Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

Almarg wrote,

"I would not be so quick to allege that the reason someone having many decades of experience as a professional sound engineer and a musician did not hear an improvement after trying these fuses in five different components (amp, preamp, dac, phono stage, subwoofers) over a period of weeks is that his system is inadequate."

The problem with the statement that a person with decades of experience (as a professional) in the audio industry is that it is a Strawman Argument, specifically an appeal to authority. It’s a logical fallacy to assume someone with a lot of experience - even if it’s in the relevant field - is correct in any argument, even in the field in which he claims to be expert. Things are not that simple. If I had a dime for every person who said, I have been an audiophile for 30 years and I know such and such" I’d be a rich man.

As I’ve stated on previous occasions there are actually man perfectly valid reasons why someone, even a so called expert, might not get the results he was looking for with some audiophile tweaks. Not to mention with some cables, CD players, speakers, or room treatments. Not too mention Intelligent Chips, Mpingo discs, Tice Clocks, you know, things that really get skeptics’ juices flowing. System resolution issues is certainly one of the reasons why someone might not get good results, but it’s definitely not the only reason. In addition to all of that I kind of doubt Wolfman would actually be forthcoming if he had had good results with the Black Fuses, you know, given the amount of energy he’s got invested in being Troll #1.

Speaking of the Black Fuse, and some concrete information, this is for grasshopper:

"The Synergistic Research BLACK Quantum Fuse is by far Synergistic's highest performance fuse to date. Introducing Synergistic Research BLACK featuring a patent pending UEF coating and Graphene with 8 million times the conductive density of copper.

In addition to the new material Graphene used and the UEF coating the BLACK Fuses are treated with 2 Million volts of electricity in a process SR calls Quantum Tunneling that alters the conductor at a molecular level for optimum performance."

no goats, no glory

13,530 posts
07-28-2016 11:51am
There is much to be learned from the many opinions expressed in this thread despite there being still virtually no concrete information about the products in question.

Well, none that you’ve been able to find, anyway. What do you mean by concrete information? Are you dismissing Quantum Tunneling treatment, crystal alignment treatment, special alloys for the wire and end caps and non-resonant ceramic body (Red Fuse) as being not concrete enough for you? I don’t even have to mention wire directionality. You’re right, there’s much to be learned, grasshopper. But first you have to find it. Knowledge doesn't come through osmosis.
Mapman wrote,

"I have been an "audiophile" for 40 years myself and have found little value in genral in very expensive tweaks marketed specifically to audiophiles compared to other comparable high quality products."

There it is!  "I’ve been an audiophile for 40 years and...." Another dime for me.

Mapman also wrote,

"I tend to look towards pro audio companies for my tweaks, not "high end audio" as represented on this site."

Geez, Pro Audio has tweaks?! Like what, pray tell? Say it isn’t so. This explains a lot. ;-)

Nyame wrote,

I remember whenBowers and Wilkenson (The well known English loudspeaker manufacturer B&W ) marketed their DM 4 loudspeaker decades ago. It was built under license owned by the BBC. This bookshelf loudspeaker had not only a bass/midrange driver but also a "Super Tweeter" that handled the range from above 13 Khz. There was an outcry from members of the audio community who maintained that since human hearing goes up to only about 19Khz, there was no need for a super tweeter. But keen listeners welcomed the super tweeter and claimed that its benefits extended not only to the mid-range, and horror of horrors "THE BASS". Today this is a well known phenomenon and super tweeters are now routinely used with tremendous success."

You might not remember the Ultra Tweeters but if you are alarmed by or put off by marketing jargon this might be the ticket. The Ultra Tweeters operate at frequencies above 1 GigaHertz only, I.e., they have no output in the audio spectrum. Yet, with the Ultra Tweeters in the room there was considerably better high frequency response with more air and overall dimensionality. They attached to the regular speaker posts and could be placed anywhere that was convenient since they didn't have to be time aligned.

Mapman wrote,

"Obviously you believe the problem has not been solved effectively. That’s fine."

nope, one, never said it. What's obvious is there's been an evolution of fuses over the years. You know, since fancy expensive audiophile fuses first came out twenty years ago. 

Mapman also wrote,

"But I notice you tend to fear problems are more severe than most."

Maybe I'm more aware of problems than the average bear. I'll sign up to that. Not fear. 

Mapman also opined,

"Maybe consider dumping your fuse less Sony Walkman and trying "a real system". With fuses even."

