Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

^^^ well, there ya go. Another happy SR customer. 

Nice work there on the teen driving. Teen training has come a long way since I was a kid. I've seen the results of drive ed courses in my own grand kids. 

Gonna have a long listening session tonight with my friend Robert. He's been digging through the thrift store record racks today, so I'm looking forward to what he brings over. 

wolf ...

1.  There is nothing "suspicious" about these SR tweaks. Either they work for you, or they don't. If they don't work for you, send them back for a refund.  What is suspicious, is your constant negative clamor about products you haven't tried and won't try.

2.  As I've stated before, I don't care how these things work, only that they do. 

3.  I never vilified you for your criticism, only your penchant for claiming that there are nefarious agendas going on by myself and others posting here. As I've stated before, its insulting. 

4.  How would you know if any of my claims are "exaggerated" if you haven't used, or even tried the products being discussed? 

5.  I challenge you to order a ten-pack of SR's HFT's, and place them around your room as directed, and then report back here with your findings. 

wolf ... until you've tried the tweaks being discussed in this thread, you have no real basis for your specious arguments. You can either step up and try the tweaks, or remain like Cleopatra ... in denial. 

With the above said, what this thread has turned into is much akin to a bunch of really cool guys with common interests having a beer or two at the local pub. Its all good fun, until one person has a little too much to drink and starts becoming obnoxious. The obnoxious guy is pushed out the door by his now exasperated friends, perhaps with a slightly bruised ego ... only to return time and again to piss in everyone else's beer.


^^^ Nice.

We had a Paul Desmond, Chet Baker and Jim Hall night.  Right there in the room.  

Okay wolf, according to you and almarg, if a person tries SR fuses and likes the result, then subsequently tries another SR product and likes those results as well, and posts his positive assessments of both, somehow that detracts from the credibility of the person posting about both products?

Damn man, what happens if that same person tries three or four of the SR products and likes the results attained from each one of them? Oh right ... it makes that person a fraud, right? I think I get it now. 

wolf ...

Okay, I "dared" to read the 2013 discussion in its entirety. In three pages of reading, I found about 10% negative input and 90% positive input regarding the SR products.  

What was your point?

Well, the "imbalance" in all of the SR threads that I've read stands at about 10% negative and 90% positive as far as the member's results. And, keep in mind that some of the negative posts were written by folks who have never tried the products.  No one is stopping anyone from posting their negative results, so ... where is everybody? 

I don't understand why everything has to be measured and on paper to be deemed worthy.  "Measuring" improvements with one's ears seems to be a valid method to me. 
Jwm ...

Thanks for the heads up on Lynne Arriale. This is the first I've heard of her. I just checked her out on Spotify. Her "Inspiration" album sounds great on my Audioengine PC system.  Two cuts ...  "A House is Not a Home," and "The Nearness of You" are very movingly played. Nice! Tasty!

If you like Lynne Arriale, you'll also like Jessica Williams. Here's two of her very well recorded live albums:


quadmaster ...

Why not give the SR Black fuses a try. Night and day in my system. 
Sometimes ... in fact, many times, only good jazz will cut it for me. I grew up on it and it never gets old. However, over the years, my musical taste has expanded to include a wide spectrum of music. 

Tonight's listening session consisted of film tracks.  The most haunting was the music from  "Schindler's List."  Very  haunting, indeed.  Then for a little change of pace, I put on the tracks from "The Mission," and "Dracula."  

Now that I'm depressed, frightened and wide awake at midnight ... I think tomorrow night it will be back to some really good straight ahead jazz. 

Man, that Schindler's List has some beautiful strings ... but I just couldn't stop thinking about what it represents. 

sherod ...

Thanks for that very interesting link. 

lowrider ...

Same experience with tube electronics. The Red fuses come into their own at about the 20 hour mark. The Black take about 70 to 100 hours. Until they open up, watching the news is more interesting than listening to the stereo system. BUT, once the fuses open up ... OMG!  :-)
thaluza ...

Thank you for that post re: the SR Black outlet.   

I'm presently using the Oyaide outlet and considering going with the SR Black.  Question:  You say the Oyaide was "bright sounding."  It doesn't sound bright in my system ... so, I'm curious ... does the SR Black have any "dark" attributes to it at all, or do you find it neutral like the SR Black fuses? 

Thanks ...

