The ultimate system? Cost no object

If you could pick, the best of amp, pre-amp, digital or analog, cables, speaker cables and speakers...combo that come's close to the real "thing".I listened, few years back in Vegas (CES)VAC, Spectral, Avalon, in Spectral room, at the "Golden Nugge" How anything, can be any better?
I heard a Wadia-Ayre frontend playing to the Nearfield Accoustics Pipedreams-Wow!!! I don't which was more incredible, the $80k price tag or the 144 drivers that had me looking for Natalie Merchant hiding somewhere in the store. In regard to speakers,the Pipedreams are as real as it gets.
Burmester transport and converter(about$60000.00),Dynaudio reference electronics($150000.00),Kharma(don't remember the name) loudspeakers-$1000000.00.
Hey Mikhail If this is your dream system I'm sorry for you. Burmester gimme a break is there a worse sounding high end amp? ...I suggest you go to Germany and listen to that so called best system...coz i did...and I say crapolla..
Kuzma XL Turntable The Latest Triplanar Arm Clearaudio Insider Reference Wood Cartridge Transparent Audio Reference Phono cable Conrad Johnson Premier 15 phono stage Conrad Johnson ART pre-amp Conrad Johnson Premier 8A BRIDGED pairs Avalon Sentinel All wired with Transparent Audio XL cables & One Transparent Audio Power Isolator XL on each component or chassis.