The most important piece in a stereo system???

I was wondering what people think is the single most important part of a stereo system? It can be the amp, speakers, CD payer, preamp, speaker wire, cables, tweeks, whatever you name it. I just want honest opinions. What would you spend the most money on? I think most of you will either say amp or speakers. I know having all good stuff will make your system sound better, but I just want to know the single most important part. Myself I think the speakers are the most important. I look forward to reading what you think. thanks in advance.
Garfish, you pretty much said what I was thinking. "What piece of equipment do you build your system around". It is kind of the same thing as "what do you think is the most important piece in your system". Thanks for the comments. I have enjoyed reading all of them.
I've been thinking about this question also-- it is a tricky one indeed. My take so far: speakers (excluding room, recordings, AC power etc.)are the most imperfect component, yet they are critical. I like speakers that are well-balanced: in other words I'd rather give up a little in a lot of areas, rather than have a few glaring strengths(or weaknesses)-- such as transparency at the expense of all else. One could build a great system around an inexpensive set like the Kestrel Hot Rods. As far as other components go, the preamp is a big one. If the preamp is so-so, then all else will be so-so. Unfortunately, great preamps are "bankroll". Here is the irony (I feel) one can have a great system w/ decent speakers and a great preamp, but one (as far as I've heard) cannot have a great system w/ great speakers and only a decent preamp. Don't skimp on the pre once you've settled on speakers that you can live with. Guess what: sources and cable (even power cords) make huge differences as well.I would say after the pre, assess your sources, then amp, then cables/mains. Then go seek professional help!
Garfish, just curious which speaker makes you revalue the priority in the system building.

Great question. I used to think speakers, until I brought the Tenor Audio amplifiers into my home. They were so much better and different than any other amplifiers I heard, that I had to re-adjust my thinking. Shortly after, I became a dealer for Tenor. I know some will try to bash me for this response, but I do not care. I am speaking as an audiophile not a dealer.

I started re-evaluating whether I would be better off finding amps that matched speakers, or speakers that matched amps. Since the Tenor's are 75 watts per channel, they clearly will not drive some speakers to their maximum potential. So, knowing that the Tenor's are the finest amplifiers I have ever heard, it was a clear choice, build around the Tenor's.

I have heard the Tenor's make mediocre speakers sound very special, but I have never heard a mediocre amplifier make really great speakers sound good.

Since the Tenor amplifiers are integrated, I obviously do not have to worry about a preamp. All that would be left is a source and cables.

My recommendation to you, is to find the most impressive product that you can, and build around it. For some it is the preamp, others the speakers. For me, it turned out to be the amplifiers.

Good luck,
