Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Good to see you- robinbarbour

how is your Summer? Hope you are well and playing good music today.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you - thosb

across other Audio forums, I have read about other Thiel owners using Primare gear, as well as, Rogue Audio to excellent effect.  Hope this helps.  Happy Listening!


good to see you my audiophile friend. Did you run a B.A.T. pre-amp w/ your Pass Labs power amp?  Thanks! for chiming in and confirming more positive remarks about Reno HiFi.  I knew that you had a dealing or two w/ Mark.  Happy Listening!


keep me posted as you take ownership of the Pass Labs. I do not know the closest dealer/retailer from Atlanta either?  Mark and Kent are stand up guys and very clearly know these products w/o question. In fact, most audiophiles who are considering Nelson's products, seek out these guys for their expertise alone.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you- silvanik
nice system. I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes.Happy Listening!
which ARC model?  You have had some sweet gear over the years.I really enjoy reading about all of the gear that has resided in your system.
Happy Listening!

2nd Note- I remember Adcom making a Limited Edition 585 mono block Amp as well. I do not recall if Nelson had his hand in the designs/production ?

Happy Listening!
Good to see you - thosb
Not sure about the Prima Luna? Rogue Audio is a sonic match, especially, the m-180 (monoblocks). A CS 3.7 owner over on Audio Asylum uses this combo in excellent effect. Keep us posted on your purchase decision.
Happy Listening!
Good to read - prof
I know that the new owner of your CS 3.7 loudspeakers will enjoy them.Perhaps he will join us here?  Happy Listening!
Welcome! dsper
Consult Mark w/ Reno HiFi since you like the Pass Labs sound.  Coda, Pass and Threshold are connected, affiliated w/ Nelson Pass. Older Adcom as well. Perhaps one of the other owners here are versed in Prima Luna and can offer a suggestion.
Personally, I enjoy a tubed pre-amp mated to a solid state Power amp.I am intrigued w/ your AudioSpace CD8 transport as well.
Keep us posted on your audition/purchase decision.Happy Listening!

Good to see you here again. Thank You for the update and confirmation via Rob's help regarding your 3.0 loudspeakers. 36 years and going strong is incredible!

Happy Listening!


Thank You for sharing the various gear that you have tried on the CS 2.4 speaker.  You are running a very interesting combination, Aesthetix and SR cabling, my audiophile friend. 

Looking forward in reading your report/review on the Pass Labs X150.8 amp.

Happy Listening!


Thank You for the vote of confirmation. Hope you are well and enjoying the XO research/testing.  Happy Listening!

Good to see you-  brayeagle

hope you are well and playing good music today.  Happy Listening!


Yes, CJ and McCormack gear are sonic matches w/ our beloved loudspeakers.  Keep us posted.  Happy Listening!


Thank You for the 1st report on your Pass Labs amp as it compares to the Bryston 4B3. I look forward in reading more on your impressions and aural thoughts between these two brands.  Happy Listening!

Sweet! tomthiel
I know that your hard work will pay off big time for us Thiel Audio owners of the CS 2.4/2.4SE models.  Hopefully you and beetlemania can reach out to the CS 2.7 / 3.7 owners later down range.  And then there are the guys who own vintage models, oh my, the possibilities.  Keep up the excellent research/testing.  Happy Listening!

fantastic video. Which brand tubed amp did Arnie own and endorse?Happy Listening!
Thank You- ronkent
your enthusiasm on the BHK certainly has my interest peaked. I feel at ease with you being our resident PS Audio expert.  I will attempt to find an audition within the Southeast region.   Happy Listening!
Very nice! tomthiel
are there any Audio shop(s) in your locale?  Hope you are well and enjoying the XO project.  Happy Listening!

is Taylor w/ Goldprint Audio your dealer/retailer? He owns and operates a very fine Audio establishment.  Happy Listening!
my tenure w/ the CS 2.7 and CS 3.7 was spent w/ an Anthem 225 integrated amp over 4 months while on work assignment in Raleigh NC back in 2014. Both amp and loudspeakers were well broken-in and the music flowed effortlessly. Playback was as loud as I wanted w/o any clipping nor deterioration of sound/presentation. All flavors were represented from classical to world music.  I can only imagine the aural pleasure demonstrated w/ a higher end amp/separates combo.
Happy Listening!
Right On! ronkent
good to read that Taylor is doing well and expanding his operation. Success could not happen for a nicer gentleman of Audio.   Happy Listening!
Good to see you - popsmodel 3.6 is a popular one. The best thing about Thiel Audio, is that, there is a loudspeaker for every Audiophile.  Happy Listening!
Excellent counterpoint - jon_5912
I will second Bryston power amps. The BP-25/26 are very fine pre-amps as well.  Happy Listening!
what were the differences, if any, between the CS 2.2 and CS 2.3 models?Just curious.  Happy Listening!
As above,across many Audio forums, the CS 2.2, is still  a beloved loudspeaker.Happy Listening!
Good to read - profperhaps the new owner will join us here?  Happy Listening!

Thank You - tomthiel

for the details and insight into models CS 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 loudspeakers.

Another +vote for the CS 2.4 as I have never spent time w/ the 2.2 nor 2.3 models. The Passive Radiator was a stroke of genius via Mr. Jim Thiel. This driver really adds something very special to the sound, presentation, to the CS2.4 IMO.  Happy Listening!


My pleasure. Tell me about the rest of your System.


Happy Listening!


Good to see you here.  I concur w/ beetle, Clarity Cap is a sonic match.
Keep us posted on your project. There are a few DIY experts here that can assist with the re-build.

Happy Listening!


excellent points all around as you are finding out by auditioning different brands of loudspeakers. During my audio journey, Vandersteen, Triangle, Maggies and B&W were in full effect. Like yourself, I came back to Thiel Audio for this brand's outstanding timbre.  Happy Listening!

Good to see you-  dancastagna

my greatest discovery of  Thiel's capabilities, is that, these speakers sound excellent w/ tubed and solid state gear.  Happy Listening!

Thank You - tomthiel

for the continued support and insight into these wonderful loudspeakers.

Hope you are well today and enjoying good music.  Happy Listening!


Thank You for the update. I look forward in reading more about your aural thoughts/impressions on the Pass Labs.  Happy Listening!


I wanted to direct your DIY attention to last week's HiFi Chats via YouTube. The guest was Mr. Richard Vandersteen. The episode (7) was an in-depth discussion on loudspeaker building. Specifically, our beloved 1st Order filter design.  The most informative session yet.

Happy Listening!


Nice score! on the 3.5 loudspeaker.
This model may very well be the Panel favorite.

Happy Listening!
tomthielThank You for today's Thiel Audio history lesson.  Hopefully your examples, as above, will bring out a few of these owners for models 01,02,03,04 and CS1. I always enjoy and find it all fascinating how the older designs made a gateway to the more modern. Whom designed model TT1 after the CS 3.7 ?
Happy Listening!
Good to see you my New York Brother (or north of the Mason-Dixon line).Hope you are well and enjoying Summer with your family. This season is certainly drawing near closure fast, as Fall, approaches.
Happy Listening!