Dayglow, the 7s sound unlike the 5As and are clearly better. |
Srt6, I retain the same opinion I have had since I first heard Bose speakers compared with Advents in the early '70s. The dealer who demonstrated them for me exclaimed, "They are a real breakthrough!" I said maybe, but I will keep my Advents and any time I want to listen to elevator music, I will visit a friend with Bose speakers. |
Rockitman, actually it was the MMMiniOnes that most impressed me at THE Show. |
There are some who would insist that only Magico can be the best and that we are all delusional. |
Hifisoundguy, I am not a Bose basher. I just cannot understand those who praise them. Especially, anyone who would claim them the best speakers they have heard. |
It has always surprised me that the DeVores don't get more attention. |
Melbguy1, no I knew nothing about it. Do you have one? |
Hifisoundguy, I first heard the Bose 901s in late 1968, I think right after they were introduced. My dealer said that I would want to trade my Advents in. I listened briefly and he asked if I wanted to trade. I said absolutely not. I said they bounce sound all over but sound nothing like a real performance. About six months later, he stopped carrying them. |
Hifisoundguy, and there will never be any agreement as whether you are right about this. I think not. |
There were two rooms across from each other at CES 2012 that were clearly the best sounds at CES. One was the BMC suite with their new speaker and the other was the Lansche 7 with Ypsilon electronic. The BMC had dynamics like compression drivers but with great imaging. The Lansche/Ypsilon had very smooth and full range performance. The first was the Ferrari and the other a Bentley. I have the Tidal Contriva Diacera SEs and would love to have either of the other two for comparison. All clearly the best around. |
Hifisoundguy, no one can argue with tastes differing. |
Gandme, I sure this would be tied to the number of each speaker sold, but what is the causality? Would you buy something because it was popular? |
Wynnosu, I had a very similar experience which has left me entirely close minded about Bose. I liked the Magnepan Tympanies also until I heard a six foot wide mouth on a female singer. |
Are your surrounds still good? |
Lately, I have concluded that speakers have reached a level where electronic components, ac power, and cables can be more crucial than the speakers. They will clearly reveal the benefits of each. Certainly this is true of my last two speakers, the Tidal Contrivas and the BMC Arcadias. |
Ctsooner, I think we all wish we had access to dealers with speakers that interest us, but alas they are no more at least in most areas of the country. Even with Austin and Houston within a 100 mile radius of me, I don't have this.
Even when there were dealers, there were very few speaker manufacturers allowing me to even get to hear the Infinity ServoStatics in Tallahassee Florida. |
Probably the most striking speakers that I've heard were the new "Pure" series PureVox speakers from BMC. While I sat there, they just picked them off the display; placed them on the floor in front of their other big speakers; hooked them up; and played them. Shockingly good sound even then, but after a day or two they were awesome. |
I have had the BMC Arcadias now for over a year. I knew they are very good as they reveal differences in every cable, isolation device, and ac filtering I have done. Yesterday I heard a sound reproduction that I never would have believed possible. The addition of one High Fidelity Rhodium power cord raised the level of my sound way beyond anything I have ever heard anywhere. The highs were sweet and free of edge. Much of what was not music was evident and made the reproduction quite convincing of being there. The bass was well defined and deep. I realized that what I was hearing was the perspective of the microphones, not someone in the audience.
The other person in the room and I just looked at each other is disbelief. We sat a listened and listened for hours and finally called it a night as he had to go back to Dallas early this morning. |
Stringreen, true but it is an art that can be acquired. |
Well, Opus_two, I can agree about the Rectilinear IIIs and the Dahlquists DQ-10, modified. I also owned the original Apogees.
Early on I would agree with your speakers are getting better idea, but I think now I would argue that every speaker is a compromise somewhere. I also suspect that few speaker designers ever had any idea about how much vibrations were drowning their innovations. |
Tom, as I recall, the Dahlquists just had wooden feet. I don't recall any effort to control vibrations, but that was a long time ago. Were you a dealer back then? |
Tom, my experience was between 1976 and 1978 so I guess we are talking about different speakers. |
Far and away the best sound I ever heard was an Altec 604 that was all battered and driven by a two WE 205 tubed amp. I doubted I would ever find a second amp and so didn't buy it. What a fool I was.
But now Exemplar Audio is going to have 604 copies. I'm eager to hear them, but have quite powerful BMC M2 amps. I don't think I want to go back to SETs although I have seven NOS RCA 211s and two NOS GE 211s. |
Hazyj, I don't expect consensus on anything much less speakers. I certainly have no interest in what is most often mentioned or liked by most.consensus. |
Tonykay, I've owned Quads and even double Quads, the early Martin Logan, Accoustech, Infinity ServoStatics, etc. No panel speaker ever vanishes. At best they give you a sensation of listening to the recording studio through two windows to it. Secondly, the Quads, 57s or 63s have no bass and no woofers work with them as none can keep up. |
Hazyj, once in a great while, someone will post something that interests me. But heretofore, it has not been a speaker with anything approaching majority support.
I really see no reason to have audio postings as words cannot convey sounds. So in reality mine is idle curiosity. |
Electroslacker, yes I had such an experience with Infinity ServoStatic 1s driven by ARC early tubes stuff. I had to go in and ended up buying them and the ARC a week later. But I've had many more instances at CES and other shows, where I walk in hear awful sound and turn around and leave. Once this was a McIntosh speakers where the young woman at the door who had welcomed me looked curious and I said, that had just remembered an appointment.
Incidentally, I will never have an experience walking past a dealer anymore, as there are no dealer with 200 miles of me. I expect within 50 years all dealers will be gone. |
I don't think I'm ready for ceramic drivers again. I think the B.M.C. Arcadias sound much better than any of the Raidhos I've heard. |
Mattmiller, I had all Cello components back then but not speakers. I agree with Roxy54, that my Cello amps nothing near that wattage. It was outstanding but the equalizer and fiddling with it drove me crazy. I put it all up for sale and had five buyers in 15 minutes. I sold it to the firstguy. |
Roxy54, at the time that I had the Cello gear, they didn't have speakers. I heard the Stradivaris later but never owned them. I don't really recall what speakers I had with the Cellos. It may have been Duntech Sovereigns. |
Melbguy1, now with expensive cables and power cords, I think the notion of a balanced approach is nonsense. I have found that $20k worth of HFCables on an $1800 dac makes it sound like a $35,000 dac. Also isolation and better racks cannot be ignored.
Yes GiGo, but everything is critical for there to be the magic that we can now get. |
Without question the best speaker I ever heard was a beat up Altec coaxial. It was driven by a Western Electronic two 205 tube mono amp. If there had been two such amps, I would still have them today, I think. |
Transaudio, I have two listening rooms. One is quite large with high ceilings and natively pretty good acoustics. The other is a tiny 10 x 13 x 8' room in my small summer home in the mountains. I was never dissatisfied with the large room and very unhappy with the small room. Long ago after much experimentation in the large room I got it very satisfying. The small room took me two years to get it acceptable.
I don't think getting a "good" room is at all easy. I tried professional solutions like LEDE, profession diffusers, and even audio mirrors. I even tried digital room correction. Then after hearing a demonstration of the Synergistic Research ARTs and buying them on the spot, I found a solution in the large room. The small room also responded to using these Tibetan bowl derived wall treatments, making it listenable. This summer, I found another company also using the Tibetan bowl derived method, and it had an amazing impact basically removing the sidewalls and the speaker walls.
Basically, I agree with you, but it is not easy to create a "good" room. |