Nice post, Andy ...

You just never know what will affect the sound either negatively or positively. Salt blocks ... who-da thunk it?  :-)

I'm really looking forward to your assessment of the two SR outlets as they break in. They're on my bucket list.

I tried putting granite slabs under my speakers, spiking the slabs to the floor (raised foundation), and then spiking the speakers to the granite slabs.  I was looking for a way to improve the bass.  Well, it improved the mids and the highs, but the bass became almost nonexistent. So then I got the idea of ordering two Mapleshade maple platforms and tried them in the same way.

Walla!  Great bass and an overall improvement throughout the full range. The granite slabs are now on top of the speakers and they fit the exact dimensions of the speaker tops. The added weight of the granite slabs add to the mass of the speakers and give a further improvement, especially in the area of overall clarity. 
At the moment, I'm breaking in two of the Von Gaylord 7000 IC's and a pair of their biwired speaker cables.

So far, I'm getting fantastic results with only about 50 hours on them. The Von Gaylord cables require about 200 hours to sound their best. I'll start a new thread about them in the cable forum when they're broken in.   At 50 hours they are stomping all over the wires they replaced, and those were no slouches at all ... not by a long shot. 

Hang in there ... and happy listening. 

I love you guys.   Hangin' out here is a lot of fun. 

Somehow I think we'll be hearing *crickets* from old Labtec for awhile.

Could the name "labtec" be a clue to his opinionated thinking?  Is the audio hobby all about measurements in his world? Not knocking the guy here, as I know a couple of folks just like that.

He's the guy who is more interested in the dwell rate of the aftermarket hot rod camshaft rather than the increased push-back in the seat under acceleration. Or, the guy in the lab coat who says that if two amps measure the same, they have to sound the same. (remember him?) 

Time for the morning listening session. Gotta go before all of the neighbors get on the grid with their air conditioners. 

Hang in there ...


Interesting that someone would take the time to chatter on for five paragraphs with nothing but diddle and accuse others of being ridiculous.  

1.  As for me, I listen to my system every evening and most early mornings. I post on the Audiogon site usually late at night. 

2.  Open up their products?  Oh yeah, I open up $3000 power cords all the time. And breaking $120.00 fuses is a lot of fun too.
      a.  Yes, I have talked to plenty of audio insiders. A few happen to be good friends of mine.
      b.   Yes, I've seen A/B tests at the shows. The latest one was the         Synergistic Research demo room at the recent Newport show. Chicanery?  Nope, just simply drop dead amazing.

3.   Break in?  Even my custom Originlive turntable belt had a break in period of a few hours. Quite the amazing experience. Sounded good right off the bat, but then it started opening up at about an hour in ... then, wow!

4.  Yes, I'm over 40 years old. In fact, in another hour and 45 minutes I'll be celebrating my 78th birthday. And yes, I can hear the break in process in the SR Black fuses. Quite remarkable, really. Just call me Xman. 

5.  I'll be the first one to vote in favor of the Nobel prize for Synergistic Research and Ted Denny specifically. Brilliant. 

6.  Who's misleading whom here?  How can one be misled when there is a 30 day money back guarantee on all products sold by SR? 

7.  Hopefully, you will now put me on your ignore list .... Adios Amigo. And what ever you do, do not try any of these products. Just pass Go and remain in the dark with the smugness that you know what is best even though you wont' try that which you ridicule. . 


Charles ... you are always the gentleman in these discussions. David too. Its much appreciated by me, that's for sure.

This thread has become much more than just about fuses.  Its morphed into suggestions about other tweaks, good music ... and above all else, mutual friendship among people who are music lovers first and equipment geeks a very distant second. 

With the HFT room treatments, my mono records are sounding better than ever before. I've been digging through the archives and pulling out Benny Goodman, Tony Scott, Lionel Hampton, Woody Herman and Pete Fountain.  Some of these are really old, but in great shape. Some are on the old Brunswick Bakelite records instead of vinyl.  They really do sound great. 

What I really like about these old recordings is that they have that vintage sound like we hear in the old black & white movies of the 30's and 40's. Its nostalgia time for me, as my Mom used to take me to these movies when I was a kid.  In fact, she's the one who instilled the love of music in me. Good literature too. This is why I find David's stories about his mother so inspiring. My mom would be 102 this year. 

