The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.



Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

  • The Chronics are made up of patients who are considered incurable and will probably be in the ward for the rest of their lives.
That answers the question. Seems a few have escaped and are hiding out here at A'gon,


^^^ My thoughts exactly. Lack of post numbers really has nothing to do with credibility. 

  • They are Kind of Blue....

I went to see my doctor yesterday and told him I was feeling kind of blue. He ran a few tests and said ... "No wonder you're feeling kind of blue, you're suffering from a serious case of Mild Davis." 

  • Because if you pay $150 up front for a $2 fuse your gambling and ridding that winner home.
A 30 day return policy, remember?

This past Monday, I installed a new Blue fuse in my "Grover" CD player, replacing the brand new stock fuse that was in there. There was an immediate improvement in SQ. After last night’s session, it sounds perfectly broken in.

Open up your wallet George and splurge a bit. All you have to lose if you don’t like it is the return shipping charge. 


^^^ He may well have a defective fuse. Unless we have transended into a Utopian world, nothing is perfect.

How about returning it for another fuse? If that doesn't work, then send the new one back and get a refund.

  • Most do not even know how an amplifier works and do not realize that none of the electrons coming from their audio source ever reach the speakers. 

 Are upgraded PC’s and IC’s audible? How about upgraded caps? Any news about upgraded wall outlets, power conditioners and vibration control items?

Steve ... if you haven't put SR Blue fuses in your Grover CD player, take it from me ... its a must. As good as the player is, it will surprise you. Try to come up for a listen real soon. The Siggie III's are really singing now.  

I can hardly tear myself away from my magical musical machine these days. 

To All ...

Lets try to keep this thread on topic ... its about Synergistic Research Blue fuses. Thanks ...

Wolf ...

I can't answer your question of how they "work," but I trust my ears to hear what I hear. They work for me. I do think that the applied graphene on the fuses is one thing that offers an improvement in SQ. 

The only time I "bristle" is when the dialog sinks to the level of personal attacks. I don't doubt that you don't hear a difference in fuses and I do. A lot of things could be involved here. System variances, room variances and hearing acumen are just a few. I'd say that the ratio of those who hear an improvement and those who do not are about 99/1. 
^^^ Yes, uberwaltz, and that’s the problem. Its all fine and good to have opinions, and opinions are welcome, but when derogatory terms like "snake oil," "shill," "slick salesman," "goop," and intimating that "profits" are somehow evil ... well, that’s where I draw the line. Why? Because actors posing as "experts" will dissuade others, especially newbies, from buying the product under discussion. Man, its tough enough for the big guys to stay in business these days, not to mention the startups like Tim Mrock and his Total Contact. I’ll come to the businessman’s and the entrepreneur’s defense every time.

I installed an SR Blue fuse in my "new" Grover DVD player a little over a week ago now ... the difference is remarkable. Of course I pasted the end caps with TC before installing the fuse. Talk about bass response! In spades.

And by the way, if anyone is interested in a low budget, high end CD player, give Grover a call. He makes really good cables too.

Here's tonight's music recommendation. Features the great Terry Gibbs on vibes. Outstanding sound and performances. With the exception of the first cut, all are demo quality.

^^^ jafreeman ...

And then there is the Tesla Coil treatment and the graphene application to consider also. 

Georgehifi ...

Are you also in the camp that claims that IC's, PC's and speaker cables can't make an improvement? Just curious ... 


Reading your last post George, I was reminded of the buggy whip manufacturer who continued pouring money into his business after Henry Ford started spitting out Model-T’s by the thousands via the new fangled assembly line.

One more time ... please keep these words out of your dialog: "The non technical gullible," "PURE BS," "snake oil, "stupid, stupid, stupid,"

Can you see how these words in your texts can be construed as personal attacks, or damaging to a businessman who has poured his entire life and fortune into his/her business?

Other than the verbiage above, your post was just fine and it got your point across ... and it would go a long way in not getting your posts deleted, and/or the entire thread burned down by the Mods again.

Thanks ...


George ... you just don't get the program here, or at least in this thread. No personal attacks, remember? Remove the personal insults and you will gain immeasurable credibility. Thanks again ...

Thanks to all who have posted in this newly opened thread with positive input. 

 I kind of envy those who can't hear the difference in tweaks, or discount them without even trying them. Why do I envy them? Because they will be saving themselves a boat load of money in this hobby. Of course along with that, they will never enjoy the benefits that such tweaks can bring to an audio system. 

For those who can hear the difference, the benefits are obvious ... and we will be enjoying the hobby even more than we do today.

