uncle_monkey Good to see you again. Hope your 2.2 speakers are up and running soon.
Happy Listening!
Another pair of cherry CS 2.4 speakers for sale now. (2) pairs for sale in th same week? Hopefully each will find a new home.
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Hello again- claero
I listen at high volumes. If your system is too bright at that level, try experimenting with cables and power cords to "tone" down the presentation.
Happy Listening!
an update on your Simaudio integrated amp?
Happy Listening! |
Excellent! oblgny-
you have provided a very nice review of the Simaudio. This amp is getting quite a "buzz" around the net. Not a bad review from any owner.
In my personal quest, I have not ruled out an integrated. Conrad Johnson , Mark Levinson, Pass Labs and Wells Audio has my interest peaked for sure. I have to find dealers/retailers who stock these wares for audition. I would never buy any piece, at this level, w/o a demo.
Good to read that you are enjoying the new gear in your system. Do not forget the Cabling!
Happy Listening!
here on the 'Gon there is a cherry (no pun) pair of CS 2.4 speakers at an excellent value. A pair of CS 2.3 speakers as well.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- claero-
Welcome! and post as much as you wish. What other gear, including cabling, is in your system?
Happy Listening! |
Thank You- claero
Cabling is certainly the most important component in any system, as it ties, all of the gear together. Synergy is key.
Good to read that NBS is a match for Thiel speakers (this is the 1st time I have read about an owner using it).
Some other brands to consider; Audience Audioquest Kimber Kable Norodost Transparent Synergistic Research Tara Labs
Which speakers do you own now-stringreen?
Happy Listening! |
Good to see you- oblgny-
Happy Listening! |
Much Thanks! for the banter- prof
Regarding Thiel loudspeakers, we cannot skip out on Cabling. There is too much information to be lost or never discovered by choosing inadequate cables/cords. The best part, one does not have to spend big money, to make it happen. In fact, always buy used or demo and save a bit of coin. Every audiophile can afford quality cabling -you would be foolish otherwise.
By design, I started this thread for the very reason, of making all of our systems the best -sounding possible. It is and will continue to be informative on all fronts.
Happy Listening! |
Good to see you- robinbarbour.
Happy Listening! |
Precisely! oblgny-
I used Monster Cable spool wire and patch cords back in the 80's to the early 90's. Around the mid-1990's I switched over to some entry level Tara Labs and it really made a difference (mid-fi gear at that juncture).
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- prof
excellent example. There are many hidden values to be discovered. Appears that you found your in the form of a PC.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you again- claero
Transparent Super MM2 interconnects and speakers cables. This is the mid-level upwards to Reference/Reference XL models. The MM2 series is an excellent value and readily avail on the used/demo market. I want to audition the newest Gen5 models.
Happy Listening! |
Timbral accuracy is the very aspect that hit me like a lighting bolt upon my very 1st demo. We do not get many days like that one.
Thiel does present the music that sounds "right" and feels "right" as well. Happy Listening! |
forgot to mention, add to the list; Kubala Sosna cables/cords.
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Good catch! robinbarbour
I concur, in that, the seller will take $4K easy on those speakers. Hope they find a good, new, home.
Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! for the kind words- oblgny
I would suggest a demo if possible on a pair of CS 2.7 or 3.7 only for the fact that those last driver designs prior to JT's passing are a little different from his older (including my CS 2.4SE) drivers/designs.
Personally, I have not heard his design(s) outside of the "CS" series. Still, from you guys that own and cherish those vintage models, I venture to report that the time/phase coherency is in full effect. Very impressive!
Having heard and spent time w/ the CS 2.4, 2.4SE, 2.7 and 3.7, I can easily report that all of those models are outstanding in their own right. I chose the CS 2.4 SE as I found it to be a little sweeter on all fronts, plus, my listening space (not large enough) to provide the 3.7 its proper due. Another factor would require a monster solid state power amp over-and-above for the 3.7 model to really "sing".
Yes, by all means, get out there and listen to those 2.7/3.7 models as they appear in the used market. Between Audiogon, eBay and Craigslist, the odds are favorable that you will find one.
