Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


Agreed, seems to be a mix of "Sorry" and "Error 500" nonsense.

I do know that this newer platform or Version 2.0 is an App-driven model.

Perhaps an App server as well?


Good to see you. Yes, SR is a sonic match for Thiel speakers. IMO, the expense is worth the outcome. Thank You for sharing your cabling history.   Happy Listening!


Agreed- it is still buggy between the "Sorry" and "Error 500" nonsense.

Happy Listening!


No- the other Audio forums send a maintenance notice well in advance reporting that the site goes down for said amount of days, times.

I follow all of the sites listed on on a very regular basis. Audiogon appears to have a different interaction, look and operating platform in comparison.  An exact location here in the USA and its server(s) locale would be of interest to me.
Excellent discussion Andy, Tom, Prof
I know that Beetlemania and Tom, specifically, are working diligently on this XO project that will benefit us very soon. I am looking forward to the final products for upgrade and excited by ClarityCap CSA best offerings.
To address Andy's initial query, yes, the CS 2.4SE is an extra dose of sweetness to an already sweet CS 2.4 loudspeaker in stock form.

Happy Listening!

A gentle reminder, as Jon pointed out, please list your Serial Numbers of your speakers.  This will give a little more insight, possibly, the numbered pair of said model(s) produced.  Hope you guys are enjoying the Fall season.  Happy Listening!
Yes, the XO is accessed via the Passive Radiator- Tom beat me to it.

Happy Listening!

Thank You for more history markers, this time, addressing the various series of Thiel Audio's wonderful loudspeakers. I did wonder and was curious how the models received their badges, names over the years.
Again, you are important contributor here. I look forward in reading about the next history lesson.  Happy Listening!

Thank You for listing your serial numbers of your CS 3.6 loudspeakers.
I enjoyed reading your thread about the dedicated line, circuit install in your home. Looking forward in reading about your impressions, thoughts, on its effect of your system.  Happy Listening!

Good to read that you discovered how to find your email , PM messages here on the 'Gon.  I sent you a new message today. Please read and reply.  Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. Thank You for listing your speakers' serial numbers. Those are low production numbers indeed.  The 3.6 model has quite a few fans and owners here.   Happy Listening!
Thank You for listing your serial numbers. I do not believe that I have seen SN that low for CS 2.4- special speakers indeed.  Happy Listening!

Right On! as prof can attest, one is going to have to spend more, much more, to better these modern Thiel loudspeakers.  Good to read that you are enjoying your 2.4 loudspeakers. I knew that you would enjoy them.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you again.  Do you know the number of owners of your CS 2.4 prior to purchase- I wonder if one of the previous owners swapped the plates or something else...

Happy Listening!

Thank You for this piece of information regarding the numbering sequence of Thiel's loudspeakers.  No doubt that Rob is your Man for such historical and valuable insight.  Happy Listening!

Very interesting development.  Perhaps Mr. Rob Gillum could shine a light on this subject.  Feel free to send him an email, at the very least, he his quite responsive via phone as well.  Keep me posted should you decide to reach out and touch him.    Happy Listening!

Yes, it is the entire package indeed.  Hope you are enjoying the Fall season.  Happy Listening!

Thank You for the update. Looking forward to a working XO model.
Hope you are having fun during this research process. It is going to pay-off big time.  Happy Listening!

Welcome! I am glad that you found us here. Thank You for the hot tip on replacing cap(s) in the CS 2.4 loudspeaker.  Tell us more about your system and musical genre tastes. I look forward in reading more about you and your system.  

Happy Listening!
Nice catch. I would like to see oblgny score these as he is in NY.

Happy Listening!

Welcome! Glad that you found us here. I look forward in reading more about you and your system.  Happy Listening!

I can guarantee the positive attributes of a CS 2.7 loudspeaker as well.

Well reported. Joseph Audio is close, yet, not a Thiel Audio. 

Happy Listening!


Thank You for the listing of your gear and musical preferences. I am a serious Jazz Hound myself. We have much in common. I believe that you will find this thread a great read from the beginning up until now.
Yes, sound reproduction has increased incredibly since I started my Audio journey back in the 1980's.

Happy Listening!
prof gives a very nice over view of the CS 2.7. During my auditioning sessions I found it this model to act as a slightly scaled down version of the CS 3.7 loudspeaker for those that did not have a larger listening space. Both models do feature Jim's last design-the wavy driver concept as above. The curved plywood walls are beautiful as well. 
To address the 2.7 vs. the CS 2.4, I venture to report that the CS 2.7 has a little more weight authority in the Bass department. Wavy driver vs. passive radiator. Both feature that wonderful Thiel house sound that we all know and love (richest timbre, soundstage and micro details in the music).  Hope this information has been helpful to you.