For those who are using SR fuses, especially the Blue fuse, and Tim's "Total Contact," here's an outstanding music recommendation:

If this disc doesn't have your toes tapping and you dancing around your room .... I'll eat  my hat. :-)

^^^ I don't believe that anything short of Ted Denney sending a cut-apart fuse, with all of his formulas and research notes included, would satisfy two of the posters here.  

Ted is aware of this thread. In fact, he's even posted a couple of times here. 

Not just to me, to all, because every other manufacturer would if there some dispute about their product.

There is no "dispute" George. The only ones disputing anything in this thread are you and a couple of others, most of whom (if any) have not tried the BLUE fuse in their own systems.


Ah, I see the believers are still trying to convince the naysayers. Good luck with that.

Nope ... the naysayers are trying to convince the believers. The believers are already enjoying what the SR Blue fuses have brought to their systems.

Early on, in one of the fuse threads ... or perhaps it was the TC thread, I posted about personality types. What we are seeing is a revealing of the worst traits of the engineering mentality, and that is fear of criticism. When their affliction borders on the edge of insanity, they just cannot be wrong. I think that accounts for the VERY FEW who just will not give it up. This is why they just cannot stay out of this thread without stirring the pot. If they can make the "believers" wrong, then it makes them correct. Take a look ... in spite of the thread being completely shut down, then restored by the Mods with a caution to keep the personal attacks out of the thread, and to keep it on topic, they still continue with their nonsense. That’s insanity, folks.

Take a good look at them. They tell us exactly what we can hear and what we can’t hear. This without knowing to whom they speak or listening to our systems. They tell us how to spend our money and how not to spend our money. This without ever seeing our bank accounts. They cannot post without being vindictive and argumentative ... no matter how polite we are with our responses, and with how much respect they are treated with.

The VAST success of SR Fuses, in spite of their nay-saying, is driving their slammed-shut minds even further down the rabbit hole. They just cannot figure out how a thin wire in a ceramic tube could improve sound. This, in spite of all of the good reports/reviews by their fellow A’goners.

Go figure ...


Wolf ...

Why can't you be satisfied with the knowledge that not one person posting here knows HOW they improve sound? We can only guess at this point. Graphene? Quality wire? Ceramic tubes? Tesla Coil? 

One thing for sure ... Ted Denney isn't about to tell ya.  :-)

"A horse well beaten, is a horse well beaten." ____ Anonomous

^^^ Its not me. I don’t report the posts of others. I think the Mods are keeping a close eye on this thread. Again, I encourage everyone to treat fellow members with respect.

A lot of talk has been forthcoming from a few naysayers about double blind tests. Those of us who are using various tweaks such as SR fuses, SR HFT’s, Herbie’s tube dampeners and Tim Mrock’s "Total Contact," need no double blind tests. We can clearly hear the improvements each of the above tweaks provide. At this point the transparency and musical presentation of my system is FAR beyond where it was two years ago when I got serious about tweaking the system. Its FAR beyond where I ever thought it could be. And ... this is without changing any equipment at all, other than Grover’s CD player that replaced my now defunct ARC CD player.

And finally ... rest assured, the fuse sales are going just dandy .... and so is Tim's TC. :-)


Georgehifi sez ...

"Really!!! How would you know?
This sounds like an admission of collusion with SR or employment, which is it???"

Its neither one George. I have talked with the dealer I’ve purchased my fuses from and he tells me that SR Fuses are his biggest seller. I’ve also toured the SR factory. I’ve seen the assembly station for the SR Blue fuses.

I’m in direct contact with Tim Mrock, maker of TC, on almost a daily basis (we have become friends). I know EXACTLY how many sales have been made.

Any more questions Georgie?


PS: George ... was there a second shooter on the grassy knoll?
Prof sez:

  • Oh geeze, threads like this, especially the OP, make me embarrassed for this hobby. No wonder audiophiles have the reputation we do.

Someone else with an ax to grind? And ... what is that reputation, exactly?


If an OP had the ability to delete posts, I’d be tempted to delete those that are either personal attacks, or those that are obviously designed to harm the businesses of producers. Other than that, I’d say that anything goes. Don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve learned a lot since I started my first thread ... even from the naysayers.

I posted on another audiophile site the other day that I don’t frequent often. Someone asked the question as to what he could do to get his room under control. All I did was make a simple suggestion that he might want to try SR HFT’s. Well, based upon the shrill, negative personal attacks directed my way, and toward Ted Denney by another member, you’d think I was suggesting killing everyone’s first born. I did some research and found that the guy is a manufacturer and seller of room treatments. Yep ... I suspect there’s a lot of that going on these audiophile forums not just here but elsewhere too.


prof ...

Nope,  not aware of any "nutty reputations" enjoyed by audiophiles other than the hobby seems to attract "nerds."  All one has to do to verify this is to attend any audio show and just look around. 

