Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Glreno: Out of curiosity do you think that leaness may be due to break-in. I would imagine it will take a couple of weeks just for the tubes to settle. My impression of my Meshplate 2A3's altered substantially over a hundered hours of running them. I wouldn't doubt the bass quality at all. I get fairly slamming bass with 3 watts although the level doesn't get real loud, but then it doesn't in any other part of the range either. But it is solid with drive, impact and detail that would make you smash almost any solid state I have heard including the big boys. And of course with Tierry's loading technique I'm getting around 20 Hz in a 17 foot long room. Impossible, nope it's in the loading. I have heard one of Tierry's older less sophisticated designs do close to 20hz in a friend 10 foot long room. Yeah I have seen the new spikes. They look very cool and I have no doubt they work very effectively. Until I can swing the cost, I'll use my audio point brass/standard steel spike combo which works quite a bit more effectively than all steel. I have to come up with the rest of the bucks to cover the new cobalt alloy output trannies I'm getting. I'd love to hear the Jota and I'll bet it will flesh out quite a bit over the next 100 hours or so of listening. I'll agree on the inner detail and mid-range purity that triodes have over anything. What might suprise you is that the Paraglows with meshplates have flat response out to 47K maybe a bit more. In combo with the Khorus the high's seem to have bloom and airiness with timbral details that go well beyond what I hear in Push/pulls and other highly review speakers. Bass response is flat to about 10Hz maybe a bit lower according to the guys who measure that stuff. It really is hard to listen to anything else. Yup I've become darn spoiled! James W. the tubes to
I think you're right about the tube break-in, but I wouldn't describe the sound as lean. If anything, I think the Electrocompaniet has a tad too much bloom for my taste. It was a great match with the Maggies, which is what I bought it for. The Jota is already starting to flesh out more, with the soundstage getting wider and deeper. I am very happy with it, and if it gets better, great!
Hey Gary: How's the Jota doing at this point. I was chatting with Tierry a bit about your situation as well. I think both of us would like to hear what your amp is doing. I'm pretty hardcore about lower power, but it would still be a lot of fun to hear 20+ watts of real triode on the Khorus. Are you running it with 32's or 52's. Very curious???? James W.
Hi James! It sounds great! Bass is as solid and powerful as the solid state amp I had before, but with more detail. It can rock, or play delicate passages equally well. The sound is harmonically rich and natural, and the soundstaging is wider and deeper than anything I've experienced before. I'm using the VV32B, but I will buy the 52Bs and try them just for kicks. My Jota has the bigger transformers and electronics designed for the 52B, so both can be used.
Gary: Very cool! I know Tierry's getting excited about listening to the lastest Cary 805, but that jota sounds like one hell of a fine amp if you want serious triode SPL's. My little Paraglows still do a more than adequate job for most of my listening. James