No fuse. No power cord. No ground, no house AC. No interconnects. No speaker cables. No problem. 

Finally, Mapman said, I'm pretty sure in frustration,

"Then you can actually you know do something to learn about what fuses sound like rather than just theorize."

Huh? I'm the one who can hear, remember?

13,538 posts
07-29-2016 9:29am
Isolating speakers from lively floors is a must usually for best sound. I’ve found it to be one of the most basic and effective room tweaks one can do.

Yes, Isolating the rest of the system from the speakers, I.e., acoustic feedback, is a great idea. Everything should be isolated because speakers aren’t the only issue. Placing cones under heavy furniture on suspended floors can be quite rewarding as well.

Mapman wrote,

"So while I do not think all fuses are created equal, I also believe that the problem fuses address has been solved effectively by many commercial fuse products over the years and for very low cost."

Nice try, but the commercial fuse companies have not even caught up to wire directionality thing. Nor will they. There is not a single problem fuses address, either. Haven't you been paying attention, grasshopper? What else, you ask? Aftermarket fuses, for the most part, while they all appear to have their own innovations and or implementations, and rightfully so, since no one has a monopoly on fuse technology, employ better alloys or purer pure metals for the wire itself and for the end caps. They employ an anti resonant body or some other anti resonant function (e.g., beeswax). They employ EMI/RFI absorption techniques, e.g. Graphene and whatever Audio Magic uses in their nano fuses like Beeswax, etc. AND the manufacturers understand wire directionality and usually provide ARROWS to assit the end user in determining correct fuse orientation. What’s not to like, grasshopper?


Wolfman wrote,

"My dearly departed friend and neighbor Lars Fridell let Sun Mook dudes put their ridiculous little ebony discs in his listening room…another expensive bit of audio tricksterism that yielded no benefit."

if you cannot hear Shun Mook discs, even one, either you’re all thumbs or just plain deaf. Shun Mook Mpingo discs are without a doubt one of the top ten tweaks of all time. Have you given any consideration to having your ears candled?

6,582 posts
07-29-2016 4:15pm
Interesting, Wolfie, that you should mention the late Lars Fredell ("The World’s Greatest Audiophile"), as just the other day I happened to be reading his brilliantly written and informative review of a Tenor OTL amplifier.

As fate would have it I was invited to be in the (huge) room at the Tuscany Hotel in Vegas for the CES that year. On the same hall with Kharma, Wilson, Pipedreams and Walker rooms, also monster systems. The monolithic Rockport Hyperion speakers, which took four strong and coordinated dudes to move them since they weighed 500 lb each, were biamped by 4 Tenor amps. I am pretty sure this was the first year Tenor was at CES. Cabling by Jena Labs and Shunyata. I had five (count em) isolation stands in the room, one spring based stand under each Tenor amp and one sub Hertz Unipivot air spring platform under the CD player (Audio Aero). Jonathan Valin, who wound up shipping the whole schlmear back to Cincinnati for a review in The Absolute Sound, opined it was the best system at the show and was the best system he had ever heard, anywhere.

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica

Hey, I know that name! Von Gaylord makes those cool liquid filled tube amplifiers, right?

"...If you take the time to talk with Ray, you'll find him to be a perfect gentleman with a ton of patients."

I'm not sure it's fair to refer to his customers as his patients, on the other hand....


Saint-Saens: Symphony No. 3 / Paray/Detroit/Mercury Living Presence on CD or LP. This is not chopped liver.

1,640 posts
07-31-2016 11:55pm
So is claiming a mains fuse is directional, and also dangerous to tell non techs to keep reversing them, until one time they forget to disconnect the plug from the mains, BANG!!! say goodbye to your short and curlies?"

Someone has died when switching fuse direction?! OMG!! 

124 posts
08-01-2016 2:32pm
georgelofi   8.1.2016

" until one time they forget to disconnect the plug from the mains, BANG!!! say goodbye to your short and curlies?"

This is a very important point. When providing instructions on how to install a fuse the first thing to say is "TURN OFF THE POWER" for a few minutes minutes prior to installation.

Thanks georgelofi for mentioning this. My post dated 7.31.16 in response to
aniwolfe should definitely have mentioned this. Most people know this should be done, but often forget.