Who exactly is pointing their fingers at audiophiles and their "wacky beliefs about tweaks?" Most non-audiophiles aren't aware of tweaks, or anything else about the hobby. So ... that begs the question if its just closed minded audiophiles accusing other audiophiles of being "nutty" that you're referring to.

I HAVE tried a multitude of various tweaks over the 40+ years in the hobby. Some have validity, and some don't. SR Blue fuses do ... as does some others that I've posted about.  If they don't work to improve the SQ in my system, I don't post about them. 

Question:  Have you tried the SR Blue fuses in your system? If not, then how are you forming the opinion that they're bunk? 

Another question:  What tweaks have you tried in your system that actually improved SQ? Anything??

  • But it's also sometimes frustrating to be associated with a hobby that also comes in for so much well deserved ridicule.

That's a bit arrogant on your part, wouldn't you say? 

I'm  not so sure that I could detect the difference in the proper direction of a fuse in a blind test. I've experienced the difference through hearing and sighting. It has to do with sound stage information and 3-D imaging.  If the fuse is in the "wrong" way, the system sounds out of phase. Placed in the proper direction, everything pops into focus. Its almost like I can see it rather than hear it ... although hearing is involved too. I can't explain it, but perhaps it has to do with the way the wire is drawn during production. 

Zimmy1941 ...

Hi, Zimmy ... 

Thanks for posting. Nope, I haven't tried the Furutech fuses. My first SR fuse was the Red fuse. It replaced an older HiFi Tuning fuse. That swap is what led to both fuse threads, ending here in the Blue Fuse thread. 

And yes ... they are internal fuses. 

If religious discussions were allowed here, I'd ask the question: Is "religion" and "spirituality" the same thing? But, its not allowed, so I won't ask the question. 

prof ...

Interesting that you took Ivan's post personally. I don't believe he was attacking you. I read through his post and didn't find your name mentioned even once. Please reread Ivan's post. 

For what its worth, I value both your's and Ivan's posts. You both have a beautiful way with words.  As an avid reader, I admire that talent. greatly. 

What Ivan called a "road," I always referred to as a narrow pathway.  

"What is hidden from the most learned is revealed to mere children."  

georgehifi sez:

  • "You’ve got to think to your self, that system of his must of sounded like a real t**d before any of these boutique $150 fuses came along." 

Sorry to disappoint you George, but the system sounded better than it ever did prior to getting involved with SR fuses and Tim Mrock’s TC. With the addition of these two tweaks, the system sounds as good, if not better than any audio system in my experience.

The transparency, 3-D effects, the correct sound of actual instruments and voices are right up there with what is considered to be really high end systems. Does it play really huge like systems featuring Wilson’s top of the line speakers? Nope ... but then, its a matter of scale. Besides, saxophones aren’t ten feet tall in real life.

For the life of me George, I can’t understand your purpose in your negative posts. I’ll ask for the umpteenth time ... what is your intent???

Georgehifi sez:

  • "When someone keeps saying for each consecutive "snake oil" fuse addition, that the sound each time is so good it beggars belief, you’ve got to say to your self what did it sound like before all these magnificent changes if in fact there were any????"

To be exact George ... the system sounded great before I started fooling with after market fuses. With each upgrade in fuses the sound got better. Therefore, my enthusiasm with each upgrade, and therefore my compulsion to share the experience with others. . 

Again George ... state your intent here. Thanks ...


Georgehifi sez:

  • But you have nothing but your expectation bias to go with and no cred as even SR won’t back you.

1. Ah ... but we do have something to go on ... our ears.

2. SR won’t back us? Hmm, care to elaborate?

To toxic for ya George? Why not try to use calmer verbiage instead of "snake oil?" Especially since you haven’t experienced the product for yourself in your own system.


Georgehifi ...

You have beaten this horse to death, George.

Why do the fuses work? Superior metals? Added Graphene? Closer tolerances? 

Personally, I really don't give a flying fig how they work .... only that they do. 

There's a 30 day, money back guarantee. Why not take advantage of it  George, and try replacing all of the fuses in your electronics with the SR Blue fuses, then come back to this thread and post your results?

I suspect that you wouldn't dare report any positive results no matter the degree of improvement. Why? Because like many of your ilk, you are more than likely just plain terrified of being wrong. 

The effect of Graphene on connections has been covered in the TC thread. It reduces or eliminates micro arcing. Therefore, there is less smear and the noise floor is lowered.

Georgehifi sez ...

  • "The only reason a fuse may sound better after it’s replaced with either the same standard one or "snake oil one" is because of ageing, too may turn on cycles will age any fuse and cause it to deteriorate."   

