Theta Compli FAQ

Hey Guys wondering if you could help me with some questions about the Theta Compli. I am really interested in this player, its got lots of features including SDI output to keep an all digital video signal. The question I have is about sound quality, in particular cd playback. I still listen to lots of cds and was wondering what i can expect from this player, i dont think a $4500 universal will match a $4500 cd player, so i was wondering what level of cd playback would this player match. I am also wondering about the quality of the dacs in this player, i know the David was an all digital transport, and that the only reason they probably put Dacs in the Compli is because of the lack of a universal digital output for high res audio. The player is also suppose to be with a Gen8 Dac. I dont have the money for that, but a DAC from MSB or Perpetual Tech could be purchased for the player. Any help you provide would be much useful.
Well, I own both the Compli and Gen VIII and I think it is a killer unit. It replaced my Theta Data Basic II transport which was one of the best out there. The Compli is comparable in sound, a little less forward in the mids than the Data Basic II. The Compli is based on the $1200 Pioneer Elite unit. They focus most of the mods on the audio playback. As far as I am told the only thing they do with the video is isolate it a little more and tweak the power supply to reduce video noise. The video DACS are the ones that come with the Pioneer unit.

I plan on using my unit for SACD/DVD-A when Theta has the module available for my Gen VIII. If your primary focus is going to be CD and would look at the Ayre CX-7 and get an inexpensive DVD player. The CX-7 a killer unit at the price.

Otherwise, get the Compli and look at used Theta Gen Va dacs. I have seen a lot of them going selling in the low $1000s. I had a Gen Va amd it is a great unit.
I have a question for Hfriedman. You said that you will use your unit for SACD/DVD-A when Theta has the module available for the Gen VIII. First question - do you know when that module will be available? Second question - won't the Compli need modifications as well? Currently the signal for SACD and DVD-A is only output through the analog outputs of the Compli, correct? If I am correct, from whence comes the signal that the "SACD module" in the Gen VIII will process?


Well im really hoping to go with a universal player, because all formats are important to me, its just that i have heard some units really suffer on standard cd playback, I heard the Linn universal players suffer from this. I have read some great reviews from the esoteric, but it does not have SDI output, and is a little more pricey than the Theta. Would you guys think that this player would be able to compete with a $2000 standalone cd player, such as a Classe CDP-10?