Just to point out there's a difference between turning the power off and disconnecting the AC power plug. 
13,557 posts
08-01-2016 11:17am
Once fuses are all in alignment, next there is a Machina Dynamica teleportation tweak up for bids now to be had for a mere $2. Geoff can explain the benefits.

The end game is near! Or is it? :^)

Grasshopper, If you're going to be my shill would it be asking too much for a little more enthusiasm?

Buck, buck, buck, buck!  It's Chicken-maaaaan!! (He's everywhere, he's everywhere!)

64 posts
08-02-2016 7:26am
Geoff, like I say, I appreciate your sense of humour, but it’s costing people money. Stop it.

Uberdrone, I’m as serious as a colonoscopy without anesthesia.

1,644 posts
08-02-2016 5:45pm

geoffkait, does a bear sh*t in the woods, sorry no I can’t ask you that, because you can’t see the forest through the trees.

Read up on AC theory and then you’ll understand just how much voodoo bull**** you and others are speaking about fuses being directional when mains AC is involved.

Even if they were DC rail fuses, it would be still voodooistic to say they were directional.
Now there’s something you can try geoffkait, use a dc fuse of the same amp rating instead of an ac fuse, then you may hear something different, I’d be interested in this outcome.

Cheers George

As much as I would like to take you up on your suggestion to try a DC fuse in lieu of an AC fuse of the same amp rating I am absolutely the wrong person for this task as my current system actually contains no fuses, nor any fuse holders, nor is any such thing necessary as my system is completely independent of house AC, a couple AA size batteries suffice.

For Wolfie:

Graduation day at Audio Engineering school.

The school chancellor spoke. "It has been a difficult year. Many of you passed your courses with flying colors. You shall be going on to bigger and better things. The rest of you will become Audio Engineers.

173 posts
08-02-2016 6:02am
This directionality/AC argument has been discussed ad nauseam. I suggest anything that goes back and forth 60 times/second ends up standing still.

It can’t all be going back and forth 60 times/second and ending up standing still since something is coming out of the speakers. I'll grant you the elections are virtually standing still, however.

13,569 posts
08-03-2016 10:58am
Just read the thread again if you must ask that. It's all there pilgrim. Turn off whatever it is in you that filters out anything not in line with your agenda.

Just as I thought. You're just having another bad hair day. 

Georgelofi wrote,

"A few posters here actually tried these products and found that they could perceive no sonic changes, or no changes for the better. I totally respect them and their views and I appreciate their contributions to this thread.

And this backs what the technical experienced here have been saying all along."

To be fair - and correct - the technically experienced here have been saying either that fuses ARE directional or that fuses MIGHT BE directional. It's the technically inexperienced ones here who have been railing against fuse directionality. Besides, everyone and his brother knows there are perfectly valid reasons why some people get bad results from certain audio tweaks. Them's the breaks. You can't save the world.
119 posts
08-03-2016 7:14am
I am the caveman here, I don't believe in wire directionality of bare wire, as it relates to carrying a signal.

Just curious, with all the evidence for wire directionality that has piled up in the past twenty years, what evidence, technical or otherwise, do you have to support your belief that wire directionality doesn't exist?  Or is it just your gut feeling?

Al, I believe we already established that the fuse holder can be eliminated from the list of culprits, as much as you and Atmasphere seem to enjoy that theory. As for wire and fuse directionality in AC circuits, Haven’t you and Atmasphere been paying attention? HiFi Tuning has already established (some time ago) that fuses are directional in AC circuits as well as DC circuits. Hel-looo!

now, let me ask you a question. Do you really think that if fuses were not directional there would be SO MANY reports from experienced, advanced audiophiles, not only on this thread here but on many audio forums over the past 15 years or more? Do you and Atmasphere, who one assumes have no experience with aftermarket fuses (correct me of I'm wrong), believe that fuse directionality is:

1. A hoax
2. Group hypnosis
3. Placebo Effect
4. Expectation bias
5. A conspiracy by aftermarket fuse makers and their shills
6. All of the above

Geoff Kait
120 posts
08-03-2016 12:56pm
geoff, I work for an electric utility. There is no consideration given to wire directionality when putting up power lines. Is the assumption that wire directionality matters in some situations, such as fuses and carrying a sound signal, but not others? Just askin.

