Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Second note;
I am interested in the newest Mark Levinson integrated amp No. 585 as well.
Anyone own or demo?

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank You! dgarretson for the "special sauce" of this SE loudspeaker.

Do you own Thiel speakers? Have you DIY'ed the ESA product(s)?
Or know someone whom has performed this mod?

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! guys-

everyone has been very helpful. Yes, I will welcome any comments, thoughts or impressions on Thiel and the gear that makes them great!

Pops, you nailed it on timbre' and tone- this is the upper hand of these speakers, IMO.

Many Thanks! for sharing your listening experience. This is the 1st time that I have read about Classe' being used w/ Thiel. Very nice intel indeed!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Yes, Pass Labs is a terrific sonic match indeed. I want to demo their integrated amps for sure.  This is the 2nd or 3rd time that I have read about Transparent cabling being use w/ Thiel. Also, good to learn that Transparent matches Pass Labs.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

it is good to continue reading about Ayre being a sonic match w/ Thiel.
Ayre gear can be matched w/ Transparent cabling to boot.

I concur with the panel, sit 8-12 ft from speakers, as they throw, a wide and deep soundstage. Most certainly not a near-field listening speaker.

Additionally, I would not place any furniture in the path between you and your speakers. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
VAC/VTL are reported to match well w/ Thiel speakers!
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Anything NAD is not going to have enough "juice" for Thiel loudspeakers.

Keep me posted as you massage your CJ amp into your system.
I am interested in some of the new models from CJ.
Thanks! dar57, carmenc, and oblgny-

very insightful intel indeed.  Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Having a local Transparent Cable dealer/retailer is sweet!
These are very fine cables and cords that get better the further one goes up their chain of products. A very generous upgrade program as well.

Keep me posted & give a shout-out to your local Audio shops!
Happy Listening!
Right On! guys-

no need to tilt these speakers nor raise them above their respective outriggers. It is all in the design by JT.  Keep the info flowing.
Happy Listening!


which other brands of Speaker cables are you using and/or have tried with your Thiel loudspeakers?  Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


I am seriously on the same fence, CJ or Pass labs, as to my electronics selection for my Thiels.  Which cd/sacd players are you "digital" guys using.  I have a small collection of about 3000 cd and sacd titles!

unsound + oblgny,
yes- Threshold and Parasound HCA series power amps still hold up well when matched to a Pass Labs XP-10 / XP-20 preamp!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Right On! prof-

the ole "cable" debate is a good one.  System synergy is what really counts, sometimes cabling plays (no pun) a pivotal tole, sometimes not.
An open mind is necessary.  Happy Listening!

do not assume anything. Consult Primare or a affiliated dealer/retailer for power output ratings.  I wish I knew the answer to your query-unsound & oblgyn.
Thanks! for sharing- jeffjazz.

it is interesting the variations on a 1st order cross-over and how different they present w/in other speaker designs.  Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- cal3713.

how are the (2) amps, XA30.5 and X250.5, different?
Happy Listening!
Excellent! oblgny

BAT, ARC, Claase' -you certainly have your pre-amps covered.
did you not want a Primare pre-amp/processor ?

Classe' (corrected). I still want to hear B.A.T. and Thiel just for a reference. Difficult to find dealers/retailers....

Well, let me know when you switch to all-Transparent cablng oblgny.

Happy Listening!

Thanks! for the update oblgny.

Yes, big fan of Transparent cabling here as well. I am very fortunate to have heard almost every model in the MM2 catalog, including, the all-mighty OPUS series!

I feel that the best investment w/ this company lies in its trade-up program. Nothing else like it! The middle of the chain is very sweet and the best place to start your musical journey, IMO.

Happy Listening!

Nice! Warren.

which #'s do you own? I have #'s 177 and 178. I love these speakers!
My initial audition was w/ #'s 50 and 51 about 3 years ago.
So rich in sound and presentation. Only if you have a very large listening space (20x20, 25x25 or 30x30) should you seek out the CS 3.7 model.
Plus, the massive amp(s) to drive them properly. Happy Listening!
Another query-
Warren, what other gear, including cabling, is in your system?
Nice system Warren!

how do you like Kimber Kable w/ your Thiel speakers?
Other cable systems that you have owned?

oddly enough, I have only heard Thiel speakers w/ Audioquest speaker cables.  They seem to mate very nicely.  Others to consider, Kimber,
Nordost, Audience and Wireworld.

Older XLO gets an honorable mention from a friend whom used these cables for many years.

hope you guys are having a fun Thiel weekend.
Eat a chocolate bunny on Easter Day!

I would be curious to learn about the synergy between Thiel & Odyssey amps.  What other gear, including cabling, is in your system?

Happy Listening!
Hang in there- oblgny. It will be worth it.
I have always wanted to demo B.A.T. gear- whom has the best operation and showroom?
Many Thanks! Dan for your contribution to this thread.
Thiel will image like no other. Detail and resolution are abundant as well.

Another attribute- very clean. Some will confuse this aspect w/ forward and/or bright. I suppose that if fed the wrong source or component the presentation could be bright.  At any rate, this could be tamed w/ a tubed pre-amp or amp.  My fave combo is a tubed pre-amp and solid state power amp.  Most important of all, carefully selecting cables/power cords.

Good Day robinbarbour-

I am a big fan of CJ gear as well.  Did you check out the MET-1 ?

This is CJ's attempt at surround sound- 5.1 to be exact. Yes, I have read excellent comments on  Cary Cinema.  Personally, I am a "stereo" guy, 2-channel only.  Once one steps outside of this and goes into a more complicated configuration, 5.1 or 7.1, much thought/planning must be sorted out. I have auditioned both good and poor HT set-ups over the years.  In a 5-channel system, it all starts with the room or listening space.