The most unique style speakers that sound good?

Wondering which speakers you first seen that is so unique in styling and you say to yourself "no way that will sound any good" but when you listen to them it was amazing.I like to start off with the Gallo References.When I seen them I thought these cannot sound any good,the design was so off the board that my views of speakers were boxy or flat.I was truly surprised they sound wonderful!!!..
I picked up a pair of Dahlquist DQ10's at an estate sale.
I did not need them as I was very happy with my Triangles.
They had bad surrounds but I hooked them up anyway.
I could not believe what I was hearing from these strangly
designed speakers.
I liked them so much that I went to the exspense of having the
woofers repaired,replaced all of the caps in the crossovers, and rewired them.The Triangles went to the back room.
A friend liked them and also picked up a pair.
He took rebuiling the crossovers to another level.
He all new crossovers using the best parts available.
His 300b tube amps woild not handle them. He sold them to me
I replaced all of the drivers with Danish replacements.
I had the woofers compleatly rebuilt.
I am pushing them with a pair of DMA90 Spectrals.
I would not trade my system for anything.
MBL speakers. If you haven't heard them, make every effort to do so. When properly set up they are amazing. They prove that unique designs should not be discounted, just for the sake of being different.
