The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Hard to pick a favorite but the one that made me almost drop dead the minute I heard it was the Quad esl 57. I consider myself fortunate to still have a pair.
I loved Mejames' Genesis speakers, with the big VTL AMPS running directly into a top-of-the-line Wadia, when I delivered some speakers to his house. But I didn't get to play classical, just jazz. I have heard most of the speakers on this list, under HIGHLY varying conditions. The speaker with the best ALL-AROUND capability WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART SOFTWARE (an important qualification that has to be made) I have ever heard is the Dynaudio Evidence, so when I saw a pair used and on the cheap, I bought 'em for my place in Nevada, which has a huge room (a necessity for ANY of the big, expensive, state-of-the-art designs listed here) and have never been disappointed, WITH ABOUT 60% OF MY SOFTWARE. I also loved the Dunlavy 4-A's, 5's, and 6's, the Vandersteen 5's, and Triangle Magellans. But, believe it or not, with ALL my software, the $5,000 Triangle Volante 260, in my NORMAL-sized apartment living room in Los Angeles, sounds better MORE OFTEN with a WIDER VARIETY OF MUSIC GENRES AND SOFTWARE QUALITY than anything I have ever heard.
Magnepan 2.7QR are my choice. Nearly full range, incredibly detailed, very musical and by far the best soundstage I have ever heard. Always a treat. Lose the box and let the music play. -Might have to get a divorce however due to low W.A.F.
The handmade Swedish fullrange floorstanders
Ino Audio pi60 Signatur. correct sound reproduction at its finest.
In the 1970's, at home then, the AR-LST, in the recording studio 1980's, the Yamaha-NS1000, at home in the 1990's, the Cello Amati, and in 2005 at home, the Meadowlark Nighthawks. And quite frankly, anybody who spends over $8k in a pair of home speakers, its just plain nuts, as there many many good sounding speakers under that price range that are not surpassed by any esoteric speaker beyong that range. Even Forrest Gump knows better than that!