Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Good to see you - offnon57

I agree, in that, there are very few Thiel owners that use a McCormack power amp. I would be curious, interested,  about this combo myself.
Happy Listening!
My pleasure - offnon57
keep me posted as you put together your system.
Happy Listening!

Thank You for the PP information.  Hope that you are well and having fun in your Hot Rod garage and Studio.

Happy Listening!

Such is life- we strive to make time for certain events. I am looking forward in reading about the outcome comparing Wire configurations.
There is tremendous support here via our DIY members of the Panel.

Happy Listening!

Very nice - vair68robert

you are one of the very few that I have found mating Thiel and McCormack. Nice upgrades on the IEC and fuses as well.

Happy Listening!


yes, there is a market for the SmartSub. You will not have any trouble selling it. Perhaps one of the contributors here will take it off of your hands?

Happy Listening!

Thanks! for the update - tomthiel

have fun with your project.

Happy Listening!

Right On! prof

your example is the "Thiel Experience". You would be hard-pressed to find a better speaker that exhibits timbre, tone and dynamics.

Happy Listening!

Absolutely! tomthiel

unless the senior reviewer in question played an Editor role as well, I would have most certainly called him out. An inaccurate or insulting review could have (potentially) hurt the future sales of reported loudspeaker model.

Happy Listening!
I see tomthiel.  I can understand your position not to go against the great JGH. After all of these years, he is still the MAN! Harry Pearson as well.

Did you or Jim ever meet JGH or HP outside of Audio shows?
Ever receive an invite to either publisher's personal residence?

Happy Listening!
Well, your and Jim's hard work, endless hours of perfection, certainly paid off big time- tomthiel.

You guys have a dedicated following here and across other Audio forums.
Not every speaker company can make this kind of claim.
Hope Mr. Rob Gillum is well and having fun.

Happy Listening!



Good to see you here again. Thank You for citing your experience with Rob at CSS.  Model CS 2.4 is a Honey of a loudspeaker. Flies well under the radar in performance and value.


Happy Listening!

Welcome! boilers1

I have had the pleasure of listening to the Rega Elicit -R integrated on different speakers that sounded pretty good. Thiel speakers crave high-current. I am interested to learn the current output of your Rega?

It could be that the volume has to increase to gain a certain output level?

My first CS 2.4 listening experience was with a Creek integrated that did not have the power of your Rega. Remembering back, I did adjust the volume to musical taste.  Hope this has been helpful.

Happy Listening!


Thank You for the follow up on Rob Gillum. Good to read that he is well and (hopefully) working during this down cycle.

Happy Listening!

Keep me posted on your Audio journey - boilers1

The CS 2.4 should not exhibit any congestion of any kind? My demo of the Rega included the Rega Saturn-R player and a Macbook Pro (to show off the internal DAC/Computer Audio capability).

Double check all connections on all gear. Yes, agreed that the Rega is very capable. The Creek that I demo'ed was half powered and still sounded very fine with a NAD 565BEE player.

Happy Listening!


I have heard many PP owners report that this speaker was made for a challenging/difficult room or space.  Keep us posted on your project.

Happy Listening!

I would consider keeping your CS 2.7 loudspeakers as is, experimental/unique.  It would be interesting to learn if there are other Nashville models  that exhibit the same wiring configuration?

Happy Listening!

Thank You for posting pics in Virtual Systems. Very cool !

Happy Listening!

Much Thanks! for the update. Good to read that VAC and Thiel are sonic matches. Keep us posted as you massage the Renaissance V into your system and room. I have often thought about the VAC integrated amp and its impact w/ Thiel speakers. Are you using all Wireworld cabling?

Happy Listening!
Excellent! drrsutliff

Audience is an even better choice. Good to read about this brand mating well w/ the CS 2.4 loudspeaker.  I have been trying to get an updated audition w/ Audience. I t has been over 10 years and several generations back (Au24) since my last demo. Audience's power conditioner is highly regarded as well.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you- tmsrdg

Looks like a cool project indeed. Keep us posted.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you- beetlemania

Much Thanks! for the update and your hard work regarding this issue.

Those cross-overs do look cool. Put me down for yea.

Happy Listening!

Very cool developments- beetlemania

staying tuned to your and tomthiel's XO project.

Happy Listening!


We contact each other by personal email/phone outside of Audiogon's personal message (PM) system.

A'gon's system can act tricky at times. It helps to spell out the words to your personal email address and/or phone number.
Hope this is helpful.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you - ronkent

nice score on the CS 3.7 model. I know that you will enjoy this loudspeaker. I know that you will find a good home for your CS 2.7 speakers as well. This is an excellent opportunity for another music lover to discover Thiel loudspeakers.

Keep us posted as you massage the 3.7 into your system/room.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you - tomthiel

Much Thanks! to you, beetlemania and Mr. Rob Gillum for taking on the task and project of building xo for our beloved Thiel speakers. What fun you guys must be engaged.

Happy Listening!

Much Thanks! for your help - tomthiel

always a pleasure to see you here. Looking forward in reading more about your xo progress. Have fun.

Happy Listening!

Per beetlemania 's request and assist the xo interest for tomthiel et al.,

keep these replies to a yea or nay. I am sure these guys will have more developments and information forthcoming.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you - marqmike

hope you are playing good tunes on your 2.4 speakers today.

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Yes, Much Thanks! beetlemania.
Keep up the excellent work and feel free to update as developments arise.
Happy Listening!

if yea or nay does not work for you, then, your opinion does not count.
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Absolutely! beetlemania

a simple yea or nay will work for your purposes. The finer details, instructions and logistics, can be worked out down the line for you and tomthiel.   Thank again for taking the initiative on this interesting tasker.

Enjoy this Spring day.
Happy Listening!



Good to read that the newer Cardas offerings are a sonic match for CS 3.7 loudspeakers. I am on-the-record reporting that Cables do make a difference.


Happy Listening!

Welcome! iambenbryant

Always a good thing to have another Thiel owner on board, especially, one from Lexington KY. I look forward in reading more about your Audio journey.
Feel free to post more about your system and musical taste(s).

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Thank You for the updates - tomthiel
keep up the excellent research and work. There are several guys here that expressed interest in updating/upgrading their xo networks.

Happy Listening!

Thank You for citing the S/N on your CS 2.4 loudspeakers. Nice score on those low numbers.
Enjoy the Music!

Happy Listening!
Thank You - beetlemania
for the additional insight and price-point references. I can agree that the CS 2.4 is very good in stock form. The CS 2.4SE is excellent in stock form as well.  Moving up the chain to the 2.7/3.7, one will have to spend in the $20K neighborhood to better those models. You guys have sourced a few of the top competitors from other speaker companies that we can relate. It is good to learn that any Thiel can still compete no matter its age or vintage.
Staying tuned.
Happy Listening!
Thanks again for additional details -tomthiel.
Your hard work will certainly pay off once a prototype is generated. I can hardly await to see a finished product. Staying tuned.
Happy Listening!

I subscribe to the fact that most components, especially digital,  can benefit from 500 hrs of break/burn -in.  
This applies to cables and cords as well.

Happy Listening!
Good to see you -  vair69robert
we could not exist without contributors like yourself. I started this thread by a fan of Thiel loudspeakers for other fans of this brand. Keep me updated on your mod/upgrade(s) in the future.
Happy Listening!