Tenor Audio - Anyone hear them?

Has anyone heard these amplifiers? How do they compare to other amps you have heard? What speakers did you hear them with?
kevin, you have a point there but i personally know the process jtinn went thru to form his opinion. jtinn had helped me demo a number of different amplifiers, some were his and some not. i had settled on the Atmasphere MA-2 but had wanted to first hear the Tenor before i made a final decision. at the time jtinn was not selling Tenor and in fact had never even heard them. jtinn arranged for a set of Tenors to be sent to him for audition and then i would try them out too. i had deceided to go with the MA-2s and was bringing back jtinns MA-2s and listened to the Tenor at jtinn's home. jtinn had listened for a few days to the Tenor but had not told me how he liked them. i sat down and had one of those "o my god" moments. now it is 3 months later and we are both still having those moments with the Tenors. i am just a friend/customer of jtinns.

jtinn probably should mention that he sells Tenor in his posts. but i can tell you that if hears better than the Tenor he will tell you. that is the way he is. you will notice that jtinn's coments are not singular but reinforced by many Tenor lovers so this is a shared perception.
Heard both the 15W (driving Gershman Opera Savage)and 75W (driving Pipedreams) at the Toronto show two weeks ago. Best amp at the show, and the two rooms that had the Tenors were also the two best rooms -- by far. Lush but with absolutely no weakness down deep, a rare combination with tubes of this power -- the 75W easily driving the pipes to room-filling levels (OK, the Pipedreams literally filled the room even when they weren't on!) The tenors are beautiful to look at too and impressive sitting "between the Pipes".

This was a $100K room done right and gave me a sonic target to aspire to in the future, budget permitting.
That puts a whole new spin on his very positive comments! I've traded emails with some members who say he offers very healthy discounts on these amps. Anybody else have any positive experiences about buying Tenor amps from Jtinn to share? TIA
The Tenor amps may be the next best amp in the world - and in that regard they will have long, historic company. But, I don't care what Jtinn "is" to his personal audio-buddies; if he, or any other dealer, puts a rave or dump on a product, then he should disclose his financial relationship to that product. This is a very common and well-known point of etiquette that any dealer who is not a "shill" knows, even the honest shills.
Is that the same Sam Tellig that thought the Radio Shack portable CD player was one of the greatest pieces of audio gear he's ever heard?