Theta CBIII to Compli full digital connection

I have been waiting for more info on the upgrades to the CBIII and Compli allowing full High Bandwith digital connection. I want to ungrade my CBII and purchase the Compli. I mainly use my system for HT but it is quite good for music also. Anyone heard anything?

Current set-up:

Theta CBII-8 ch Extreme Surround Controller
Panasonic DVD player(older universal unit)
Aragon Palladium Monoblock (5 of them @4ohms/400w ea)
Magnepan MG/3.5R (Pair for front)
Magnepan MG/3.3R (Pair for rear)
Vandersteen 2W Sub(4 - 1 for each Maggie)
SLS HT28R (Ribbon Center ch)
Sunfire True MKII (2 - Stereo center sub)
Sinergistic Master A/C Coupler (power cords)
Audio Truth Opalx3 (Balanced analog interconnects)
Wireworld SuperNovaIII (Glass toslink digital cables)
Best Cable (Glass toslink digital cables)
Monster 1000 Silver (coax digital and component cables)
Custom air suspension platforms

Good luck. Every know and then I write Theta a letter about it and get standard bs - its coming, no we are a small company, next quarter, blah blah blah. I'd buy a compli in a minute & I know about 5 others would too if they would put the interface together.
On another note, I asked about a DVI/HDMI video board, they responded, the direction of digital connections has not been estblished, so we will wait till that finalizes.
Funny thing though, a week after I wrote that letter, I read that they have a new surround sound processor with those connections.
Go figure Theta.
I recently purchased the Compli and that was after conducting home auditions of Classe's new DVD player and also viewing Esoteric's new unit. Personally I felt that the Compli had an edge over the other products from a video standpoint, and on par for sound. The audio portion of the new Classe's $6,500 unit is and sounds exceptional but being that mine is used primarely for HT, $1,500 less, my decision was easy to make. As far as any upgrades in the works to full B/W is something that I did not hear when discussing the Compli with the local Theta rep. What I did take away is that if there are "upgrades" coming out, there is a preferential cost for original owners to have the unit upgraded. Why not enjoy the product now and know that something is in the works for a later date? Mine was purchased with the DVI output and I was informed that HDMI is not favored by Theta due to its small and "fragile" design. I agree that DVI is far more "beefy" compared to those very small contact of the HDMI connector. What I do miss is the XLR outputs (have the cables already) for analog audio as that is the only way you can play SACD's. It is a beautiful design, excellent performance and a company that is still proud of what they stand for. I will talk to my dealer and see what if anything he knows about the upgrade.