The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I'd love to talk about modding my ATC's. Assuming my amp packs are a bit tired I'd certainly love to understand what could be done vs. recapping the existing arrangement. Always open to new niche solutions. Would you offer them regardless of what Billy does corporate-wise?
Just heard the large Sound Labs - wholly crap!

Someday I will own these or the MBLs
I agree,the most important component are speakers.Spend as much as you can afford on them.I would better than 50% of your budget.Even if you don't have systems list buy the speakers first then add to them over time.You will often get better bargains on electronics than speakers.To answer the question of best speaker I ever heard would be the VMPS Towers In a little Audio shop in NJ.Brian Cheney had been there earlier to do some mods,soundcoating was one I think.Anyway my taste in music is Big Bands & Jazz.Man, those speakers blew me away.At the time I had Snell's A2,then Acoustat's 2+2 now NHT's 2.4 suround a/v All very good but don't have that visceral impact of the VMPS
Speakers are the most important. But then which amp will you use with incredible/awesome/"knock-out"/fantastic/UNREAL speakers?
Why hook up an amp that compromises these unreal speakers? duh?
Next lets say you get the most awesome/incredible speakera nd also a incredible/unreal/dynomite amp, why compromise witha soso/average/bland sounding cdp?
Point is, all 3 are 'equally" important BUT first start with speakers, then work from there. Speakers first, then amp, then cdp. In that order.
Now as to the question, most awesome sysyrem you heard. I know I answered with my system as the clear winner. BUT that has now since changed. I haerd a speaker system that uped mine by some added bass. It was the Tyler LSS(Linbrook Sig Sys). However I used my JOR and Cayin 17 as associated. So the only cahnge in my above answer was the spaeker upgrade A speaker i hope to own one day next yr.
Baton Rouge
Has anyboday ever heard the Acarian Systems Alon Phalanx? (with Poseidon subs) How are these speakers 'rated' these days?