Technics EPA 100P - Tonearm

Hey all!
I found this forum and think you can help with advice - I came across a tonearm at the flea market which I understand is the better type.
Since I am not at all in need of such a tone arm, I would be grateful if anyone can advise on its history & perhaps a value before a sale? It is in mint condition and comes from a warehouse to a radio station.

Thank you in advance
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That's a fantastic arm, if it's in good shape?  The last few used prices I've seen are around $700-$800.

You kinda need to know how to check a tonearm to make sure it's bearings are okay and doesn't have any wiring problems.

You stated that " Since I am not at all in need of such a tone arm ", why are you even considering buying it?
Wow. Thank you - perfect information.
I'm not considering , I already bought it & not feel i can appreciate it.
I'm not a audiofile :-)
The bearings are OK - It is NOS.
looks like I could get some vacation money on advertising tone arm.
I appreciate your response.