That’s nothing, George. It took 10 years for Marconi to realize that (electromagnetic) radio waves traveled farther a lot farther, when they have shorter wavelengths, not longer ones. Live and learn. I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears your electric utility didn’t get the memo regarding wire directionality. That’s nothing very new, by the way, most high end amplifier manufacturers didn’t get the memo, either. C’est la vie. Of course the wire in the wrong direction will work OK. No one said it wouldn’t. It just doesn’t work best for sound quality, that’s all. It’ll sound OK, particularly to the uh, uninitiated.

13,567 posts
08-03-2016 10:45am
GEoff you are blowing purely hot air at this point. You'd be much better off stopping already, but I doubt you will. Spend more time on reading comprehension.

Really? What don't I comprehend, grasshopper? Share, share....

13,570 posts
08-03-2016 12:00pm
You must be thinking of someone else. You get confused easily.

What's this, Revenge of the Nerds, Part 2? Night of the Living Trolls?

2,554 posts
08-03-2016 1:25pm
It's difficult to refuse the fuseless who claim a fusion with fancy fuse users. Oh, and the answer to Geoffkait's list of questions is: All of the above.

The refuseniks get things all mixed up instead of all fixed up.

When you ass-u-me something you make a fool out of me and Uma Thurman.
121 posts
08-03-2016 7:33pm
Geoff, is it your basic premise that the drawing of the metal through a hole in a die or draw plate to form the wire imparts a directionality to it? Not sure how this works.

Yes, that’s the premise, that drawing the wire through the final die imparts a direction of the crystal grains as it were on the surface and below the surface of the wire. It’s because metal has a crystal structure, that is homogeneous in it’s liquid state as well as it's first solid state (no pun) but deformed by a series of cuttings and drawings through dies, including drawing through the final die. The music signal apparently prefers to travel down one direction rather than the other. Perhaps the metal wire is like a porcupine which would prefer to be stroked in the direction of it’s quills rather than against the grain as it were. If I had to guess, I’d imagine the ubiquitous "single crystal wire" is not nearly as directional - if at all - as ordinary wire. This also might explain why carbon wire and Graphene wire and lead wire (!) (not that I’ve heard lead wire) sound so good, inasmuch as those materials are not crystal in nature, but homogeneous.

2,266 posts
08-03-2016 5:15pm
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor, and surviving this thread."

"Well, you see Willard . . . In this war, things get confused out there, power, ideals, the old morality, practical military necessity. But out there with these natives, it must be a temptation to be god. Because there’s a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil."

417 posts
08-03-2016 11:09am
Geoff posted..."As much as I would like to take you up on your suggestion to try a DC fuse in lieu of an AC fuse of the same amp rating I am absolutely the wrong person for this task as my current system actually contains no fuses, nor any fuse holders, nor is any such thing necessary as my system is completely independent of house AC, a couple AA size batteries suffice."

To which aolmrd1241 replied,

"Geoff. I asked you a while back to elaborate on your sysem.What exactly are you using at home? Thanks."

I’ll give you some hints. No house AC, no power cords, no Ground, no interconnects, no speaker cables, no fuses, no transformers. No problems.

418 posts
08-03-2016 6:13pm
Geoffkait:"’ll give you some hints. No house AC, no power cords, no Ground, no interconnects, no speaker cables, no fuses, no transformers. No problems."

To which aolmrd1241 replied,

Since you want me to guess... I guess..... a transistor radio or a Sony wallkman. Am I close?

You’re close. Very close. I have a Sony Walkman with Sony Ultralight headphones, also a Sony Portable Cassette Player, Pro version. Mounted on my new Woody the Woodpecker isolation stand. Tweaked to the max. Even the tweaks are tweaked.

Almarg quoted Atmaspere,

Atmasphere 5-26-2016 12:31pm edt
"I joined this thread recently with some results on testing. Those results are that the directionality appears out of coincidence and that actually greater improvement can be had by rotating the fuse in the holder for best contact. The improvement is measurable and audible; descriptions others have made on this thread of what happens when you get the direction right accurately describe what happens when the contact area is maximized.

Occam’s Razor has something to say here! Given that a fuse has to be used in AC circuits and given that people report differences by reversing the fuse, and also understanding how fuses are inherently incapable of having directionality in any way whatsoever, the explanation that they somehow have an effect by reversing them in the holder is a fairly complex explanation: some sort of unknowable, unmeasurable quality of the fuse itself.

A simpler explanation is that the reversal is improving the contact area because fuse and holder are not dimensionally perfect and the fuse might sit better in the holder in one direction. By rotating the fuse in the holder without reversing it gets the same effect only more profoundly."