Hopefully, the "If you can't measure it, you can't hear it" guys will get a clue and join in on the fun being had here in this thread. This thread, in my opinion, is about the human aspect of this hobby.

Now, for a little more Woody Herman ... 
Thank you for the birthday wishes David. 

Guys, if you haven't heard of Jackie Evanho, let me introduce her to you now.  She is truly gifted.

This is one year after she appeared on America's Got Talent. She waas 11 years old at the time this was recorded:

This is her now:

Happy listening ... 
^^^  " My CD collection is now in reality a priceless
treasure. "

Yes, I've had the same experience with my digital playback. I only use redbook CD's with the all tube ARC CD7se as my source.  

Before I got into the SR fuses CD's were played mostly as a convenience. Oh, they sounded good, but the vinyl rig was used for all critical listening. It was far and away better than digital in my system. While this is still true, that vinyl still sounds better than my digital, the system has been brought up to such a high level that I can't stop listening to the CD collection. Vinyl records are the bomb!  But ... I can save my cartridge for special listening sessions with friends and still be totally immersed emotionally in musical bliss with digital. 

With subsequent improvements made over the past year in fuses, cables and room treatments, the sound has become uncannily real. The latest experiment came the other night when my friend Robert (Mr. Record) came over for a listening session. He's been after me to remove the large glass coffee table (see my system) from in front of the listening chair. Well, we removed it ... and boy, oh boy ... things just locked more into place. Talk about solid bass!  

Now, without the glass table in place, the room looks like crapolla ... but there is no wife to please. I'll have to figure something out. I'm convinced, the table has to go. 

Andy ... 

Our systems are apples and oranges. I'm so old school, I didn't understand a word of what you said. *lol*  I have no clue when it comes to the digital download/hard drive stuff. I think the problem is, at this juncture, I'm so old I'm still amazed that airplanes can fly without propellers. It doesn't matter though ... its all about the love of the music. 

Hey guyz ... how about some Cal Tjader and Stan Getz?

It was a Billy Holiday night at my place tonight.  Even her marginal recordings were moving.  Only a few of the greatest song stylists could turn a phrase like Billie Holiday. 

David ...

Thank you for the kind note. It was very thoughtful of you. A gentleman all the way. Hope work eases up for you soon. 


You asked:  "  Does anyone think I missed anything,really.."

My answer is an emphatic yes.  I believe that when the Creator was handing out humility and sensitivity, you, for whatever reason, were not in the room.  

Tonight's listening session was all blues. Jefferson Airplane, Taj Mahal and The Grateful Dead were sounding wonderful and groovy. Couldn't keep my foot still. I don't know who the guitarist for Taj Majhal was, but man, that guy could shred that darned thing.

^^^  Beautiful response, nyame.

And yes ... Jackie Evancho is definitely a miracle. And its a tribute to you that you recognize this.

The first time I saw Jackie sing, she was only ten years old. Her voice was so mature and beautiful that I got goose bumps on my arms and the tears started to flow from my eyes. I realized that she was an old soul. All I could think of was the miraculous gift that God had bestowed upon this beautiful little girl. The way that she expresses herself with her hands as she sings is a miracle in itself.  Simply amazing. 

Take care ...

^^^ nyame ...

Thanks for coming to the defense.  Its much appreciated. 

I've spent some time this morning trying to analyse what would motivate someone with "labtec's' pristine qualifications (audiologist, psychologist, sales trainer and financial planner) to make such a convoluted attack on not only me, but Ted Denny, SR in general and upon others posting here. 

What is it about little black fuses that disturbs Mr. "labtec" so? For him to take the time to write twelve paragraphs attacking this thread leads me to believe that he's suffering from something serious such as schizophrenia ... but of course if I did that, he'd most likely deny it and accuse me of addressing "the wrong guy." :-) 

Here's a guy (labtec) who owns a pair of mega-buck Wisdom speakers attacking me for buying an SR Black fuse for the grand sum of $120.00. Here's a guy with the great Wisdom speakers who has them jammed up against the wall, sitting on a hardwood floor, with a huge, reflective flat screen TV between them, and then accuses me and others of not being able to hear ... or of hearing things that are not there.

Obviously, the Wisdom speakers have not imparted any "wisdom" into the psyche of Mr. "labtec."   I used to sell Wisdom speakers when I was selling high end audio equipment, therefore, I can attest to how good they are. Mr. "labtec" is actually wasting the speakers. A shame, really. 

