Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 13 responses by robinbarbour


Whatever your decision, I hope you give everyone here a "Heads up" when you sell one pair or the other! Keep them in the family as it were....

No pop here with the 2.7 - sounds more like an amp issue. My cj amp had a similar issue on powering down no matter the speaker and investigation showed a lot of users with similar issue. Didn't harm anything, but annoying.
I drove six hours as I recall to get my pair of 2.7's...each way. No regrets!
I must say I completely agree with you on cabling vs. room treatment and placement. There is so much to be had simply by moving furniture or changing angle/placement of speakers. You can dial in exactly what you want from your system...

Excellent synopsis! I did not realize the class A bias would halve with impedance drop! We might want to think about amplifier distortion doubling as impedance halves also.
David - 
Dave Matthews - nearly anything
Beach boys - Pet Sounds
Cake - Comfort Eagle
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - 4 way Street
The Doors - The Doors - and - Morrison Hotel

"I too have been at this for a few decades"

How old is everyone? There is a lot of experience here...
I am 58.
One thing to remember about subs and integration... The natural roll-off of ported speakers is 24 db/octave and sealed speakers is 6 db/octave.
Just saying Jim's designs, in the bass region, did not roll off at 6 db/octave due to being a passive radiator design.

Always good to see someone from the earlier years. Need more of us!
So, pretty good investment after all the enjoyment of 30+ years...

I must say, thanks to tomthiel!
This post has become very interesting even though I don't have the 2.4. I will be interested if this expands into other models. I do have 2 2 and 2.7. Both excellent speakers and very different from each other. Can't wait to see kits offered for all the legacy models, but this has intrigued me to perhaps start my own path.  
I also would love to see upgrade for 2.7. I'll wait patiently... I must say nay on the outboards though. 
Tom, aren't the smartsubs a class D switching amplifier? I was always curious about the power output at lower impedance.