The best sounding FM Tuner is.....

OK Magnum Dynalab, Fanfare, Day Sequerra, etc. owners...I have no "high end" dealer in my area that carries a great tuner. I probably will not have the chance to listen to or 'a/b' compare a tuner before I decide to purchase. I'm asking anyone with comparison experience or anyone that feels that the own the best to respond in this discussion. Thanks, I look forward to reading your responses!
Linn Kremlin is an excellent tuner.
What I like is the clean sound even for the piano. Most of other tuners do not good job for the dynamic music and produce some distortion.
A friend recently purchased a Parasound Halo series amp and preamp. Since I was using a Parasound Halo T3 tuner, he wanted it badly. He traded me his Mcintosh MR78 straight across for it. He hardly listens to tuners, but wanted it mainly for the "looks". To say that I got the better end of the deal is a understatement. I have always wanted a MR78, I knew that they were good, but this thing is simply amazing. Jus using it is a pure joy, but the sound is the best I have heard through a tuner. I have had my share of them as well. I had a Day Seguerra a few years back, I didn't think that it was all that great. I had a MD Étude that was real nice, and I like the looks of it real well, but the sound was a bit thin and tinny. I have been trough a few Kenwoods, Pionears, Sansui's and a few others in my long bout with this addiction of mine.... And I really liked them all for different reasons. However, the Mcintosh is in a different world altogether. The look, the feel.. The way that they just drip of quality... (Ever pick up a MR78 and carry it a ways ?). But first and foremost "the Sound". The MR78 throws a soundstage from wall to wall with my DeCapo-i's. You can feel the musicians communicating with you. It doesn't try to win you over with extra artifacts like extra bass and punchy presentations. The Parasound Halo unit did plenty of that.... And it sounded good on some things. But late at night, listening to PBS and trying to relax with the Classical pieces, one has no need for punchy and bass-heavy. The MR78 really puts you in the seats to listen to the orchestra ... As it was meant to be.

My $0.0234 cents
