The Isolator: the latest rip-off?

Any opinions on "The Isolator" which appears to have about 25 cents worth of material, selling for $150.00?
Regarding price, remember it is imported and has the importers mark up added as well. To me, the main point about an accessory is does it work. If $150 materially improves the sound of a $10000 vinyl rig, surely it is money well spent. I note some of the replies have suggested a real improvment.
I tried a number of CD improvement mats over the years, Ringmat/Blacklight, I could'nt hear a thing. Being a sucker for strong reviews, I tried the much more expensive Marigo Stealth Signature. Result, a clear improvement in the sound and that is what matters.
BTW what is it?

It looks like the foam board that my firm sometimes uses when mounting presentation materials.
How many of you have actually used one in your system?

The Isolator in its current Mk3 form is a real piece of cratfmanship and and a seriously effective upgrade. Sure its not cheap, go make one yourself and see, a) how much it costs and, b) how long it takes.

Yes it goes against what a lot of companies have been telling us to do for quite some time, but were they telling us right?

My Isolator has been with me now for three arms and 2 carts, same Isolator. Getting cheaper all the time.

Nuff said
The first models did have a glue problem, change in material and glue have cured the problem to my knowledge, Mk3 now looks superb with rounded corners. A serious bargain in my arm. Works in OL Silver, ET2 and now the new Conductor.
Hi Turntabletweak,

I have sorely missed my ET 2.5 since I sold it. Any comments you could make of the Conductor versus the ET would be very much appreciated.