As for my 78 year old "Xman level hearing;" I can hear a lightly struck triangle at the rear of the orchestra. I can hear the metallic shimmer on the very edges of Shelley Mann's cymbals. I can hear the uvula vibrating in the back of Dean Martin's throat when playing "Dream With Dean."  (well maybe I was exaggerating slightly with the uvula thingie.)

But then, I ask the question ... how can anyone who "knows Steve McCormack" be wrong about anything? As we all know, just "knowing" someone makes one an expert in all the fields Mr. labtec claims to be an expert in (audiologist, psychologist, sales trainer and financial planner). 

Just a quick personal note for Mr. labtec:  Surely you have a playground somewhere near your abode, do you not? If so, contained in that playground you will find a sandbox. Please seek out the sandbox, sit in it ... and pound sand. 


wolf_garcia ...

Thanks for the info on Ed Davis. Much appreciated. Over the years, I've had the good fortune to meet some really great guitarists, Ted Greene being one of them. Kudos to you if you know who Ted Greene is. He actually played for me and a large group of my friends at my home several times. We lost a great one with Ted's passing. Here's a link:

On your system and the SR fuses: I have no way of knowing why they are so effective in the majority of the audio systems of folks posting in this thread and why they have no effect in your system or mapman's system either. All I can say is, I have posted nothing but the truth as I see it and hear it.

Why did the fuses fail (blow) in your system, and so far (knock on wood) have not failed at all in mine? I did my system completely with SR RED fuses before switching them out for SR BLACK fuses with no failures at all. That's a total of ten fuses, all of which worked perfectly. 

geoffkait ...

I, for one, would be interested in your assessment as to why some folks get good results and others don't.  I don't think its the quality of the equipment being used, as we have posters here with really high end stuff .. to wit, labtec's Wisdom speakers. Could it be the room?

One thing I have noticed with several of the fuse naysayers, is that they have not payed attention to speaker placement. That leads me to believe that perhaps they haven't paid much attention to the rest of their setup as well.

 As we crazy audiophiles have discovered, everything .... everything makes a difference one way or another. A good example was a guy on another audiophile site who said I was crazy for thinking fuses could make a difference. I asked  him to post a picture of his system and he did. It consisted of an old Pioneer receiver and he had his speakers jammed right up against the wall. Go figure.  


Some people are into great coffee like we are into great sound. I'm into both.

Check this out:

Home roasting is the way to go if you really love coffee.  Only the world's finest beans from small family owned organic farms will do the trick.

Guatemalan coffee is my favorite.  

And believe it or not, there's the occasional person who cannot tell the difference. They are the ones who buy Folgers because its cheap, or they think the burnt charcoal swill Starbucks sells is great coffee. 

Its amazing how a fresh brewed cup of fine home roasted Guatemalan coffee goes with the morning listening session.  

Dear Grasshopper ... err, I mean Mapman:

Nowhere in any of my posts will you find the statement "WILL improve your sound (or else there is probably something wrong with you)"

As I stated in several of my posts in this thread, I started out with stock fuses in all of my ARC electronics just like everyone else. I replaced the stock fuses with HiFi tuning fuses and heard a definite improvement. Not earth shattering, but an improvement none the less.

Then I replaced the HiFi tuning fuse in the REF-3 with an SR RED fuse. That was a major improvement that not only did  I hear, but my unsuspecting friend Robert (Mr. Record) heard it too right off the bat without knowing what the change was. That was the fuse that started this entire thread. 

Once the entire system was switched over to the SR RED fuses, they came out with the BLACK fuses. So, I started replacing all of the RED fuses with the BLACK fuses one by one. This was a real game changer. Mind boggling as a matter of fact. And at this date, I still have one more RED fuse to change out in the CD player. 

The improvement is not an imaginary figment of my feeble 78 year old brain. Dude, I've had some of the best listeners and an actual reviewer hear my system and they all comment on the improved artifacts such as sound stage, depth, clarity, musicality and the overall realism being obtained. And trust me, it was no slouch in these areas before I started with the fuse program. 

The system has progressed significantly over the past year with the fuses being just one change. Also included are the SR Level 3 PC's, Von Gaylord IC's, Von Gaylord speaker cables ... and SR's HFT room treatments. Combined, all of these products have created what I referred to as an amazing music producing machine in my listening room. 