Happy Listening!
Nice post and over view on the CS 2.7, 3.7 and CS6 models.  Hope you are well and enjoying this Fall season.  Happy Listening!


Thank You for sharing. Hearing problems can certainly debilitate anyone at anytime. An aural sense is a precious thing not to be taken lightly.

God's speed on your recovery. Keep us posted as your health is restored.


I would like to think that Thiel is unique and one-of-a-kind in all of its loudspeaker models.  Happy Listening!


You have a very nice system indeed.  Nice to see such a wide variety of Thiel speakers under one roof.  Happy Listening!

Thank You! for the update. Yes, you have put in quite the hours attempting the next evolution of our beloved loudspeakers.

Knowing a pair of speakers is paramount and will serve well as a frame of reference. The Panel members who own 2.2 models are lucky to receive upgrades, firstly,  upon official release.

Have fun and enjoy the Music!

Happy Listening!

I am looking forward in reading about your impressions, thoughts on the Pass Labs amp.  I have only auditioned the XP-10 which is a very fine preamp indeed.   Happy Listening!
Right On! Tom,
Good to see you today.  While we are mentioning names, Audio Video Excellence in Raleigh NC had Thiel Audio. I was impressed with Ryan Deans at the helm whom is / was adamant about his loudspeakers. This is the Audio shop where I spent several months with the CS 2.4SE, CS 2.7 and CS 3.7 models in audition. It was a fun experience and experiment sifting through those models in an attempt to find the one for me.I chose the CS 2.4SE as the best performer to my ears. My listening room is not large enough to accommodate the CS 3.7 loudspeaker properly.Ryan's fave was the CS 2.4SE as well. He would not sell his pair to me- smart on his behalf. This was back in the Fall of 2014. It would take searching weekly to find another pair of this model until January of 2016.I acted quickly and made the trek to Austin TX, without reservation, to purchase. Turned out to be a slam dunk, double reverse. Now, to decide on the rest of my gear...
Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. I look forward in reading more about your development and research in wave interference as well.

Happy Listening!

Last week I read and watched a program describing this Neuronal Overload syndrome. Yes, it is a real medical diagnosis. The subject (person) could not tolerate any EMF/RMF stimulation from simple household appliances, cellular, internet, the list went on. 
Very rare in the global population at this time. I suspect as the entire world attempts to go,  full-on cellular/wifi, many more will suffer.
There is something to be said for living far away from the grid, especially, in places like New York City. Good to read that a provider was able to help you beat this dangerous condition.

Thank You for the time travel back into 1975. As always, the history lesson was informative and valuable as you take those mental notes into application today(2020).

After the 2.2, which model(s) are on your overhaul radar?

Happy Listening!

I, too, had an audition w/ TAD (floorstander around $30K retail a few years ago) and was disappointed. Especially for that kind of money? The rest of the gear- Esoteric DV-60, Pass Labs XP-10 preamp, Threshold T-400 and Aesthetix Atlas power amps, Silent Source / Signal Cable / Wireworld Electra Silver power cords all around. The room was really tight and dead silent in nature. Still, I preferred a Thiel loudspeaker strictly for it's rich timbre to my ears.

Happy Listening!
Nice score! The CS 2.7 is a fine speaker indeed. Keep me posted as you massage them with the Mark Levinson or B.A.T. power amp.  Happy Listening!
Thank You for the Nakamichi story.  More please.  Happy Listening!
I, for one, would like to see you return to Thiel Audio loudspeakers.
Happy Listening!
excellent points all around. Absolutely! ScanSpeak, Seas and Vifa could build such drivers- why those guys chose not to do so, I do not know?
Happy Listening!

2nd Note:
Recorded music is more important now than ever.  Have fun!

Happy Listening!
Outstanding! insight on the factors and forms that make Thiel Audio head-and-shoulders above the competition. Your memory and recollection is impeccable. You are spot on, in that, most of the population are not forward thinkers. Moreover, the same population cannot think outside of the box neither. This is a very good thing for those of us that can do, succeed at it.
Happy Listening!
Nice catch! Good to see you again. How are you enjoying your CS 2.7 loudspeakers?  Happy Listening!