The Big Ayon Triton KT-88 Int Amp- tube rolling?

I am quite pleased with the stock tubes, however am wondering if any Ayon Triton owners have tried anything other than the Gold Lion Re-issued KT-88's? As for the input tubes, how about the RCA 12au7's- tried anything else?

**And as a sidebar- as this is an integrated with Direct preamp input option, has anyone actually tried to add another preamp in front of it with good results?
Sutts. I have both the Genelex Gold Lion KT88 and the new Shuguang KT88-Z black bottle Treasure series tubes. The Genelex absolutely stomp on the EH, Svets or anything else in current production, and the Shuguang KT88-Z has a more layered sounding background when fully burned in, but really boils down to your audio-tastebuds and upsource components. As for the direct input theory, I run an Ayon CD5 direct into the Triton and I tell you truthfully, this short path signal will make you wonder why you have invested in a preamp at all, especially if you only have one or two sources. The first step however, is to get yourself a Triton, then you can know first hand what the talk is all about. Military Jan 5814's do a nice job in the pre section as well.
As a slightly different point, I have heard good things about Ayon and liked what I heard at a recent show. Can anyone comment in general, how happy they are with the amps, quality and reliability? thanks
Sutts, I have The Spirit 2 , but am using the RCA 12 au'7s and like them very much with the amp. Also I tried SED KT 88s will I was buring in some new speakers, but much prefer the Gold Lion's in this amp

David 2, I've had my Ayon Spirit 2 for several months, it is extremely well built, no tech issues at all, easy to bias, and holds bias well, very musical amp