Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant


as reported per saffron_boots, only 91 pairs of the CS 2.4SE were produced.  Hopefully, the remaining drivers, cross-overs and other critical parts are available via customer service/Mr. Rob Gillum in Lexington KY?

I will attempt to get an affirmation on this important matter.
Happy Listening!

Good to see you- ronkent
did you fix the driver yourself? I will reach out and touch Mr. Gillum next week and report back his current position w/ customer service.
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Absolutely! unsound.
 a very important cleaning tip. Luckily my speakers were very well cared for prior to my purchase. They still exihibit a very fine shine. I do not know if the previous owner ever used any kind of cleaning product? I do know that the gentleman reported only using a microfiber cloth to wipe them down once per week.

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the outriggers are very sweet and very heavy. I have heard the 2.4, 2.4SE and 2.7 models with and without outriggers. To my ears, there is a slightly improved sound and presentation using the outriggers. I venture to report that the difference is not day vs. night.  Thiel owners across other Audio forums like Sound Anchors to good effect. Still another option is using maple wood slabs under these speakers as well.
In all of my auditions the rooms were carpet, from the range of, very thin commercial to full on luxury thick.
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Good to see you here- luizfcoimbra
Much Thanks! for telling your Audio journey. I must say that you are the only owner using Argento cabling. I have read reports/reviews about the brand over the years. It has been a long time since I heard B.A.T. gear. I cannot fault you for moving up to  Magico. Keep writing your musical thoughts/impressions.
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Good to see you- corvette01-
the only class-D gear that I have ever auditioned was Primare separates w/ Vienna Acoustics speakers over 10 years ago. The pairing made for a very good demo. There is a CS 3.7 owner, on a different forum, that uses Rogue Audio M-180 amps in his system. No, have not heard any class-D gear w/ Thiel loudspeakers. Thank You for the suggestion.
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Many thanks! unsound
for the cleaning tip. I would use this product very sparingly on any cabinet.
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it would be interesting to learn the number of pairs built for CS 3.7 speakers. Good to read that your dealer/retailer and Thiel customer service took care of you.
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Good to see you- prof
good to read that are digging the CS 2.7 speakers. I knew that you would.
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Good to see you again- ish_mail
very informative replies to prof 's queries. I look forward in reading more on your research. Happy Listening!
Excellent reporting- prof, ish_mail and beetlemania

very informative information for those wanting to integrate a subwoofer or two into their system. Equally important is the mention of isolation of your speakers via outriggers or some other product in kind.
Much will depend on the room, type of flooring and other sound treatments.
Fun stuff to be sure. Is not this hobby great?

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Thanks! for sharing- ronkent
another excellent tweak suggestion for us Thiel lovers. Good to read more positive reviews of Mapleshade products.
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Excellent ronkent-
I want to say that I have read on other audio forums about using Mapleshade platforms under Thiel speakers to very good effect.
Not too many own Mapleshade racks and footers, so it is refreshing, to read about those who do. Sound Anchors and CS 2.4 speakers are a sonic match. I have not read about CS 2.7 owners using Sound Anchors?

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keep us posted as you massage iso-lation products under your speakers and into your system.
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In progress- beetlemania.
I hope to have good news for you guys very soon. Thank You for the inquiry.

Happy Listening!

Alright Guys-
I reached out and touched Mr. Rob Gillum recently. He is alive and well, more importantly, remaining focused on Thiel customer service in KY.
He is celebrating 30 years w/ Thiel Audio. He is not planning to retire (God willing) any time soon. In fact, he is working on becoming the owner/operator, solely, of Thiel Customer Service where our legacy products will continue to receive the care.  Open for business!

For those interested, send him an email or pay a phone call congratulating
Mr. Gillum on his service with Thiel Audio. 

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Good to see you- robinbarbour
hope you are well this new year.
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Not a bad idea- stevecham
keep enjoying those CS 2.4 speakers.
Happy Listening!
Right On! beetlemania

those queries would be better served and answered by Mr. Gillum directly.
Like you, I am curious to learn more about his stock and overall speaker repair, rebuilding, refurbishing capabilities.  I am relieved that he is attempting to run a separate entity from Thiel Nashville.

Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- prof and beetlemania

I tend to agree with Jim Thiel and Bill Conrad, respectively.
There is an improvement between the CS 2.4 / CS 2.4SE, believe me, I spent many hours of listening to ensure that nothing was remissed.

Regarding Conrad Johnson, if one is considering a model of pre or power amp, and there is a "SE" upgraded model available, go for the "SE".
Totally worth those sweet teflon caps and vishay resistors.
Happy Listening!

As we enjoy a little downtime, I wanted to direct your Audiophile attention to HiFi Chats via HiFi Buys Atlanta. This Q&A series is just taking off with many more episodes in  production. A very cool concept where the viewer sees some of the brilliant minds behind our favorite Audio brand(s).

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Oh Yes, beetlemania,

the CS 2.4 is excellent. The CS 2.4SE is outstanding!

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Good to see all of you guys. Excellent news and developments on all fronts regarding Thiel Customer Service Kentucky.  May we all continue to enjoy our beloved loudspeakers!

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Much Thanks! for the follow up- tmsrgd.

Mr. Gillum is a class act.

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Good to read that Quintessence Audio is alive and well.

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Thank You for the update. Nice score on those Powerplane 1.0 models.

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Outstanding! tomthiel

it is an honor to have you aboard. We all look forward in reading your thoughts and insights related to our beloved loudspeakers.

Kind Regards.

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Mr. Tom Thiel

please feel free to contribute as much commentary as your personal time/schedule allows. I am very interested in reading more about you and your Audio journey.  Equally important, discuss your favorite musical tastes.

Happy Listening!

Thank You- Mr. Tom Thiel
no doubt that countless hours of research, testing and critical listening, led you and the Thiel team into each and every coherence -sourced loudspeaker. I will never forget my audition of the CS 2.4, the model that set my journey, in motion.
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not at all. You may want to reach out and touch Dave Garretson
dgarretson here. He is our resident Clarity Cap OEM expert and can further advance the differences between OEM, SA and ESA film caps.

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Thank You- Mr. Tom Thiel for continuing to provide insightful, behind-the-scenes- information for the rest of us.  Keep us posted on your acoustic projects, testing caps and drivers.

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Thank You- guys for providing  this insightful information that can benefit

the rest of us. I like reading about potential mods and upgrades to our speakers' cross-over networks. Very cool indeed.

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Always good to see you here- dgarretson
Thank You for the valuable information regarding Clarity Caps. Easily, you are my "go to" guy. I hope you and Mr. Rob Gillum can acquire and stock these cross-over parts soon. Happy New Year.

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Thank You for the follow up and perspective on M.I.T. vs Transparent cable systems.

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Thanks! for sharing- beetlemania.
Dave Garretson is very informative regarding Clarity Caps and other OEM parts.
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Thank You for the information -marqmike

I know for a fact that I do not possess the skill-level to take speakers/cross-overs apart. For those of you guys so inclined, stand up, and be counted!

We need more modders of speakers and gear in our hobby.

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Good to read that you are enjoying the Music via M.I.T. cables.

Happy Listening!

Thank you for mentioning Goertz Alpha Core cabling options.
Stay safe and enjoy the Music.

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Thank You for multi-tasking with research / developing to include Cabling options. I am looking forward in reading lessons learned from these endeavors. Have fun!

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Good to see you here- solobone22

keep us posted as you massage those speakers into your system.
Happy Listening!