Thiel 7.2 and the 3.7

Hello Folks:

Wondering if anyone has had the early opportunity to compare the sound of these speakers. The 7.2 is the best speaker I have ever heard and judging by the buzz and company releases on the 3.7, it should be an experience.


I demoed the 3.7's last night. The problem is that they were not broken in, they only had 25 hours on them. Anyone who has owned Thiels knows that 25 hours in nowhere near enough time. My initial impression is that the sound stage was HUGE. They were also very smooth, smoother than other Thiels, which can be a little edgy. I won't judge the bass yet. I am going back in a couple weeks after they are broken in. Physically they were slightly taller than the 2.4, and much deeper. More to come . . .
Aha, someone else has heard them....does this mean Thiel have finally started shipping?
Yeah. I think so. Finally. It sounds like they had some driver mfg. problems initially. It seems like they go through this ever time. Maybe Jim Thiel should start to take these things into account before announcing time frames on delivery. Seems like common sense. This isn't the first time this has happened.
I notice from the Thiel site that the CS7.2 model is no longer listed - guess once the 3.7 is out (any month now!) then production on a new super speaker might be announced......CS8?
Wow. The CS6 gone and now the 7.2. Amazing.

I know the hope is for a "super speaker," but is there any hint that the 3.7 wonder technology might trickle down into a new 2.5?