With all due respect to Al and Ralph wire directionality is not some new-fangled theory, the directionality of wire including fuses has been known around high end audio circles for almost three decades. Many high end cable manufacturers, including but not limited to Audioquest and Goertz and Anti Cables, have been aware of wire directionality for eons. That’s why their cables - their unshielded cables - are marked with ARROWS, just as many aftermarket fuses are marked with ARROWS. But we’ve covered all this before. The fuse holder theory is what I call a red herring. Now I’m not saying the fuse holder isn’t totally blameless, and perhaps there could be some audible differences, who knows. By using Acme Audio silver plated fuse holder and Quicksilver Gold contact enhancer one can easily eliminate any so-called fuse holder issues. Here’s the summary of the fuse measurement provided on the HiFi Tuning website for those who haven’t seen it.

a. A smaller fuse has always a bigger resistance than a bigger fuse (as well value as size) which is dependent on physics laws. With smaller value fuses, also the current through the fuse decreases. So the total power loss stays more or less the same.

b. A fuse with smaller dimensions always gives better results, than same value fuse with bigger dimensions.

c. High Quality special High End fuses normally give better measurements results than standard fuses.

d. Fuses made in far east sometimes had worse results than standard fuses. Also manufacturing quality different more.

e. The Infinity Power Evolution 500 mA fuse (palladium) had a bad manufacturing quality.

Colonel Kurtz: Did they say why, Willard, why they want to terminate my command?
Capt. Benjamin Willard: I was sent on a classified mission, sir.
Colonel Kurtz: It's no longer classified, is it? Did they tell you?
Capt. Benjamin Willard: They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.
Colonel Kurtz: Are my methods unsound?
Capt. Benjamin Willard: I don't see any method at all, sir.
Colonel Kurtz: I expected someone like you. What did you expect? Are you an assassin?
Capt. Benjamin Willard: I'm a soldier....

1,648 posts
08-03-2016 7:58pm
Me thinks geoffkait is using "bot speak" for some answers, as it’s way too out there to be a human being on the other end with some of the voodoo answers it’s thinking up.

That would be illogical, Captain. Your feeling snowed by some of my answers just might have something to do with the fact that you were an English Major. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. My design of an interplanetary rocket engine using metal crystal structure bombarded by high-energy ions was almost 50 years ago.



Geoff Kait

davidpritchard wrote,

"From a practical standpoint the Synergistic Research 30 day return policy allows one to audition what a fuse can do to the sonics of their system with the peace of mind that if they do not like the change they can get their money back."

if I recall correctly Audio Magic offers a 60 day return policy. That’s an even more practical standpoint, eh? In fact, and I yes I know we’ve been over this before, everyone and his brother offers a 30 day return policy. So in and of itself that policy you constantly mention is no advantage, you know, per se. when I say you constantly mention, this is what I'm referring to:

"Finally they are one of the few companies that allow and encourage a 30 day trial."



Isoclean and Furutech fuses: yup, you guessed it, 30 day return policy. Have we forgotten anyone? Heck, even the Teleportation Tweak comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Hel-looo!


487 posts
08-05-2016 10:01pm

I wish everyone and his brother and their dealers offered 30 day or 60 day returns on their fuses and A/C wall outlets. Perhaps it is more common than I think, but it is just not universally true. The Cable Company does not allow for fuse returns except for Synergistic Research, if I am reading their fine print about returns correctly.

I just spoke with Betty At High End Electronics in Apple Valley, CA who assured me there is a 30 day money back guarantee policy for SR and Audio Magic fuses. I also spoke with Roger at Music Direct in Chicago who assured me they have a 60 day return policy for all HiFi Tuning fuses, including their very popular Supreme fuse. AMR Gold Fuse from UK is actually advertised on eBay with, you guessed it, a 30 day money back guarantee.

"I looked but I didn't find anything." - Old audiophile expression
Audio Horizons Platinum Reference More Than a Fuse

"Free Home Audition
We are so persuaded that you will be positively excited by the dramatic improvement the Audio Horizons Platinum Reference More Than a Fuse will make in your sound system, that for qualified customers we will prepay the audition freight to you. To qualify, one must have an Audiogon score of 30. Others in Conus can purchase the fuse on 15 days audition time money back guarantee."

