Much Thanks! William,
I can hardly await for your proper review when the time is right. I really must look into that Ginger Baker disc!
Happy Listening!
Keep us posted -Schubert
Happy Listening!
I would go and listen to those 2.3 speakers for a point of reference. Also, you maybe surprised based on the physical condition.
Happy Listening!
Keep Rockin' -prof
Happy Listening! |
Nice! michaeljbrown
Happy Listening! |
Thanks! for the follow-up oblgny
good to learn that the speakers arrived safe & sound. Now, enjoy the music!
Happy Listening! |
Nice counter points- prof
I can only speak to the newer (not vintage models) in that they do require tons of current! Otherwise, you are spot on.
Happy Listening!
Right On! unsound-
Happy Listening!
That would be a nice score on a Threshold power amp- unsound. Nice catch. And yes, these amps can still be serviced and maintained by many Audio shops.
Happy Listening!
Yes! zkga
Threshold, Coda and Pass Labs share a very similar blood-line. I have not had an opportunity to audition Coda power amps? Can you guys suggest a dealer/retailer?
I have been quite pleased w/ all of the banter on our fave speakers over the weekend. Keep up the discussion!
Happy Listening!
Another +vote for Jon Soderberg. Bill Thalmann comes into my mind as well.
Happy Listening!
Way to go! William,
very good of you to give a shout out to (The) Saturday Audio Exchange. This place has a niche' for obtaining and acquiring Thiel speakers as I see their ads on a frequent basis.
Happy Listening!
Very nice! oblgny-
after 22 years in the same space, you will know which configuration is best. Happy Listening!
Good to see you- robinbarbour
Happy Listening! |
Good to see you again- jonandfamily
Happy Listening! |
how old are your 3.6 ? What year were they built?
Happy Listening! |
Thanks! for sharing- jonandfamily
20 years is a long time for a pair of speakers. I certainly would like to hear your system anytime.
Happy Listening!
vair68robert any Cable/Cord discussion(s) are welcomed here! Have fun and keep us posted on progress. Happy Listening!
Thanks! for the update- William.
Happy Listening!
Additionally, I dig Jazz, especially, the Trio and Quartet setting!
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- pops, nkonor
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- Ifssbn1
how do you like the CS 1.5 w/ Nordost/Anti-cable combo?
Happy Listening!
ante up with your Model(s) and serial numbers.
Happy Listening! |
vair68robert Thank You for the kind words and being a valuable member of the Panel.I am a "cable" guy first and foremost. I only wished that I had the know-how (DIY) and time to build my own like so of you here.The real beauty in cabling options belies in price ( two figures all of the way up to five figures). Attempting to create system synergy is the most important consideration. Audiophiles are achieving excellent results well below the five figure price tag.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you as always. Thank You for addressing Vandy subwoofer(s) and their application in audio systems. I enjoyed reading about M.I.T. and Transparent cabling as well. I hope you are ready for Spring.
Happy Listening! |
Good to see you- Irsky
did you work for Thiel?
Happy Listening!
enjoy the show!
Happy Listening!
Right On! prof
Happy Listening!
Fellow Thiel lovers like you, William, makes it possible to have a flourishing thread here. All of you guys are doing an awesome job sharing ideas, experiences and listening expertise.
Keep up the outstanding work! Happy Listening!
Right On! It is worth chasing the last 10%. Have fun!
Happy Listening!
oblgny As always, good to hear from you, Brother. Thank You for the update and I hope your CS 2.4 speakers find the next good home. Equally good to read that you stay in contact with Audio Den and their expansion. Most of us are not so fortunate to have a dealer/retailer within a five minute drive from home. Yes, the Ayre integrated is incredible and impressive enough to drive Maggies. I know that you enjoy both Maggies and Thiels.Hope that you are well and gearing up for Spring!
Happy Listening!
Absolutely! michaeljbrown
Happy Listening!
oblgny, nkonor ...etc.,
I plan on a few trips this Summer to demo gear. More to follow.
Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- robinbarbour
hopefully, they will find a good home. Happy Listening! |
what other gear, including cabling, is in your system? |
Good to see you- jon_5912
I am impressed that there is a FB page for our beloved speakers. Happy Listening! |
Always good to see you- oblgny
Happy Listening!
Good to see you here- Drrsutliff
Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- prof and saffron_boots
Yes, I believe there is a need for a 'SE' registry. I own pair- 177/178.
Happy Listening!
Another thought on a 'SE' registry; an exact number (#) of pairs produced is helpful to determine (hopefully) left over parts, drivers, cross-overs...etc., that are still stocked w/ Rob in KY.
PLease list your serial #'s on the CS 2.4SE models as soon as possible.
Happy Listening!
both ARC and CJ are sonic matches for Thiel loudspeakers.
Happy Listening!
Thanks! for the follow up as to wether or not Larry worked for Jim Thiel.
An official "registry" could be of use to Rob in Kentucky.
Happy Listening!
As above, I will second Audience "e" and "AU" cabling. My first real taste of a high end system was rounded out by Audience cabling. I would be interested in re-visiting the newest offerings. Happy Listening! |
The ARC Ref5 SE is tops in my book- William. You would hard-pressed to find one better.
Happy Listening!
Agreed. It is a cool invention (grill) that adds a touch of elegance to these loudspeakers.
Happy Listening! |