Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

Very nice- bobsjr4

Dallas has quite a musical scene. Not too far from Austin as well.
Enjoy the Music.  Happy Listening!
Those are classic models at a great price.  Keep me posted.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you guys-

Yes, A/C conditioning is dependent upon your locale. Once your gear is truly broken-in and burned-in, every day will be a "Good Ear Day!"

Happy Listening!

I enjoyed the recent review on the AX-5 Twenty via HiFi News & Record Review as well. Pretty remarkable that they chose 2020 to review/test this Integrated amp. 

Happy Listening!
TY- bobsjr4

nice pics and a very nice system! I spotted a sweet pair of CS 2.4 loudspeakers!  Happy Listening!

living in the vicinity of one of our major U.S. cities, you and others will certainly experience this phenomenon.  Airports are to cite and blame as well due to radar / signal blocking capabilities and daily operating RF/EMI
functions.  Another consideration is living in a certain radius of Military bases/depots/annexes.

Otherwise, radiation, is a prime culprit- computers, hard phone lines, cable lines, cell phones, smart phones, satellite phones...etc.

Happy Listening!

is the year that I had a personal discovery in better Audio via a Yamaha stack at the local mall stereo store (remember those?).
I wish that I could recall the speakers and cabling used ?

Happy Listening!

Welcome! ranchhand1

Thank You for your contribution to our thread. I wonder if anyone is enjoying Thiel speakers prior to 1986?

Happy Listening!
Good to see your return- saffron_boots

excellent points and observations.  Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- robinbarbour-

what year did you discover Thiel speakers? For me, it was 2012.
Yes, I had B&W 805 speakers back in the 2000's. Fine speaker for a standmount monitor.

Back in the 80's, late 80's to be sure, all I could afford was mid-fi Sony.
Even that Yamaha stack was out of reach.  No complaints though-
the Sony gear got me from 1988 to 2003.
Nice pics inVirtual Systems- saffron_boots.

I saw the retired section- Pioneer BDP-09-  did you sell it or something?

Happy Listening!
Very nice- the BDP-09 was Pioneer's last "Elite" player made in Japan.
You bet it is superior to any Oppo.
I have read about stories like yours- saffron_boots

Sadly, some of you guys got bought lemons for sure. I still use an Elite 59-AVi for DVD duty and it is outstanding!  I only wished it played blu-rays.

I hold the film/movie companies responsible, as most discs, having too many codec(s) therefore making the player companies (like Sony ES and Pioneer Elite) constantly developing software/firmware updates.
Good to see you- thieliste

how is your auditioning of gear and cabling working out?
Which brands have you tested?
Excellent! thieliste

while in Florida, take every chance to visit as many dealers/retailers as possible on your trip.  Take listening notes on the dealers/retailers that you do visit.  I am interested in your future findings.
I would certainly visit the factory. You will not receive that kind of attention to detail(s) at an Audio Show.  Happy Listening!
Very nice! thieliste

I did not know that VAC is located in Florida?
VAC and VTL are sonic matches for Thiel speakers.

Safe Travels!


Thank You for the continued Thiel history lessons. Good to read that you are having fun with the 02 model. Spring,  is just around the corner.

Happy Listening!


Nice catch. Hope those 3.6 speakers find the next good home.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you- oblgny

I have been missing you guys?  Good to read about returning to your former glory!  No- I have not decided nor had an opportunity to demo any gear as of late.  It will be Spring before I can take any (pleasure) road trip.

Yes, Pass Labs is very much a modern sonic match for Thiel speakers.
I believe PL to be the best solid -state in 2017.    I certainly want to visit a dealer/retailer w/ both .5 and .8 amps in showroom(s) for direct comparisons.

Transparent cabling is a sonic match for Pass Labs.  You may be the first, that I have read about, using the brand on B.A.T. gear? 

What level(s) is/are your cables and cords?  I can tell you from experience that is gets "better" as you go up the product chain.  Hopefully, you have  a local dealer/retailer to assist.
Welcome! junzhang10
Kimber Kable is a sonic match for Thiel loudspeakers. You have a very nice system listed.  Are pics posted in Virtual Systems?
Never! stop spending -William,

I had to research my notes from my last system circa 2005.

I had all Transparent "super" IC and SP. This would be based upon the MM2
catalog from the same period.

I was very fortunate to have a Transparent dealer/retailer in New Orleans (Audio Resource) at that time.  The owner and myself struck up an instant friendship based on our love of Music and the High End.

He featured a generous in-home trial period on all gear and cabling.
I started out w/ the "Link 100/200" then the "music link". After hearing the "super" in my system, my listening space, it was all over. I saw no need to  move further up the chain.  My old system was Rotel separates, B&W 805N
Sony ES  player. Stock PC on the gear. Richard Gray Power Company
power/line conditioner, as I lived near, a Utility relay station for the city.
The system sounded outstanding after midnight to 6am.

after traveling the last 6 years and being in a position to visit more out-of-state (I have none in my home state) dealers/retailers, there exists a phenomenal difference between the middle tier and top tier for Transparent Cabling.  Specifically, moving up from the "super" into "reference/reference XL" territory is very, very sweet.

And moving further up from "reference" into OPUS...beyond description.
2nd Note;
to date- I have not heard the newest Gen 5 cabling/cords.
All of my listening, auditioning, is based upon the MM2 series and quite frankly, I do not see any reason to move from MM2 to Gen 5.

Happy Listening!
Right On! thieliste

I have only read about CH Precision in the audio mags. Additionally, I have not heard the Sabrina either.  I did demo the Sophia and Sasha several times over the years.  I auditioned the SF The Toy speaker as well.

Have fun and report back w/ your thoughts / impressions. Most important, check out and inquire about cabling!
I have read about David Berning gear over the years- thieliste.

Happy Listening!
The EU including Germany, is really building some outstanding gear right now.  Most of it does make here to America.  As always, there are some sweet cabling options, coming from this region of the world as well.

Happy Listening!
TY- thieliste

I will look into those products. Have you heard them?

Happy Listening!
Right On! Jay,

I have been around Audio long enough to learn that a proper mix of cabling can work, if carefully selected.  Happy Listening!
Very nice! thieliste

I look forward in your report on the TB integrated.  Have you heard the DarTzeel ?

Happy Listening!
I am not sure about Nordost being a sonic match for Thiel speakers- thieliste ?

I have not had a demo of proper on this combo.  I will say that most Nordost has a silver aspect to it, based on my CS 2.4se loudspeakers, Silver is not suggested- too revealing or "bright".  I hope if someone out there is using Nordost cabling w/ his Thiel speakers, he will chime in.

I have only heard the Blue Heaven and Red Dawn models on JM Labs and
Pro Ac speakers w/ Naim and Bryston gear. These were different systems, different rooms and different dealers/retailers over the years.

Keep me posted if you get a chance to listen to this combo.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you- oblgny

I have seen Audio Den pop up in various discussions in other forums.
The shop seems to have an excellent reputation. Do you know the level
of Transparent Audio products?  Does the store carry all cabling up to Reference Level?  OPUS level?

Yes, I have been following the Winter storm- William.
It is good to kick back to some Jazz music after shoveling all of that snow!

Happy Listening!
Good to see you- cadence151

I posted a comment and suggestion on your thread.  Keep me posted and Happy Listening!