Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


Good to see you today. Nice score on the MCS1 and SW1 to compliment your system(s).  Happy Listening!


Looking forward in reading more about your cross-over exercise.

Happy Listening!

I maybe considering a Krell KSA-300(s) power amp. I know that it dates back to the 1990's. Many of you enjoy and like the Krell FPB series of power amps.  I am taking experiences, impressions and thoughts on this monster of a power amp. The KSA comes from a very good home, avid audiophile that enjoyed Vinyl and Martin Logan, Magnepan, loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!
jon_5912those 3.7s look very sweet. The state of IL seems to have quite a concentration of Thiel loudspekers. I have been following this trend for several years now.  Happy Listening!
2nd Note- I plan to audition the Bryston 4B3 a few days after Christmas.The dealer/retailer may have a BP-17 (3) on hand as well. Otherwise, th pre-amp is a BP-26 which I have heard on several occasions.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you. Thank You for the (3) considerations. I know that due to its age, it will require a re-cap and other inspections per Krell in CT.
Other than a little maintenance, it could be a worthy purchase.Which pre-amp would you Krell guys mate with this beast?
Happy Listening!
brayeagleI have heard the BP-26 with and with the separate power supply. It never disappointed me one way or another. I can report that the SST/SST2 series of power amps respond very well to a Tubed pre-amp.
Much Thanks! for address the reverse polarity query. I suspect that some CD titles out there were recorded with polarity issue(s)?
Happy Listening!
Good to see you again Gary. Keep us posted after consulting Rob to determine if those woofers can be repaired. 

brayeagleOver the years, I have spent the most time with Bryston and Conrad Johnson electronics. In fact, I bought my Thiel loudspeakers from a Bryston lover as well (BP-26 and 4B-SST2 combo). 

Do you find yourself using the reverse polarity function on the BP-26 often?
Happy Listening!

Nice score! I have heard the Threshold s/500 and it is indeed a BEAST!
Agreed. it is amazing what current can do to our beloved loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you today. The information that I have read referred to the Classical music genre bring the most affected. It is an interesting subject.
Happy Listening!
orpheus10And that would not be a faulty decision. There is a model for every Music lover.  Happy Listening!

The Black Satin finish is very fine indeed.  Hope you or someone else here purchases this model.  Happy Listening!
Thank You for sharing that brief from (The) Audio Critic.

Happy Listening!

Gary- please report back after consulting Rob on the prices of new vs. rebuild of those Woofers.  Happy Listening!

Off of the top of my head- it could have been the natural room acoustics, improper speaker placement or mis-matched Audio gear. Much would depend upon the length of time spent with the CS 3.7 loudspeaker, being unfamiliar to this model.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you again. Thank You for the confirmation with Mr. Rob Gillum.  Happy Listening!

my pleasure and there are few Thiel owners out there that enjoy Naim electronics to match. Careful cables/cords selection and you are all set.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. There is an incredible amount of excellent gear coming out of the EU.  Happy Listening!
Good to see you today. Hope your XO project is going well and making great strides.  Merry Christmas.
I do not see your gear in Virtual Systems either? Keep the conversation relevant or you will find yourself trolling elsewhere...
The Rules of Engagement have been expressed several times.
Those that cannot comprehend will be excused from participation. 
Now, back to the discussions regarding Thiel Audio and associated electronics. Carry on.

Nothing missed, simply taking out the trash. Thank You for sharing your point of view on ear height and convergence. A few factors to consider is one's personal height and the floor clearance from furniture- standard vs. custom/over sized.  Hoe you are well and ready for the Christmas, New Year festivities.

Happy Listening!
Precisely. Flamers and Trolls are not welcomed here. There are plenty of other threads and Audio sites for such childish antics. I consider you an Elder statesman and valuable contributor. Hope you are well today and enjoying this special time of year with family and friends.


Tom and Beetle have been working diligently this year on the whole upgraded XO project that will no doubt benefit many of the owners here.
I would be interested in learning more about your Amplifier upgrading project. Always great to have another DIY contributor here. I believe that makes 5 of you guys who can mod electronics and speakers.

Happy Holidays to You.
Good to see you again.  I must say that you are the first owner of Cary power amps that I have seen mated w/ a Thiel speaker.  Several owners out there are using and enjoying a Cary tubed pre-amp to excellent effect, highly regarded. Cary CD/SACD players as well.

Will you purchase a different tubed power amp?

Happy Listening!

I hear that, it is easy to get caught up in an entanglement of Gear.
I travelled in heavy rotation from 2011 to late 2015. Found and purchased by loudspeakers in early 2016 and have not travelled abroad since then.
Good thing too as I had a few unexpected homeowners' financial obligations in 2017 and 2018. As much as I love Audio and Music, my home will always come first.  That said 2019 is looking very promising - I have (3) Audio operations in Atlanta (Hifi Buys Atlanta, The Audio Company and Wolfsong Audio) are long overdue for a visit.

Now, to address your query;
Yes, at 30W Class A operation, Accuphase, Luxman and Pass Labs are top-tier Audio companies. Contributor dhoff01 here endorses Accuphase power amp for his CS 3.7 loudspeakers. I have not had the aural pleasure of auditioning  any of these manufacturers to date. I have found a Pass Labs dealer/retailer (finally)  in central Florida that warrants a trip in Spring. Ayre is another hot contender that is enjoyed by a few Thiel owners.  Hope this information has been helpful.

Happy Listening!

beetlemaniaThank You for your dedication and hard work this year on the whole XO upgrade.  I am looking forward to a prototype or finished product.
Happy Holidays!
Thank You for talking about tube amp comparisons. Will you move up the B.A.T. Chain?  This is one brand that has been on my radar to demo for quite awhile now.  Happy Listening!
Thank You for sharing your video here.  Always a pleasure having you hands-on, DIY guys,  here as well.  Happy Listening!



Thank You for citing your C6 experience. Is the $2500 a quote from Rob at CSS ?


Happy Listening!



Another ML repair expert is United Radio Syracuse, NY.


Happy Listening!


yesterday's HiFi Chats via YouTube featured Dave Gordon of ARC.
We have many members of the Panel who own ARC gear for their Thiel Audio loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you again. There are  a few of you guys that enjoy those Classe' DR power amps. I have been considering a Krell FPB series power amp. I was considering a KSA series power amp until I was advised that it is best suited with a dedicated line plus a 30A breaker. Otherwise, the 300S is a serious power plant.  Happy Listening!

which Cardas models are you currently using in your system?
Any other Cable brand(s) tried prior to settling on Cardas?

Happy Listening!