Again, and I mean no disrespect here,  why you and a couple of others cannot hear what these products are doing is beyond me.

How about this: Order a ten-pack of SR's HFT's and place them around your room as directed, then report back with the results. The effects of the HFT placement in my room were NOT subtle. There's a 30 day return policy. Nothing to lose remember. 


^^^ ... mapman ...

There's an old saying in sales ... "Don't sell the steak, sell the sizzle." 

With that said, sometimes the steak is even better than the sizzle. 

Mapman ...

As a general rule, each personality type has its main fear. Fear of criticism for the engineer type. Fear of being taken advantage of for the law enforcement type. Loss of social approval for the back-slapping salesman type. I forget the last one. But, these fears are with us all. Its interesting stuff and very important for folks who work with the public to know. ... especially people in sales. 

I used to be intimidated by the engineer type in a sales situation because they would ask so many minutia questions. I thought they were questioning my integrity. With me, it was that loss of social approval thing.

Once I learned that engineers CANNOT make a decision right after the sales presentation, and that they MUST "think it over," my closing ratio with engineers went up exponentially.

In most cases, the engineer type is going to interview at least several salespeople to get all the facts he/she can. These salespeople, not understanding the psyche of the engineer type, would pull out their hammers and try to beat the poor guy into submission in an effort to close the sale.

 Ha ... I'd just leave the paperwork overnight, let him/her dissect it to their heart's desire, then call them the next day to see if I could pick up the signed paperwork and start working for them.

I've been told many times by these folks that the reason they decided to work with me was that I was "so low pressure."


^^^  *lol*  ^^^

Mapman ...

I've worked as a 100% commissioned salesperson for most of the past 53 years. In my field, its important to understand personality types. There's four basic types with combinations mixing the four.

Engineers are a breed of their own. Its almost impossible to get them to make a decision on the spot. Many of them suffer from "analysis paralysis."

The best approach with an engineer is to leave him/her with all of the paperwork/contract and let them think it over, over night, then call them the next day for their decision. Many times they will say ... "Oh, everything looks great. Its all signed. Come on over and pick the paperwork up."

Salespeople who try to pressure an engineer into a decision before he/she is ready to make the decision are dead meat.

Each of the four personality types has its biggest fear. With the engineer, its the fear of criticism. That's why they measure 15 times and cut once. That's also why they take a doubting posture when it comes to things they can't measure. 

Of course there are varying degrees and a mix of personality types, but normally one type will be dominant in each person. If a salesperson is to be successful, then its important that he/she understands the differences and learns to "sell" to each individual type. 

The engineer, because he/she carefully analyses everything to death, usually ends up with a nice, comfortable retirement because they have planned for it. They are financially frugal and very intelligent people. Also, they drive their spouses crazy. :-)
Al sez:

" Although having dealt with countless engineers during the course of my career, as well as being one of them, my perception has been that there are many cases in which perfectionism tends to be carried to extremes. And many engineers tend to be a bit too dogmatic and inflexible in how they approach their work. All of which can result in the paralysis by analysis that OP referred to."

Exactly, Al. 

Considering what Al said there, and considering the personalities of sales people who are happy closing a sale 50% of the time they make a sales call, or even less, its easy to see why so many sales people have such a difficult time selling to the engineer type. They're actually conflicting personality types.

Once a salesperson takes the care and the time to address the needs of the other person, understands the prospects motivation, and then points the prospect in the right direction, success usually follows.

Studying personality types really does gives a salesperson an edge up on the competition and imparts a lot of power to the salesperson during the sales process.

These are some of the differences in my business between a true professional and an also-ran. The most important attribute of all though is honesty to a fault.

There is a fine line between a professional salesperson and a con-man. A true professional in the sales field will never suggest or do anything that is a disadvantage to, or for, his/her customer.  A con-man may make millions by being among the greatest salespeople in the world, but they usually end up in prison. Think Bernie Madoff. 


At this point Al, wolf's material is getting a bit stale. He's like the stand-up comedian on stage in a nightclub who can't get a laugh because he keeps telling the same joke over and over.  

The crowd just booed the last comedian known as Mr. Labtec off of the stage who thought he was being funny by pissing all over the audience.