I will continue to do my part , like robinbarbour, to report them as they pop up for sale.
Happy Listening!
A last word on the 2.7/3.7 models; these are not inferior speakers by any means. They continue the Thiel tradition in spades. On other forums that offer advice on JT's designs, the 7.2, is very highly regarded as the best speaker he ever built.
Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- nkonor
Good to see you- prof
Happy Listening! |
prior to buying the Neo 340i , did you sample any of the Pass Labs integrated(s) ?
Right On! William-
hopefully, everyone here is contributing from a hands-on, real time, perspective. Nothing wrong in reading the Audio based webzines and print rags. We all need to get out to a dealer/retailer and listen, listen, listen with our own ears /music.
Thanks! for sharing the hot tip.
Happy Listening!
As above- it is quite alright with me if you guys are associated, acquainted, or affiliated with brands and dealers/retailers. This, too, can provide valuable information that some of us may not be in a position to acquire.
Give a shout-out for your local/fave dealer or retailer.
Happy Listening!
upon my first demo of the CS 2.4, that was an immediate impression- a correct feel for highs, mids and lows. To coin Conrad Johnson "it just sounds right".
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- prof
Happy Listening!
Right On! nkonor-
Happy Listening!
I concur- what's a few hertz between friends?
Nice points/counterpoints- Guys.
On occasion, like nkonor moving to Avalon, I have read about previous Thiel owners moving to an Eggelston, Magico or Verity Audio speaker. It does not happen often (leaving Thiel) and making a lateral move.
Marten speakers also come into my mind as well.
Does anyone know how a Thiel would fare w/ Spectral, Souloution, or Vitus Audio gear?
Happy Listening!
Nice! nkonor- when one steps up to that level, Rockport or Marten, be prepared to step up in electronics (CH Precision, Constellation, Gryphon, dCS) as well.
Happy Listening!
Absolutely! oblgny-
Thiel ,under Jim's designs and production, does serve as a reference point. After all, some of you guys own models 20+ years old and older. Backed by Rob there in Kentucky for continued service and parts, it is a no-brainer.
Others like Dave Garretson whom offers excellent OEM parts and upgrades to cross-over (s). Seals the deal for me. My decision was quite easy.
Happy Listening!
As above,
I only know of (1) Thiel Dealer that has these speakers post Jim's death. Goldprint Audio in NC. Taylor is a good guy and operates out of his personal residence.
He gives the newest offerings a positive review. He carries Krell and Kimber Kable as well.
I have not read about an owner using Pass Labs on those ultra high-end speaker models. I suppose that the top of the line PL would work nicely.
Figure $100k on a pair of said speakers. Add another $100K (at least) on gear to drive them. Finally, most important, another $50K (low end) on proper cabling to tie the system together.
By my math= $250K to get started. Happy Listening!
Good to see you- Dave.
Happy Listening!
It is a very fine line- nkonor.
Happy Listening!
And yes, I will be keeping the Thiel speakers ;)
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Hang in there prof-
Thiel appealed to me the most for the fact that one does not have to spend big money to enjoy the music. One can spend any amount to achieve the desired effect or outcome. Choice is yours.
I would never participate in any hobby that has some kind of financial cap, limit, or mandate. Happy Listening! |
Good to see you again- drrsutliff-
Thanks! for sharing your newest gear and its integration into your system. For the modern Thiel models, the CS 2.4, is certainly the sweet spot.
Interesting combo (VAC& Ayre) with Audience cabling. I, too, enjoy a tubed pre-amp on a solid-state power amp. Congratulations on your new home and listening room as well.
Give a shout out to your dealer/retailer. Happy Listening!
Welcome! scarberian-
I would contact Rob Gillum at the Thiel facility in Kentucky and post your query to him. Hopefully, he can track the speaker by its serial number, providing the information you seek.
Keep us posted on your situation. Happy Listening!
Good to see you- robinbarbour.
Happy Listening!
I know many of you guys are on the vintage side of Thiel. Any further advice for scarberian?
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My pleasure- scarberian
I look forward in reading more about your speakers and their history.
Happy Listening!