Tenor 75Wp monos & Amati Homage

I'm interested in your opinion about this combination.I have hear so much good about this amp, would it suit my Amati's which are 92db/ 4 ohm recommended... possibly bit much for this amp, rest of my system ARC Ref2 mkII, VPI HR-X and Aesthetics Io signature phono.At this moment driving it with ARC VT100 mkIII it is good combo, but wonder if Tenor would bring more magic?
Tireguy - Very interesting. I do not own the Berning. What I gathered from the user and the website is that the Berning was an OTL.

Closer reading of the Berning website shows me this:

The ZH270 takes advantage of new technology in order to eliminate the audio-output transformer. The application of this technology is the subject of a pending patent. The ZH270 uses radio-frequency to change the voltage-current transfer characteristics of the output tubes from their normal impedance-plane to one suitable for driving a speaker. The radio frequency impedance conversion is implemented using special high-frequency power-conversion techniques. The high-voltage, low-current tube impedance-plane is changed to the high-current, low-voltage speaker impedance-plane through special transformers at a constant carrier frequency. Because the audio signal is riding on a carrier, it is not subject to the parasitic elements of the transformer that would otherwise distort the audio signal. There is no low-frequency limit for this impedance conversion, and the ZH270 is dc-coupled, with the exception of a small, high-quality, dc-blocking capacitor at the input of the amplifier.

So you may be right. Maybe there are transformers but certainly not used in the way most non-otl amps use output transformers.

Nothing can beat the magic of an OTL in the right system huh? I cannot comment - maybe Kondo would have something to say about that? :)

Hey.. if the Tenor is OTL (and I know it is) then what are those boxes on the back of the amps? Help me here, are those input transformers?
Many thanks to all for your input, I will be auditioning Tenors 75Wp next week.

You need to be very sure that they provide sufficient power for your listening level. The higher powered Tenors might be more suitable.

As a Tenor/Amati owner, I recommend you put the rig on a 20AMP circuit, with power cords suitable for 750W loads, such as the Elrod EPS-3S, Synergistic Des Ref Squared, or the Anacondas. Those Tenors love big cords ;)

Look forward to hear what you think.