You'd think these guys would learn. 

At least, to  Mr. Wolf's credit, he's a likable person. He's really made me laugh with his previous performances, but ... that was in a different nightclub. :-)

Now, back to the music ...

Robert (Mr. Record) is coming over tonight for a listening session. I've been breaking in the Von Gaylord speaker cables and two of Von Gaylord's IC's. These cables are bringing a whole new sense of musicality to the system. I think Mr. Record is in for a very pleasant shock tonight. 

I'm in too. I love good humor and especially dry wit. Wolf abounds with both. I say ... carry on. 

Mapman ... It couldn't be the red fuse. Was there a change in the humidity? 

Dbarger ...  How do you like the REF-6?  I hear its a real ear opener right from the first note fresh out of the box. 


Oh my gawd!  I just spewed my morning coffee all over my computer screen. You guys are too funny.  "No Spaceman, its the new weed?"  *lol*  That explains a LOT. 

Charles ... Yes, I have Shelly Manne's entire Blackhawk series on Vinyl. These are on the Contemporary label.  

Contemporary recorded a ton of West Coast jazz and most of these recordings are very well done. I'd recommend them to anyone interested in great jazz and sound. The guys at Contemporary really cared about their products. 

A CD to watch for is this one:

I have it on both vinyl and CD. The CD is excellent. Great sound and performance. It will have your head bobbin' and your toe tappin.'

It originally came out on the Crown label. As some record collectors know, Crown was a budget label. About one in ten of Crown's records sounded good. Most sounded terrible. A few sounded great. This is one of the great ones. 

nyame ...

I have that "Concierto" recording on LP. Its a beautiful piece of music by Rodrigo.  I think I must have at least 25 renditions of it. One of the most moving renditions is contained within this album:

John Williams' rendition of Concierto de Aranjuez is breath taking. The first time I heard this, it was while I was driving. It was in the early 70's. I was listening to the jazz station when the DJ said that he was going to play something very special. As the music unfolded, I had to pull my car over to the curb to finish listening to it. I had my note pad and pen out to write the title down.  I immediately headed over to the record store and picked up a copy of the record depicted in the above link. It still remains as one of the favorite records in my collection. Not only is it beautiful music, its audiophile quality as well. 

Charles ...

I have some of the original Blue Note recordings.  As the article says though, their "dual mono" recordings are a  little hard to take. Great music though.  Do you have "Sidewinder?"  How about Dexter Gordon's "One Flight Up?"  Those are two of my favorite Blue Notes. 

Last night's listening session was nostalgia night. Most of us know Fred Astaire for his wonderful dancing and fashion style. But ... he was also quite a singer. So, last night, Fred Astaire sang his way across my living room. This CD puts the man in the room. Yes, its mono ... but its good mono, has excellent presence and its great music to boot.

Happy listening ...

Sorry to disappoint, mapman ... but I was laughing at (and enjoying) geofkait's comment. I didn't see joecasey's post. Haven't a clue who he is. 

Al ...

I believe this was geofkait's quote that hit my funny bone:

 " Only the tormented uncertain mind of the died-in-the-wool pseudo skeptic could come up with such an implausible steaming pile of compost." 

If not, then I apologize.

By the way Al, I was cruising through the AT ART-9 thread last night and was wondering how you like your's now that its broken in? 


And tonight I spewed my newly mixed Bloody Mary all over my keyboard when I read geofkait's most recent post where he said:

" Of course the other sure fire way of dealing with offensive or disrespectful behavior is tell your mommy."  

That's some funny stuff, especially for someone with a slightly warped sense of humor like me. 

Thanks for the response, Al. I'm delighted that you've found the ART-9 to be so enjoyable. Now, this kind of fits into this thread very nicely.  I had no idea what a great bargain (if one can call $1100.00 for a cartridge a bargain), it really is. I've had mine for just about a year now, and over the past year, there has been some very significant improvements to the system in the way of new PC's, new IC's, new speaker cables and some real nice room treatments. Honestly Al, what I'm getting out of my vinyl rig at this point is quite mind blowing. 

Again, I'm so happy that you are finding the same thing. Kudos to Pani. 

Hey wolfie ...

Are all trolls green, or are you just covered with envy?? 

Just wondering ... 
From one of Wolfie's previous posts:

 "I don't order anything from a company that I feel makes up ethically questionable technobabble ad copy ..." 

