The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


My method to find out which direction the fuse should go is to use a mains tester on the fuse holder without the fuse in place. (when possible)

I place the fuse arrow from the hot to the neutral.

Anyone has further comparisons between QSA Yellow and SR Purple?

I have two QSA Yellow (one on a farad lpsu and one on a switch) and contemplating deploying two more, either yellow or sr purple - on my dac and my integrated.

@steph_alex The way to determine fuse directionality for a given circuit, at least for best sound quality, is to listen to a fuse in both directions and select the direction that sounds best. Interesting that you choose a different path, but how do you know if the measurement you’re taking correlates to best sound quality? Or do you ultimately listen and if so, what is the point of taking the measurement?

yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

Hi Ted, thanks for your message.

I thought the point of the fuse directionality was that the current should flow in the fuse in a certain way.

I am using a Farad Super 3 LPSU which is proposing your fuses as upgrades, and on the circuit board, there is an arrow for the fuse direction. When tested, the arrow is from hot to neutral so that led me to believe this was the correct way.

So I tested as a reference point and started to listen like this. I also tried to reverse but so far it sounded better this way.

Maybe you can tell us more about directionality?





Electricity will flow regardless. The reason to pay attention to fuse directionality is to get better sound quality. And because directionality is ultimately determined by what sounds best in the complexity of not only a single circuit, but in the complex interaction between components in the system as a whole, there really is no better way to determine what sounds best than to listen. You can of course measure, but you’ll than need to listen to confirm your measurements correlate to SQ which is subjective. For these reasons it seems straightforward to simply listen and make the call on a fuse by fuse basis.

I hope this helps,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.