Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


Thank You for the confirmation regarding Clarity Caps.
Hope that you are well and having fun splitting duties between Hot Rod garage and Studio time.
If you guys require more specific(s) relating to Clarity Caps, reach out and touch Dave Garrettson, whom represents that brand here on the 'Gon.

Happy Listening!
Thank You, as always, Tom Thiel.
shortly after the TT1 launched, I spoke with several Thiel dealers/retailers, and the response was positive. There were a limited amount of reviews as well. All positive among the Audio press. I wonder how many pairs were built? Sold?  Happy Listening!
Good advice - thielisteYes, I am working on setting up an audition with the Bryston 4B3 power amp soon.  I want to compare it to the older SST/SST2 designs.  Keep me posted on your Ayre demo.  Happy Listening!
Good to see you - thieliste
How is your pre/power amp search? Hope you are well and enjoying Summer.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you - dhoff01
I wanted to get your impression/thought(s) on the Accuphase A-65 that is for sale here on the 'Gon.  Hope you are well and enjoying a music filled Summer.
Happy Listening!


Good to see you. Hope you are well and enjoying Summer.  Happy Listening!

Right On! dsper

"Virtuoso" is an excellent disc to test any system.  Happy Listening!


Good to see you. Thank You, as always, for the valuable information.

Happy Listening!


good to see you again. Keep us posted when you get back into your next pair of Thiel loudspeakers.  Happy Listening!

Welcome! jschwenker

Good to see you here. I look forward in reading more about your Audio journey.  Happy Listening!

Good to see you - vair68robert

Thank You for the update to your system. You and a very select across other Audio forums are using a McCormack/Thiel combo to excellent effect.  I can report that not many are using a tubed phono pre-amp.

Happy Listening!

Welcome! kdross

tomthiel owns Classe' gear and will weigh on  your specific query about that vintage.  No, I do not believe that the gear damaged your CS2 speakers. Certainly age plays a factor and no doubt that these drivers are old. Another factor to consider is the cross-over (XO) being old as well.

Thirdly, did the previous owner(s) treat these speakers poorly?

The CS 2.4 model is easy to drive from a modest integrated amp all of the way up to separates. They only get better will better electronics/cabling as well.  Keep me posted on your situation.

I look forward in reading more about your Audio journey.

Happy Listening!

Welcome! audiojanas you discovered, once the CS 2.4 is dialed-in, magic happens.I look forward in reading more about your audio journey. A home's alcove can really add something special to any system. Placement is key.
Happy Listening!
jonandfamily-as above, consult Mr. Rob Gillum. Hope you guys are enjoying Summer.Happy Listening!
Thank You for the kind remarks. There is a plethora of information in this thread that is built-by-design to help Thiel owners. Reading all of the various Audio forums on a regular basis, like I do, audiophiles are enjoying both integrated and separate pre/power amps in their respective systems.When I heard one of the first outboard DAC model(s), I remarked, why would anyone want this (circa 1990's)?  Fast forward to 2018 and look at all of the DAC manufacturers.  The same argument is made of the Integrated Amp from Anthem, Ayre, Bryston, Classe' Creek, Krell, Mark Levinson and Pass Labs, just to name a few. Technology has traveled a long way. Designers and engineers have advanced right along side  the trends as well.

Happy Listening!

in your hot rod garage and studio, which sources (CD, Downloads, Vinyl) are you using to test the speakers?  I recall you bought a Sony ES SCD-1 reference player at one point.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you- audiojan

Hope this thread is to your liking and finding answers to your queries.

Happy Listening!


Not at all my audiophile friend. Post as much as you wish here. We all can learn from your Thiel Audio expertise and insightful background.

Hope you are well today.

Happy Listening!

Welcome! ontario1
Very nice Thiel/Mark Levinson system you own. Agreed, cabling is tricky and requires trial-and-error for best outcome. Audioquest is a sonic match for Thiel loudspeakers. Interesting that you are using Signal Cable. Good to read that brand is a sonic match as well.  I look forward in reading more about your Audio journey.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- thieliste
I look forward in reading about your trip to Switzerland. Have a fun adventure.  Happy Listening!
Welcome! rosami
Good to see you here. I believe that you are the sole Naim/Thiel owner on this distinguished panel. I look forward in reading more about your Audio journey.  Happy Listening!
Good to see you - silvanik
Consult Mr. Rob Gillum for your CS 3.6 loudspeaker schematics.There are a few guys here that own the 3.6, perhaps they could chime in as well.  Hope you are well and enjoying Labor Day Weekend.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- audiojan

there are a few owners of the SS series of subwoofers. Hopefully they will chime in their suggestions.  Happy Listening!
Thank You - brayeagle

Hope you are well and enjoying this Labor Day Weekend.  Happy Listening!
Good to see you- ish_mail
Hope Tom can answer/provide assistance w/ your query.  Happy Listening!
Thank You for addressing ish_mail and silvanik's queries.
Hope you had a fun Labor Day Weekend.  

Happy Listening!

Good to see you. Beetlemania and tomthiel are working on the latest and greatest cross-over upgrades that will release later this year.
To my ears, I liked the CS 2.4SE by a very slight margin over the stock CS 2.4 loudspeaker. Several differences both internally and externally (cosmetic) exist on the 2.4SE. There are (2) caps on the co-ax feed vis Clarity Cap SAs.  SQ is a little more sublime and sweeter on the 2.4SE.
I could have lived very easily w the stock CS 2.4 model (it is that good).

Keep me posted.
Happy Listening!

Thank You for the follow on to last_lemming query.
Hope you are well and having fun w Tom on the whole XO project.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you. Thank You for sharing your story w the Krell power amp.  Hope you are enjoying the CS 2.4 loudspeaker. It is very fine indeed.  Happy Listening!

I originally heard this power amp when new back in 1995, 1996 on Vandersteen 2 series speakers of the same time period. An AMC cd player was connected to it and Audioquest cabling rounded out this system.  The Sunfire had plenty of power to drive the Vandy speakers on Rock music playing as loud as I could tolerate without an degradation in presentation.   It would be interesting to re-visit this beast from Bob Carver to determine if it still holds up well.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you.  The 3.5 model is very popular here. Thank You for sharing your point of view.  Happy Listening!

very nice system. Bryston and Thiel have excellent synergy together.
All musical genres sound excellent to outstanding. I have heard the 4B-SST2 on several occasions, in different systems. No slouch at all.

Happy Listening!

Staying tuned my Friend. Looking forward to your power amp discovery.
It is a fun journey.  Happy Listening!

agreed- the BP26 is a very fine pre-amp. Interesting combination Bryston and Cambridge.  Happy Listening!

over on Audio Asylum, seek out, John Elison. For many years he uses an A21 driving his CS 3.7 loudspeakers. He listens to all formats (CD, downloads and Vinyl).  This gentleman has been an Audiophile for 50 years and counting.  Hope this information is helpful.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. Thank You for the kind words surrounding our thread.  It is never too late to convert on a pair of Thiel Audio loudspeakers.  Have fun in this hobby!

Happy Listening!

Good to see you again. Thank You for the comparison and update on your 3.5 loudspeakers. Rob is the man when it comes down to our beloved speakers.  Also good to read that your amp project turned out well.

Happy Listening!