not detect any extraneous  "sound" while playing CDs on the same system.  Happy Listening!


Texas, is an outstanding state to find hifi gear and loudspeakers!

Where are the CS 2.4 under consideration located?  Happy Listening!


Thank You for the update. I am glad that you connected with oblgny-he is a stand-up guy to be sure.  Several of you guys love and own the 3.5 model. I know that good things will come from Tom's testing.

Happy Listening!

Go for It!  We all look forward to your results from testing.  Happy Listening!


Welcome! Good to see you here and read that we have another fan of PS Audio.  I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes and system.  Happy Listening!


Good to see you again and read about owning ModWright gear. I do not believe that we have many who own MW.  What other gear and cabling rounds out your system?

Happy Listening!


Thank You for the update. It seems like the speakers auditioned by your friend were under-powered via the Onkyo? Room acoustics and speaker placement may have had a negative impression as well?  I can advise to hold out for a personal audition, as a time-phase-coherent loudspeaker, is a different design from traditional. At the least, seek out a Vandersteen 3A Signature or 5A model there in the Dallas/Houston/SATX area, until a Thiel Audio speaker becomes available. From experience, contact John Fort Audio in Dallas. He usually has quite a bit of used/demo gear on-hand and is a pleasure to consult.

Happy Listening!


Thank You for sharing that funny CES story involving Nelson. He was a good sport taking one for the team. What a gas! You were  a good friend that day accommodating him in the ambulance enroute to ER.

Could the Doc have  been an audiophile as well? You guys had all of the fun.

Happy Listening!


2nd Note- if you  have a Ryan Speakers dealer/retailer in your relative area, seek out an audition as well. the R630 has a very similar Thiel-like texture/timbre presentation and sound. Keep me posted.

Happy Listening!