The Emperor Has No Clothes!!

Read a post the other day where someone characterized a server/streamer as “sweet and tube-like sounding”.  It read like a parody.  Am thinking of starting a company based on tube rectified power supply for network switch.  Crowd funding?


Showing 8 responses by audphile1

So…first off…I was the one who made that comment. It was in a discussion involving Benchmark DAC, preamp and amp. Having owned Benchmark DACs in the past, including the same exact model that OP uses in his system, and being familiar with a Benchmark sound, I made the following comment based on my experience with both that DAC model and the streamer the OP was interested in…




3,731 posts

One more thing to add…I think the very resolving, dynamic but sweet/tube like sounding N200 with the right digital cable and power cord will greatly complement the DAC3. That’s why I stated it will be a good match.


I’ve owned enough tube gear to know the sound characteristics. I’ve also owned enough streaners to know they sound different. The introduction of the Aurender streamer into my system introduced a very natural and sweet tone that reminds of good tube gear.

What analogy would be more to your liking? May be stating that the streamer has analog like sound? But it doesn’t…it lacks pops, ticks and farts. So that was my choice of words.

You seem to have some sort of a grudge here with both the fact that streamers can sound different and that I can hear it and call it out.

Now that we got that out of the way, @mdalton, the only parody here is that you have picked this as a subject of a dedicated thread. I am truly honored to live in your head rent free - I enjoy the spaciousness although it echoes there terribly and there’s a bad draft of wind.

Anger? No. Not at all. I actually got a good laugh out of it.
But…I took the time to clarify my statement and add some context to it.

Your comments about opening a company…man I don’t know looks kind of low grade and not very original …was hoping you can do better than that…

No one is immune to confirmation bias. Key is to be able to not rush to judgment, spend enough time to gauge the differences, if any, and only then draw your conclusions. You seem to think that this could not possibly be the case and you’re looking for a confirmation of your confirmation bias. Anyone is welcome to chime in. But you will get participants from both camps. Your confirmation bias won’t be indisputably confirmed. 

Few things to remember and take into consideration…

You don’t need to justify anything to your non-audiophile friends - the less they know the better it is for them and you, unless they express interest getting into this hobby. This works the same way with watches, cars, guns, etc….whatever someone is into. The non-audiophiles won’t even understand why in today’s world you would go and buy a special vinyl record or an SACD when you can this album from Apple Music thru your earbuds and be as happy as a clam.  
Don’t volunteer the information to your non-audiophile friends and you will never be ridiculed - it is, from every aspect, a loosing proposition. Moot point.


Confirmation bias is a two way street - it works both for and against. However, some of us are in this hobby long enough to have an approach to auditioning components (and that includes cables) that minimize the effects of confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias, your brain playing tricks on you…all these standard lines are used by those who either 1) can’t hear; 2) never heard and have no experience, and 3) can’t afford to own

To those, once again, no one owes any explanation or justification.


And yes my car always feels better after the car wash. I have a monthly plan that I pay $40 for and it includes unlimited full service car wash. My ride is kept clean. And trust me it doesn’t feel better after because I have spent $40 for unlimited car wash. It feels better because it was vacuumed, the dust was wiped off the dashboard and instrument panel, the windshield is clean on both sides(better and clearer view) and the paint is shiny. I think that’s pretty simple. Don’t see any mystery here. 

@jji666 you can call it obnoxious. That’s totally fine. It does not eliminate that category though. And like I said it isn’t limited to just audio. 

@mdalton it seems like this is becoming personal to you with the way you react to what I say. about what I say. 
Let’s just agree to disagree. You don’t seem to like servers and streamers and you are convinced they all sound the same. That’s fine. 
I don’t like licorice - and I don’t participate in licorice forums. 

@mdalton we’re good. But you should probably start a new discussion and remove this one.