Tekton Design Electron SE

Dear Audiogoners: I recently purchased one of the first of Eric Alexander’s Tekton Design Electron SE speakers. Here is a letter of appreciation I wrote him. Here’s hoping it will start a conversation regarding this speaker system. Questions or reactions are welcome as always:

Dear Eric:

Two years ago I wrote:

You’ve developed a family of speaker systems which fundamentally differ from the technology of all others that preceded them.

As I sit in my sweet spot enjoying the Tekton-Design Brilliance speakers I’m enjoying a clarity and balance that I’ve never heard before. All of your innovations in the Brilliance work together to present music as close to the live performance as is possible in 2016 and possibly for years to come, from Alexander to Alexander, (Alexander Graham Bell to Eric Jay Alexander) there’s no one like Alexander! I have drawn closer to the holy grail of musical recreation. I’ll leave it to others to describe the technical reasons for this wonderful sound. For myself, I can say that the clarity both in highs and in lows, the detailing, and the sound stage is better than anything I’ve ever heard.

Since then, my audiophilia has struck once more. It’s one disease that blesses the victim. Now I’ve put about 40 hours of break-in on my new Electron SE’s. I’ve noticed the following improvements:

· Wider polar response

· Greater sensitivity to the nuances in every recording

· More natural bass and highs, especially in more complex music

· Less coloration and greater purity in high as well as low volume music

· Greater dynamic range through my 10-15 watt amplifier

FYI I play through a First Watt F-3, a VPI Classic 2, a Sound-Smith Voice Cartridge mated to a Sound-Smith preamp and an Oppo Universal Player. All of these feed to a passive line stage coupled to an active pre-amp by Placette. I listen to classical music constantly. My speakers are placed about twelve feet apart and I listen at the apex of an equilateral triangle with slight toe in.

From a single flute to grand opera, it all sounds like perfection. Thank you, Eric from the bottom of my heart.


It was making the buzz in both the left and right speaker.
After much jacking around I discovered the 2 midranges had a very small gaskets between their flange and the cabinet causing it to vibrate at about 350Hz. I put thicker gasket material in and now it's fine. 
I ended up selling the Electrons and now the guy that bought them has a buzzing woofer. Oh boy.
Hi all:
I’m hoping this thread is still active (or can be resurrected), much as I’d love to own the new Moab’s or DIs, I’m downsizing and trying to decide between the Electrons, Electrons SEs and the Impacf Monitors. The room is about 12” wide, 16” long and the ceilings are probably no more than 8”. It is on the second floor. I would expect all three of these to sound similar in the upper registers with the Electrons having  better bass. If I were to go the the Electron SE’s, they’d actually be more money than standard DIs, so that is also a consideration. I’d welcome any input...
@ vidiot33

12" x 16" X 8" thats a very small room lol

I owned the Electrons and liked them. I would imagine adding subs with the Impact monitors would take up more floor room.
Hey guys.  I have a new pair of Electrons being built and have two questions:
1. Is the SE upgrade significant?   If so, can anyone who has heard electrons with and without the SE upgrade comment?  No need for anyone else to give me their speculation as I can do that all on my own.  

2. For all Electron owners, what has been your favorite and least favorite Amp?   Are many of you using the Lyngdorf 2170?  Any tube owners out there?