George, that cannot be true. I had the whole system outfitted with the SR Red fuses. When the SR Black fuses came out, two of my Red fuses fell within the 30 day trial. The dealer (Highend Electronics) allowed me to return the two fuses and swap for the Black fuses, and I paid the difference in costs. When I installed the Black fuses the improvement in SQ was substantial and readily heard by me and my fellow audiophile friends. 

Again George ... you've beat the poor horse to death. Time to throw in the towel and admit that you are wrong and that you've lost the argument. .

Mapman ...

If I had an extra BLUE fuse I'd sent it to you. Night and day over the RED fuse. No joke.

amg56 ...

The "proof" is in the hearing. 30 day return policy on SR fuses, remember? 

As far as the TC is concerned, there is more to be gained from that product than from the fuses ... and that's saying a lot.


Wait a second guys ... We need to trust George's ears. After all, he knows what we hear, and what we don't hear, all the way from Aussie-Land.

amg56 ...

Again, for us non-technical folks our "opinion" is based on what we hear. We are not neophytes in the hobby either. 40+ years for me. I can clearly recognize an improvement in SQ ... or a degradation as well. I agree with you that not all tweaks work. Some degrade, some improve and others do nothing at all. I find it very interesting that the folks who are naysayers have never tried either the Blue fuses or TC. I don't understand how one can come to conclusion that something is "bunk," or "snake oil" without trying it for themselves.

I hope that I wasn't one who offended you. If so, be assured that that wasn't my intent at all.

Take care ...

Georgehifi sez:

  • Just because you say it, doesn’t mean people should do it. As your saying it with your zero technical cred and zero backing from SR, it’ll be like the self professed leader below saying follow me.

Yes George, except it isn’t just me saying it. The positive responses here on A’gon toward the SR Blue fuses and Tim Mrock’s TC have been overwhelming.

And by the way George, the "cartoon" you provided the link for gives great insight into why you have the attitude you do. You couldn’t have exposed yourself in any better way. Knowing what we’re dealing with makes it much easier to understand exactly where you’re coming from. Thanks for posting it.

Arguing with George is like spitting into the wind. 

What is so "scientific" about never hearing something but being cock-sure that you know what it sounds like? 

George ... What devises would you use to measure depth, sound stage width, organic realism, transparency and emotional impact of the music itself?

Georgehifi sez ...

  • And speaker room-placement also for the first two (depth and width) ...

Understood George ... but the question was " What devises would you use to measure depth, sound stage width, organic realism, transparency and emotional impact of the music itself?"

Care to answer the question George?

^^^  Exactly, uberwaltz ..

My only intent in starting the fuse threads was to share my positive results with others who enjoy the hobby and those who are open minded enough to try the suggestions. Same thing for Tim's TC as well.

There are those among us who in spite of the overwhelming number of positive posts just cannot face the fact that they are wrong.  I suspect that they are this way with everything, even that which is non-audio related. Its just a certain personality type that fears criticism above all else. .   

amg56 sez:

  • I just asked for fact rather than opinion. Sorry if that couldn’t be answered and started a war. I feel like I am telling one-liners on stage and having tomatoes thrown at you by the mob. The factual people much really be getting under the skin of the "it sounds better" people.

No one’s getting under my skin at all. Impossible, because my skin is two feet thick. :-)

You keep asking for "facts." What kind of facts would satisfy you? I’ve asked several times what electronic devises could be used to measure an improvement (or degradation) in sound-field depth, width, correct tonality of instruments, etc., and yet, no answers have come forth. I’ve asked that question several times of Georgehifi and get nothing but "crickets." Perhaps you’d like to take a stab at it. I’d welcome the information.


Georgehifi ...

Have you checked your reading comprehension lately? I asked you what facts would satisfy you? ... That was the question, right? And you answered: 

  •  "You don't have any facts, just subjective hearsay, and SR doesn't back you publicly, as I stated above.
Georgehifi ...

The question wasn't about ME ... it was about YOU. Now then again ... what "facts" would satisfy you?? Is there a meter available that would measure sound field, depth, width or organic presentation of instruments? If so, name it. Come on ... give us the facts, George. 

amg56 ...

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That really sucks. 

For what its worth Adrian, I've never thought of you as anything other than a "normal" poster in these threads. There is absolutely nothing wrong in expressing an opinion no matter how many disagree with those opinions. Counter opinions are one thing, while personal attacks are another. I don't think I recall you ever attacking anyone here on a personal basis. If you have, I've missed it somehow. I actually enjoy your input. This is how we learn, no? 

I wish you the best ... and rest assured that medical advances over the past years have saved tens of thousands of lives of those suffering from a vast variety of afflictions ... including the "Big C."

Take care ...
