Thiel cs3.6 keep blow up mid/tweter driv

I have Thiel cs3.6 hook up with Simm Audio Moon W-5 amp.
and Denon 5700av. receiver for pre amp. and it keep blew
up my midrange/tweeter driver. Any suggestion to solve
this problem
I have a Thiel 3.6 as well being driven by a Krell FPB200 and so far I only have one tweeter go bad on me in almost 2 1/2 years that I have it.I called Thiel and they shipped me a new one right away after I called and told them about it.Give them a call and I'm sure they will give a better answer than any of us here.Thiel is one of the best when it comes to customer service.
On a side note I also read on another forum about somebody who had the 3.6s and had 3 or 4 sets of mids and tweeters go bad in a couple of years time. If I remember it correctly he sent them back to Thiel and they found that their's something wrong with the speakers crossover. Thiel fixed the problem and he never had a driver go bad on him since.
thiels are wery demanding of quality amplification & lotsa current - normally, i'd take the adwice of drtmth58 & cornfedboy. but, in this case, yer amp is up to the task. so, i'd suspect ewe have a problem similar to that referred-to by rmml. call thiel, & they should take care of it for ewe.

good luck, doug s.

I had the same problem with my 3.6's. In my system it turned out to be a micro-short in the interconnect between the pre and amp. Thiel told me the 3.6 drivers will pop everytime if there is a problem in the upstream electronics.