So, without ever trying any of the SR fuses or any of the other SR products, somehow Wolfie feels justified to just sit high up on his pedestal and pass down judgement on what others should buy, what others should use, what others hear and how others should spend their money.  
I'll bet there's a great job waiting for Wolfie somewhere deep down in one of the dusty, no longer necessary, bureaus in Washington D.C.  

Wolfie ... a prime candidate for a central planner if ever there was one. 

In the meantime, Robert (Mr. Record) came over for a listening session last night. I dug deep into the jazz vault and pulled out a CD copy of the Chico Hamilton Quintet. Gotta say ... Eric Dolphy and Fred Katz were right there in the room. Wow!  

Next? Another five-pack of the  HFT's and one more Black fuse. After that? A set of the PHT's for the cartridge and a whole bunch of the ECT's for the electronics. 


Jafreeman ...

I'm listening to a LOT more cello music than ever before, how about you? Lord, the beauty of that instrument comes through now with such reality, and brings forth so much emotion, I can only imagine what it would sound like on your big Maggies driven by those Mono ARC amps. 

On Wolfie's system ... I suspect that he's more into PA systems than music systems. I too, would love to see pictures of his system, his room and the entire setup. Will Wolfie take the challenge?  Probably not. 

Wolfie sez this:

" Oregonpapa has conveniently forgotten the fact that I DID test the SR black fuses in my system and wrote about it here (posted on 7-13), finding that they delivered absolutely nothing to the sound of my system"

Then he sez this:

"  "I don't order anything from a company that I feel makes up ethically questionable technobabble ad copy ..."

So, either he sticks by his principles or he doesn't. Which is it, Wolfie? How did you try the fuse if you didn't order it? Again, there's a job waiting for you in Washington D.C.  Its called the Bureau of Flexible Principles." Very popular in that city these days.

To Jetter ...

I started to fool around with these SR tweaks about a year ago,. I loved the sound of my system before I put the first SR Red fuse in the system that started this thread.  In fact, I loved the sound of my system when I was using a modified Dyna 70 and a modified Dyna PAS-3 preamp back in the early 70's.  It was a nice musical system.

The quest for me has always been to get closer to the actual performance, with the correct tonality of the instruments being at the forefront of the system.

A year ago, if you would have told me that I had to live with the system "as is" for the rest of my life, I would have been perfectly satisfied. Would I want to go back to that system today? Hell no. Why would I?

What I have developed in my system over the past year, with the help of Synergistic Research and their products, is way beyond what I thought it could be. Do I love the system's sound now? Yep. Will I continue trying to develop it further? Yep. And why not?  Its what we audiophiles do. 

Quite honestly, I wish I could have everyone who contributed to this thread over the past year over for a listening session ... even Wolfie.

Three layers of adult diapers mandatory. :-)

The last major improvement I made with SR products was to place ten SR High Frequency Transducers (HFT's) around the room as per the directions. There's no electronic signal going through these little devises, and yet the increase in image solidity, clarity, bass control and overall musicality was not subtle at all. I, and my audiophile friends, heard the overall pleasing effects immediately. The improvement gained is far in excess of the price of the product.

What does Wolfie - our central planner and resident member of the Flexible Principles Bureau have to say about this product?  Here, have a look:

"However, SR's business plan is fairly brilliant as charging big bucks for placebo-esque magic products that clearly cost a fraction of their retail cost to manufacture (maybe the drill press used to hollow out the tiny aluminum Electronic Circuit Transducers which should be re-labeled "Aluminum Profit Producers" was expensive, although the Chinese factory that makes 'em likely has plenty of tools around) seems to be working out well…as long as "seekers" have Oregonpapa and others to "tell them how to spend their money" (!) on incredibly vague ethically questionable products, SR will continue on."

So, Wolfie ... tell us when it was that you ordered the HFT's and tried them in your system to gauge the results for yourself in your own listening room in order to compile your ridiculous assessment. Surely you wouldn't just make things up without donning your white lab coat and indulging in scientific A/B blind testing. Or would you?

Also interesting is that you continually rail against profits and prices. That speaks volumes in itself.

Feelin' the Bern, are ya Wolfie? :-)



Joe ... If you send me your personal email, I have something for you. Send it to:

Thanks ...
