The Problem with Synergistic Research

The problem is one that a number of cable makers suffer from. I preface my remarks by noting this not a problem that is exclusive to Synergistic Research. I use SR as an example because I am more familiar with their cables than with the cables of other companies that have the same problem.

The problem is the cost of incremental improvements. SR makes some great products. But, in spite of their copy writing, not all SR products are great, IMO. Some SR products have made great improvements in my system -- like the Tesla SE Hologram D power cord. That having been said, in retrospect, despite the bally-hoo that surrounds SR product launches, most of their products have brought no more than incremental improvements to my system. Products from other cable companies have brought equal or greater improvements for me -- often at much lower cost.

The problem is that SR has such fast-paced marketing with products coming out at a gallop supplanting recently released products -- such as the SR line of PowerCell conditioners -- that I sometimes feel I have been left in the dust.

We cannot stop the relentless march of technology. But at the high price of most of SR's offerings one is often left with sense of being left out instead of left in when new products come on the heels of products one has just purchased. The SR trade-up program does not remedy this problem at all, IMO.

There are many other cable companies without fast-paced marketing that provide equal or better value for the money, IMO. Companies like Bybee, HiDiamond and Cardas. I am probably not the only one who feels as I do about SR and other companies with fast-paced marketing.
Joey- I think you may be missing my goals here. The Powercell does NOT protect my system AT ALL, per Elliot at Synergistic. Nor yours, nor anyone else's. I am after protection of my system investment, which I had erroneously thought the Powercell did.

The new P-10 has several orders of magnitude more capacity than their old product, with the additional benefit of keeping the input to my components at a steady 120v. I auditioned it in my system this weekend and found it to be exactly what I was looking for. No dynamics limitation, no negative effects whatsoever. I have 2 on their way to me for my home system - putting the other backinto my office system this morning.
Apparently my post of this morning got trashed/misplaced. Joey- I believe you are misunderstanding my issue. I want to PROTECT MY SYSTEM. The Synergistic Powercells do not protect mine, yours or anyone else's system, per Elliot at Synergistic a few days ago. I don't even think they surge protect.

The new PS Audio P-10 has many times the capacity of their old products - 1 on each amp will work fine for me, as I discovered this weekend. No limitations, quieter noise floor and a steady, clean 120v - that's what I am looking for, as well as good protection. Kills several birds with 1 stone, and exactly what I was looking for. I ordered 2 yesterday.

I can't address their prior gear, but I can the current P-10 and my system had absolutely no problem at any volumes - musicality in fact was even better through the p-10 than the Powercell, since some edginess I hadn't noticed before was gone in the P-10 speaker, but of course that's subjective
Patented? I would like to know the patent number. I have been looking on a patent web site and haven't been able to find it.

In addition, what I (and many others) would like is to have the company provide measurements of a system with and without the technology in question, or in the case of a room treatment product, the before and after room measurements, so we can see for ourselves before we go through the purchase/evaluation process. I don't have any SR dealers within a short distance of me and I would prefer to first understand the technology, look at actual measurements and then if I'm interested, do an evaluation and THEN make the purchase. I do this on products (technology) I'm not comfortable with once they exceed a certain price point.

Case in point, before I started heavily investing in certain cables, I had to talk to various engineers, read technical papers that had measurements that explained how a cable sounds better and then I evaluated them without paying for the product first, and THEN i started buying what I felt most comfortable with. But when a company puts out new technology that's not really common, I tend to see Red Flags, so that's why I'm asking to see the patents and to see before and after measurements. I don't trust someone else's ears unless I know they are a straight shooter and I don't have anyone that's written a review on the product.
Fplanner2000, I have to 100% disagree with you. I prefer the sound of no surge protectors in my systems and NO power switch in the system. In my 30 years in audio I always thought surge protectors added nasty attributes to the sounds and I'm right after having the Powercell 10 SE Mk.III in my system for a few years. I will NEVER go back to surge protectors. The best way to prevent damage is to is dis-connect the entire system from the wall. I NEVER had a problem. ;-) Its not a multi-award winner each year for nothing, it does what it says on the website. Thank for your input and thoughts. Much appreciated!!! :-)
I stand by everything I said above. You have not tried what I have, but I have tried what you have. I don't have the need for any tone controls in my system - they went away when I de-Synergized. In other words, I can now hear what my components are really doing. There is no protection in the Powercells. That was unacceptable to me.

I now have a much lower noise floor and very good protection. My system doesn't lend itself to being 'unplugged" to prevent surge damage - what you're missing is that you might not have any idea a surge is coming - then where are you? I don't have to worry about this, but you still do. That's the point.