The Audio Research Database

The Audio Research Database (ARCDB) contains information about products from Audio Research. The goal is to cover all products thay have ever made.

Feel free to visit it at:

The Audio Research Database currently lists:

57 amplifiers
15 preamplifiers
16 line stages
8 phono preamplifiers
8 digital components
7 crossovers
7 other components

So, I don't know what you are talking about or what your agenda is.
Great! Congratulations. Looks good, with nice picures and a lot of information, yet to be completed, I guess. Thank you very much.
Could you post a direct link to this website? I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but I cannot link or find it in a search............ Sounds interesting though.
You might try the following link:

Probably your DNS server hasn't been notified about yet.

Hope it helps.