"What Makes the Platinum Reference “More Than a Fuse" So Fine?
Without betraying proprietary information, let me note that the More Than a Fuse dramatically increases the impedance from 0.2 ohms to 10 ohms at 10 MHz, thus increasing high frequency noise-rejection fifty fold over that of a conventional fuse. As a result of this increased noise rejection, one can hear delicate extended high frequencies formerly swallowed up in noise.

And because the Platinum Reference “More Than a Fuse” also reduces ultra high frequency noise by up to 46 dB or more, a ratio 200 times that of a typical fuse, high frequency harmonic texture is heard against a dead quiet background with a level of detail and refinement so sweet, delicate, and with such presence and immediacy—well, it will make you smile."



47 posts
08-08-2016 12:19am
I also admit to really liking some of the Daniel Lanois-produced albums from Willie (Teatro) and Emmylou (Wrecking Ball) as well as Robbie Robertson's eponymous solo album....

not to mention Dylan's Oh, Mercy

Again with the 30 day return policy. Everyone and his brother has a 30 day return policy. Or a 60 day return policy. Hel-loooo! Why would it be difficult to return an Audio Magic fuse? Doesn’t make sense. Betty seems like a nice person who wouldn't be difficult to deal with. Judge Judy says if it doesn’t make sense it’s not true.
1,357 posts
08-14-2016 10:44am
sent this email to a friend about my first experience with magnets instead of over sized fuses used at the time. written 3/9/08

"Pete, Had the magnets on the board when Darrell did all the upgrades and mods to the amps..You have the pictures. Tonight was WOW replaced the mains fuse..and its all a lot better. The main vocals are now at the top of my SP4 rack and the balance and pressure in the room is all most exact left to right. More detail and harmony in the highs. Things I thought were to loud on the same disc ..can just sail thru.don’t reach for the volume and jump up to tweak the balance...and shits everywhere..more depth and I can hear further into the silence at the end of the disc being played and in between cuts as they fade from one to another. The transition is quiet and seamless. Cool..Tom"

So, technically, why do you think magnets sounded better than oversized fuses?


1,359 posts
08-14-2016 2:23pm
"I think besides the increase in conductive surface area a magnet helps focus the electron field so it is less random and becomes more organized. Like the electrons that leave a cathode in a picture tube they may leave at different angles but can be adjusted with a magnet or as an electron lens. The magnet may bend the electrons towards a common point."

What difference could bending the electrons or electron field make since the electrons are barely moving through the wire? Besides electrons are moving back and forth in an AC circuit, like in the mains fuse situation.

Tom also wrote,

"For me magnets also appear to focus vibrational energy over a given surface even one that is considered a non traditional conductor. They make for a more dynamic and organised presentation. Results in better sound."

It sounds like you are saying vibrational energy is good and therefore the more the better. Why not just employ a shaker machine? That would produce all the vibrational energy you could desire. I’m not sure I go along with you that vibrational energy is subject to magnetism. Wouldn’t the "vibrational energy" have to be uh, magnetic?


1,360 posts
08-14-2016 6:00pm
Tom: "When the electrons direction are bent by the magnetic field then they have a shorter path to travel across the conductor."

The electrons are not the signal. Why would a shorter path for electrons improve the sound. Besides the electrons are moving back and forth as I already said. Their effective path distance is zero.

Tom: "Some electron microscopes use a magnetic lens to focus electrons."

But electric microscopes are not audio cables. How would focusing electrons change the sound, assuming for the moment magnets do focus electrons. The electrons are moving only a cm/ minute.

Tom: "Vibration can generate electricity that can react to the magnetic field."

Really? Example?

Tom: "Musical instruments generate large amounts of vibration..hear that."

Are you saying musical instruments are creating electricity?

50 posts
08-18-2016 12:11am
David: "The enhanced spacial information, the blacker background, and overall more relaxed sound makes streaming a much more satisfying experience than before I installed the Black fuses and Black outlets. "

Agreat concise summary of the SR Black products contribute to the sound. Except for the typo. ;-)

His or yours?
Davidpritchard wrote,

"Thank you for the interesting report on the PS Audio Forum by Mark. This is a good data point for those interested in the Audio Magic fuses."

One imagines those interested in Audio Magic fuses will not be the only ones paying attention to such results. 


"I am glad you were listening to Savoy Brown. A talented British Blues Band with some real good Marshall amp powered guitar playing. They did not get much air time but they were quite good."

Gee, you don't say?
